
物語「GreatesT’rip Jum”V”oyage」18-1. shinjuku GreatesTrip Ⅸ-1

前回 GTJVー17-5


「都倉ちゃんもお疲れ! 名演技だったよ、アカデミー賞ものだね!」
 ひとつだけ違和感があるとすれば、そもそもわたしがその展開を望んでいたのか、ということだ。 別に嫌、という訳じゃない。クラスの人たちともそれなりには仲良くしたいし、多分うまくいくのだろう。
「そのままでいいよ! 目立つこと間違い無しだね」


「都倉さんは別の要件きてるからそっち優先!  お母さんから学校に連絡あったから、すぐに事務室に行って下さい、だって」
「何の事? だってハル、じゃない、母さんから電話なんでしょ」
「教室から都倉さんを連れ出すために作ったウソ。大体普通は携帯持ってるでしょ? 本当に大事な事なら、そっちに先に連絡くるはずだよね」
「あの急病人は? いったいどういう事?」
「急病? それとも仮病?」我ながらひどい言い方だ、ごめん、D。
「で、どこに行くの? 良かったらついていくよ」
 (18−2 に続きます)

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 Under the "L" and the "O", between the "V" and the "E". I am sheltering from the rain under the weight of love. 

LOVE" is not a metaphor or an expression of something unformed. It is a three-dimensional art in the shape of a letter, about three meters high and half that deep. The italic font, or whatever it is called, is piled up in two horizontal rows. Evening had long passed, and the white and orange lights illuminated Sintocin brightly, but in a blurred focus. An unseasonal storm and torrential downpour hit my face sideways, flipping my bangs up and wetting the thunderbolt scar on my forehead and obscuring the vision of my glasses. How did this happen? Yes, today was the last day of the school festival. I successfully played the role of the daikirai, Yurei, with Kojika and the others. I don't know how it turned out. I had more on my mind than what people thought of me. I want to wait on the rooftop for a long time. From the morning of the festival to the evening, or rather from Saturday night until the morning came, and even after that, until I was satisfied. I might come back again. I'm not sure how well I did, but I'm sure I did well, and I'm sure I did well. Besides, I never said good-bye. My thoughts were drowned out by the announcement of the end of the school festival at 16:00, and the cheers of the class's Yurei Yashiki team. Good job everyone, yay, thanks, etc. Good work, Tokura-chan! It was a great performance, an Oscar-winning one at that! Kojika-chan was still in high spirits as she spoke to us in a condolences tone. I wish they would at least call it an Emmy since it was a stage performance, but I am sure they were complimenting me, right? Everyone around me was also in a good mood, praising my performance in their own words. If it's some school, it's a nice happy ending. A simple girl gives an eccentric performance at an event and gets everyone's attention. This is how a girl becomes a part of everyone and fits in with the class. Honestly, I don't know if that's good or bad. Unlike the bullies in student dramas, the people in my class are not that bad, even if they don't feel the same way. A seal joins a small animal band and becomes so close to them that he can call them his friends, not classmates. She becomes able to talk naturally with the fake street gangs and the female gaijin troopers. I guess this kind of development is possible. The only thing that makes me uncomfortable is that I'm not sure if I wanted this to happen in the first place. It's not that I don't like them. I want to get along reasonably well with the people in my class, and it will probably go well. But that doesn't get rid of the blurred feeling in my heart. I think that because things are going well, my annoyance and frustration with other things are getting bigger. Like before. Rather, much more so than before. 'Tokura-chan, it's the after-party, let's go, let's go! One of the small animal band members, a mendorian girl who seems to support Kojika, invited me to a free participation event. It is a strong word, bright and decisive at the same time. Not an invitation, but more like a confirmation. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that, but I'm sure I'll be able to do it! I hear a string of people saying things like, "Oh, yeah, that'll be great! I wondered who the hell they were all talking about in this place full of people. I only have a vague sense of what's going on. The voices you hear, the buzzing of the crowd, and the classroom set up as a haunted house seem a world away. I'm tired, so I'm going to go to . I'm tired, so I'm going to ...... "Hurry up or you'll be late! I forcefully crossed my arms and tried to lead him toward the group. No more, this must be some kind of rule of the animal band. Resignation hits me, with the fuzzy but sure color of black mixed in with the paint. At that time. A clatter, a thud. I heard something fall, and at the same time a high-pitched yellow scream. "Hey, we've got a man down. Some of you help me," a girl's voice came from within the crowd. For some reason, that calm and dignified voice singled out "some people," including the No. 2 member of the small animal band who was arm-in-arm with me. After saying, "Besides, we all have a post-event party, don't we?" the voice asked for confirmation that Kojima-san was okay with this. After a short pause, the voice of the class heroine came through loud and clear. I know," said a girl's voice from the crowd. We all help out," she said just in time, "but I guess that's why Kojika is number one in the orchestra. The attention of everyone in the classroom turned to the suddenly ill person. Just then, a voice came from the hallway. Ms. Tokura has other requirements, so we'll take care of those first!  I'm sure that's why Kojica is the number one in the orchestra. It was only later that I realized the timing was perfect. The most important thing to remember is that the best way to get the most out of your money is to be sure that you are getting the most out of it. I'm not sure if there were a few people who were following me from the hallway. The first thing you need to do is to make sure that you have a good understanding of what you're doing. The actual "I'm not sure what to do with it," he said, "but I'm sure it's something you'll be able to do with it. I was not sure if anyone was following me as I walked out of the classroom. The first thing to do is to make sure that you have a good idea of what you're getting into. The person who had called me earlier was in the hallway.   I mumble and then say, "It's all right now, isn't it? The lie I made up to get Ms. Tokura out of the classroom. I'm not sure what you're talking about, but I'm sure you have your cell phone with you.  Let us help you if you want." Seal C is not even breathing, but his tension is high. What about that person who is suddenly ill? What on earth is going on? We have other actresses besides Ms. Tokura who are good actors, don't we? Even after listening to C's silly answer, I still couldn't see the truth. Oh, what is it? I'm not sure." "Yes, I did what I do best," said D the seal, putting his body on the line for the performance. When he collapsed, it was, of course, Seal-A who called out to him. But there was something else that bothered me more. Is it a sudden illness? Or was he just sick? I'm sorry, D. "I don't know. Maybe it was both. For example, I thought I was going to act out, but then I got really sick. Or maybe he thought he was going to collapse because he was sick, but he was feeling surprisingly well, so he tried to act it out. C made a rare comment and asked with the same force, "So, where are you going? "So, where are you going? 

(Writter:No.4 ヤヤツカ Photo:No.5 ハルナツ Auful translation:Deep L & No.0)




