
物語「GreatesT’rip Jum”V”oyage」17-4 okujyou jum'v'oyage『急』(玖)-4

(前回 GTJV17−3)




「少しびっくりしてみただけあわててない! ていうかシキこそどうしたの」


「何してんの危ないな! びっくりした、わたしいなかったらどうなってたか。ていうかもっと真ん中ではたけばいいでしょ! じゃなかったら座ってでも」
「え、また? 前になんかあったっけ。ていうかいい加減に男扱いやめろ」




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Even alone.
I can always, everywhere, travel.

And knowing this, or rather, knowing that, I return to my unchanging routine. After all, only I can change the present.
I've known that for a long time.
And in the distant future, I may meet Minoru again somewhere other than here. May I be able to convey the joy I have practiced over and over again, not through acting, but truly and sincerely, for the first time.
So I'm going to stop now.
 This is really the end.
I will return to my world. Thank you so much.
One last thing.

(I'm glad I met you.) The note ended there.
No, what do you mean "the end?" I murmured in my mind, but my voice might have been heard. I didn't want that document to be the end.
I turned the page and found a little more.
(The remaining question. How should I say good-bye to Minoru? (How many more times do I have to practice to say goodbye clearly?) With trembling hands, I closed the notepad and put it in my bag. I put my bag down so that I could relax, and there was another thing that had fallen out of the bag next to it.
 A student ID card in a leather case. Even if you don't know much about studying for entrance exams, you know the name of this very prestigious school. The address column was partially hidden by the case, but I could clearly see the word "apartment" and the letters "XX".
 Siki had not lied about his family. At least it wasn't the naive young lady I thought it was. The date of birth was also partially hidden in the case, but I was born in November and my birthday was coming up soon. Our grades were actually the same.
And the important thing.
 Shiori Ootsuki, Ootsuki Shiori.
 That was Shiki's real name.
 Bending down, I put my student ID card in my bag and slowly put it on the ground. 
 I want to meet Shiki now. No, I have to meet him.
 I look around the rooftop. There was only one change in the gray concrete ground, and I hurried to that spot.
 They were placed in alignment near the fence, surprisingly low, about waist height.
 It was a pair of loafers.
 My legs relax, and I sit down on the ground from the knees.
 No way, what a common reaction in dramas, but I make it real. I slowly get up and stand there, using the fence as a support.
 I couldn't muster up the courage to look down. My hands are trembling. The wind is gentle, but I can hear the sound of a rumbling in the back of my ears.
 Slowly, I look over the fence and into the ground.

I look from the ground in the distance toward the school building, and then, "Hello girl, excuse me from behind," someone with a nice scent touches my back.

 I alternated the sounds of "ah" and "wa" in a panic. As I back away, someone seems to disappear, then rolls backwards and hits me on the head with a thud.
 I get up on my upper body and turn around.
 Slowly, I peek over the fence and into the ground. There stands the usual unidentified girl with a smile on her face.
The first time I saw her, she was a little nervous, but she was not. When did you come up behind me? There was no place to hide on the roof, and if they had come up the stairs, I would have heard footsteps.
What's wrong?
I was just a little startled, not panicked!  No.
I wanted to smell the soil and grass, so I went downstairs for a minute.
The smell of weeds, the feel of the earth, the touch of the earth. I'm not panicking! The most important thing to remember is that the best way to get the most out of your time in the city is to be natural.
  The dark blue high socks hanging from both hands were pulled over the fence. As if crossing his legs, he raised his left leg up to knee level and tapped it with his right hand, trying to maintain harmony with the earth with his left hand and right foot.
 It reminds me of a tree that stood at the intersection of Koshu and Kanroku. The most important thing to remember is that the skin is not only natural, but it is also a natural imitation of nature. Even if it was unstable.
 The more unstable left leg of the girl of unknown details seems to be clean for now. Raise the other leg. Pesi-pesi.

The harmony at Siki's feet is shattered. She stumbles backward, her body over the fence and into the air, squeezing.

 I grabbed Shiki's hand firmly before his fantasies could grow and burst. At once, he pulls back toward the middle of the rooftop.
What are you doing? What would have happened if I hadn't been there?   I could hear her expression of emotion, not coldness, but a pout.
I was fine with it. But that's true, I'll do as you say. The actuality is, it's more comfortable to stand up. As it was, he bent his bare right leg and began flapping the sole of his foot. Even in a skirt not too short (5 cm above the knee), you could see her thighs a little.
 Regardless of that, Hitori Shiki tells us.
I've never had a sense of balance," she said. Wobble, wobble, wobble, standing on one leg, riding a bike, answering to something important. It's fun, but it's also unstable," she thought to herself.
 I'm more unstable, I'm sorry to say.
Thank you, hero, you saved me again," he said unexpectedly.
'Oh, again? I don't remember anything before. The first time I saw him, he looked at me again, this time he looked at me and said, "Thank you.
 I felt embarrassed and my head itched. I couldn't say anything and scratched the back of my head.
I'm not sure what you mean by that.

 The first thing to do is to make sure that you have a good idea of what you're getting into. The most important thing is, Shiki, you saw the inside of someone's skirt the other day.
 A gentle breeze blew. I heard him say, "Yeah, it's nice," so I listened to him.
The earth is nice. There are many different kinds of beings, each asserting themselves as they please. I try to leave something behind, but most of it disappears, whether it is important or not. But there are still a lot of unexpected things left behind. I listen to the power lines, the pylons, the cracks in the asphalt, and the cosmos growing out of them. Shiki's gaze was fixed on the blue color above. Why do we say the words to the earth while looking at the sky?
The sky is different. Forms don't stay there, they disappear. There may be similar skies, but there are no skies with exactly the same shape. I couldn't help but ask.
What on earth are you trying to say?
 I heard it head-on, and Shiki whispered to me, "I'll tell you, come here.
I was sitting with my legs outstretched, the distance between me and Shiki was three meters, far, but not unreachable.
I don't know what he was talking about.
The first thing to do is to make sure that you are not too angry with the person you are talking to. I tried to suppress my heart as much as possible and responded.
She was far away, but not out of reach. "Well, I can tell because I'm close by," she said, looking disappointed, but not that disappointed.
"Well, stand up, then. The actual "I'm not a fan of the way you look at it," he said, "but I'm not a fan of the way you look at it. I'm not sure what to do with the rest of the day.
I try to suppress my feelings as much as I can and respond, "Well, that's okay.
 Shiki remained silent. I'm not sure if she's confused by this new development. The first victory. I was waiting for him to speak, and then a small voice came on the wind.
The first thing to do is to make sure that you have a good idea of what you're doing. I think he said it so that I could hear him.
Now, I'm going to change the subject, but how was your father-son meeting with Tokura?
No, wait a minute. I thought it was a waste of time, or that I was going to get a subtle feeling when I heard something I didn't understand anyway.
 But now I know it wasn't.
I'm not sure it's good for me right now.
 I was about to take a step or two. 2.5 meters to Siki, 2 meters, 1.5 meters, 1 meter.

(Writter:No.4 ヤヤツカ Photo:No.5 ハルナツ Auful translation:Deep L & No.0)

