Are You Hooked on America's Deadly Diet? Heal Your Body with These Life-Saving Foods
Lorie Johnson
The pandemic consumed most health news for two years, but underneath it all there's been a deeper issue – a majority of the fatalities and serious cases involved patients with significant underlying health problems.
Medical issues like diabetes, heart disease, and obesity were already a serious health risk for millions of Americans, and the outbreak only made matters worse.
Even before COVID, scientists were pointing out that the Standard American Diet (SAD) causes even more deaths than smoking. This diet largely consists of ultra-processed foods loaded with chemicals, added sugars, and industrial oils.
A growing number of doctors and other health experts recommend replacing the SAD diet with one that's full of whole, plant-based foods. Whole foods are ones that are as close to their original state as possible, and plant-based foods, as the name suggests, are those that grew out of the ground.
A Grandmother's Testimony
As a young boy, Michael Greger saw how food can be medicine. When doctors couldn't treat his 65-year-old grandmother's heart disease, they sent her home to die. However, at that time she started eating a plant-based diet, reversed her heart disease, and lived to the ripe old age of 96!
Michael Gregerさんは、幼い頃、食べ物が薬になることを目の当たりにしました。65歳の祖母の心臓病を治療できなかった医師たちは、さじを投げて祖母を家に帰してしまったのですが、祖母はその頃から植物性の食事を摂るようになり、その結果、心臓病が回復し、96歳まで長生きしたそうです。
Astounded by what he saw in his grandmother's life, Michael decided to help others achieve the same results. Now as a physician, Dr. Greger offers free nutrition advice, including hundreds of healthy recipes on his non-profit website, nutritionfacts.org.
祖母の生き方に衝撃を受けたMichael Gregerさんは、他の人にも同じような結果をもたらす手助けをしようと決心し、現在は医師として非営利のウェブサイト「nutritionfacts.org」で、何百もの健康レシピを含む栄養アドバイスを無料で提供しています。
Dr. Greger points to an increasing number of scientific studies showing a plant-based diet proves to be the healthiest of all diets for people like his grandmother who deal with heart problems.
"Not only can heart disease be prevented and arrested with a plant-based diet," he told CBN News, "It's the only diet ever proven to reverse heart disease in the majority of patients, opening up arteries without drugs, without surgery."
彼は、「植物性の食事は心臓病を予防・阻止できるだけでなく、薬や手術に頼ることなく動脈を拡張させ、大多数の患者で心臓病を回復させることが証明された唯一の食事です。」とCBN Newsに語っています。
Every Small Change Can Make a Difference
Every 37 seconds someone in America dies from heart disease. Cardiologists like Dr. Deepak Talreja urge their patients to switch to a whole-food, plant-based diet before it's too late. For some patients, particularly those who've been eating processed foods for many years, they're encouraged to do the best they can.
アメリカでは37秒に一人、心臓病で亡くなっています。Deepak Talreja医師のような心臓専門医は、手遅れになる前に、全食品を植物性の食事に切り替えるよう患者に勧めています。特に長年、加工食品を食べ続けてきた患者さんには励ましになります。
"We try to push people towards as optimal a diet as they can really stick with," Dr. Talreja told CBN News.
Talreja医師はCBN Newsに、「私たちは、皆さんが本当に続けられるような最適な食生活をするように働きかけています」と語っています。
In short, he tells them to eat as many plants and as few animals as possible. He also recommends eating foods as close to their natural state as possible. For example, instead of highly processed breakfast cereal, Dr. Talreja recommends whole-grain oatmeal. He says every small change can make a difference.
"Some people are very committed and they'll fall into a program where they do 100 percent the right thing," he explained, "Some people can't do that, but if they can do the right thing 70 or 80 percent of the time that moves them closer to where they're either going to get more committed or at least get some benefits from that diet."
Prevents Other Causes of Death
Heart disease is just one of many chronic diseases a plant-based diet has been shown to prevent or reverse. The list includes other leading causes of death including cancer, diabetes, and obesity.
Case in point: Loma Linda, California, is the American city with the highest percentage of centenarians per capita. It's also home to the highest concentration of Seventh Day Adventists, a denomination which advocates a plant-based diet.
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Dr. Larry Beeson, a researcher at the Loma Linda School of Public Health, analyzed over 50 years of studies done by himself and others.
ロマリンダ大学公衆衛生学部の研究者であるLarry Beeson博士は、自身や他の研究者によって行われた50年以上の研究を分析しました。
"Adventists have approximately the same proportion of people who die of cancer, heart disease or stroke," he told CBN News, "But the age that they get diagnosed is much later."
彼は、「アドベンチストは、癌、心臓病、脳卒中で死亡する人の割合はほぼ同じです。しかし、彼らがこれらの病気と診断される年齢はずっと遅いのです。」とCBN Newsに述べています。
Beeson said within the Seventh Day Adventist community, people follow various plant-based diets, but noted the ones who ate more plants and fewer animal products lived longer, healthier lives in general.
Different Plant-Based Diets
Here are the four major plant-based diets.
