
Education Pioneers 4 -Leadership programming リーダーシッププログラムに唯一の日本人として参加-

About Eduation Pioneers Fellowship programming!
さて、今回は久しぶりにEducation Pioneers Fellowshipのその後のおはなしです。


1. FellowとしてのChange Management Workship

計5日間のprogrammingの他、何回かのwebinar、それと研修最終日に向けたGroup projectの準備があります。
I became a Fellow after getting placement at Newark. But this is not the end, actually the start. Fellows have to participate in programming which amounts to five days, some webinars, and a group project which will culminate in a presentation on Aug 11th.

今回はそのprogrammingの1つ、Change Management Workshopというリーダーシップに関するものでした。参加者は計70人程度でminorityの方が多く、日本人はいつものごとく私1人でした。


And two weeks ago I participated in the second programming, which was called Change Management Workshop. There were 70 participants, mainly minorities, and I was the only Japanese. The contents were divided into four and more parts.


①Adaptive Leadership

まず始めに学んだのがハーバードのロナルド・ハイフェッツ教授の提唱するAdaptive Leadershipについて。

「Adaptive Leadershipとは、個人や組織が変わりゆく環境の中で適応し繁栄するのを助ける実用的なリーダーシップの枠組みである。個別的そして集団的にも、緩やかなしかし意味のある変化を起こすことができる。実質を診断し、現状に実際の変化を巻き起こすことを指す」

"Adaptive Leadership is a practical leadership framework that helps individuals and organizations adapt and thrive in challenging environments. It is being able, both individually and collectively, to take on the gradual but meaningful process of change. It is about diagnosing the essential from the expendable and bringing about a real challenge to the status quo." (Link below)

これの定義を見ても思ったのですが、リーダーシップというとかく1つの「形」や「人間像」をイメージしてしまいがちなのですが、むしろ、状況の変化に応じた柔軟性、とらえどころのない形がAdaptive Leadershipなのかなと感じました。
As seen from the definition above, adaptive leadership sounds like an elusive, but flexible mindset rather than a single fixed type or role model.


②Leadership stories

Then we introduced our own leadership stories in a small group (5-6 people).






I elaborated on mine as follows: I tend to take on more and more responsibilities and tasks as many people are counting on me, which essentially means depriving tasks of other colleagues. However, I realized that once I was on leave from job (even a few days) it was difficult for others to proceed my tasks (although I shared info via emails). Therefore, to me a true leadership is not to make a situation where nobody can take on my tasks, but to make one where other colleagues can proceed my tasks without any difficulty.



But I must admit that I had an ambivalent feeling as this devolution could lead to demeaning my value as a professional. Do you guys have a similar experience?


③Guest speakers

1日目と2日目にそれぞれ、Guest speakerを招いての講演があり、一人はかつてNewark Public School Advisory Boardでの勤務があり次回のNYの市長選に立候補するというJosh Thompson氏。
もう一人は女性のempowerment関係のNPOで数十年の経験があるというDanielle Moss Lee氏。


We had two guest speakers, the first Josh Thompson who served at Newark Public School Advisory Board and now running to serve as the next mayor of NYC, the second Danielle Moss Lee who had an experience of working at a NPO related to women empowerment. The contrast of their focus, the former on policy dynamics and the latter on how to make changes on the ground was very interesting to me.

④Consultancy Protocol

最後に、小グループで1人のVisiting fellowが今実際に職場で起こっているプロジェクトの課題を共有し、それに対してグループで解決策を提案するプロジェクトを行いました。

とあるCMO (Charter Manegement Organization)で、学校関係者用の授業映像や各種データのプラットフォームを作っているのだが全然誰も見てくれない、どうすればより利用してもらえるのだろうか?という難題に挑みました。

Lastly, we had a consultancy protocol in which one visiting fellow recounted their own challenges at their placement organization, and then group members made recommendations to resolve the problem. We discussed how to promote a platform at CMO which few school teachers and staff are using now.



The interesting thing is that the majority of the fellows are not the ones who major in education or who have a teaching experience, although they have a working experience. I thought that this diversity comes from a mobilitiy between sectors and the presence of non-school actors in education.

3. 総括

来週にはGroup projectのpresentationがあるので、またその内容など紹介したいと思います!

It was a whole two-days programming, but was definitely worth it! I'll introduce our group project next time!!