1. Vegan: 100% plant food. No animal products whatsoever
2. Vegetarian: Mostly plants but some eggs and dairy foods
3. Pescatarian: Mostly plants but some eggs, dairy and seafood
4. Flexitarian: Mostly plants but some eggs, dairy, seafood, poultry, and meat
1. ビーガン:100%植物性食品。動物性食品を一切食べない
2. ベジタリアン:ほとんどが植物性だが、一部、卵や乳製品も含む
3. ペスカタリアン:ほとんどが植物性だが、一部、卵、乳製品、魚介類も含む
4. フレキシタリアン:ほとんどが植物性で、一部、卵、乳製品、魚介類、鶏肉、肉類を食べる
For the last 15 years, dietician Julieanna Hever has been teaching people how to switch to a more plant-based diet, which she says can reverse Type 2 Diabetes, high blood pressure, and more.
管理栄養士のJulieanna Hever氏は、過去15年にわたり、2型糖尿病や高血圧などを改善する植物性の食事に切り替える方法を人々に教えてきました。
"It reduces obesity and extra weight," she said. "It reduces medication requirements. I love to say decreasing your medication results are normal. My clients get off their medications."
In her cookbook, The Healthspan Solution, she offers recipes and tips for newcomers to this lifestyle, adding there's a bit of a learning curve.
彼女の料理本「The Healthspan Solution」では、このライフスタイルに初めて挑戦する人のためにレシピとコツを紹介していますが、学習曲線が少しあることを付け加えています。
"I liken it to learning a new language," she said, "Anything, when you're transitioning to something major, like the way you've eaten your whole life, you just have to learn a few new words, a few new ingredients, tie them together in sentences and paragraphs and some recipes and then if you keep doing it over and over again you become fluent."
ALSO recommended by Lorie Johnson: The How Not To Die Cookbook.
その他のLorie Johnsonが推薦する記事: The How Not To Die Cookbook .
Hooked for Life
Dr. Greger says if he can get his patients to try a plant-based diet for three weeks, they're usually hooked for life.
"They're going to sleep so much better, their digestion's better, their periods {are} less painful, they have more energy," he said, "In fact, some people say 'Oh, I felt fine, Doc,' but then they didn't realize they had chronic indigestion. They just thought it was normal to feel like this after a meal. But no, you don't know how good you're going to feel until you give it a try."
Dr. Greger tells his patients to consume the following plant-based foods each day:
3 Servings of Beans (such as hummus, lentils or tofu)
1 Serving of Berries
3 Servings of Other Fruit
1 Serving of Cruciferous Vegetables (such as broccoli, cauliflower or Brussels sprouts)
2 Servings of Greens (such as kale, romaine or collards)
2 Servings of Other Vegetables (such as mushrooms)
1 Tablespoon of Ground Flaxseed
1 Serving of Nuts
1/4 Teaspoon of Turmeric
3 Servings of Whole Grains (such as 100% whole grain bread, oatmeal or pasta)
ベリー類 1人分
ターメリック 小さじ1/4杯
READ: Kill the Sugar Before It Kills You: 'Sugar Is the Source of All Chronic Disease'
Recipe for Pat Robertson's Minestrone Soup:
Pat Robertsonのためのミネストローネスープレシピ:
1 can (14.5 oz.) chicken broth, low sodium, NO MSG
1 can (approx. 15 oz.) chickpeas, drained
2 cans (15 oz. each) diced tomatoes
1 can (11-15 oz.) corn, drained
2 large red potatoes (with skins), diced
1 zucchini, diced
1 large onion, diced
3 large stalks celery, diced
1 package (10 oz.) frozen spinach
2 cups chopped kale
2 cups chopped cabbage (outer leaves preferred)
Half a 16-oz. package frozen peas
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
Worcestershire sauce, sea salt, and pepper to taste
1缶 (14.5 oz.) チキンブロス、低ナトリウム、NO MSG
エクストラバージンオリーブオイル 大さじ2
ウスターソース、海塩、胡椒 適宜
Place all ingredients into a large pot and mix well. Bring soup to a boil, then
reduce heat, cover, and simmer for four or five hours, adding a small amount of water as needed. For a hearty meal, serve with your favorite whole-grain bread. Leftover soup can be kept in the refrigerator for up to three days. Use it as a quick heat-and-eat meal or savory first course.
• Optional: For extra spice, try one can of regular chopped or diced tomatoes and one can (10 oz.) of diced tomatoes with green chiles
残ったスープは冷蔵庫で3日ほど保存できるので、温めて食べるだけの簡単な食事や、風味豊かな最初の一品としてお使いください。- お好みによってスパイスを加えたい場合は、通常のみじん切りまたはさいの目に切ったトマを1缶、グリーンチリ入りのさいの目に切ったトマトを1缶(10オンス)をお試しください。
Recipe for Butternut Squash, Ginger, Turmeric Soup
Courtesy of Elizabeth Lindemann
提供:Elizabeth Lindemann
1 large butternut squash cooked (see notes)
2 tablespoons fresh ginger peeled and chopped
1 onion diced
1 tablespoon coconut oil or olive oil, or butter
2 cups chicken stock/broth or vegetable broth, for vegetarian/vegan
15 oz. canned coconut milk
kosher salt to taste
black pepper to taste
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
roasted squash or pumpkin seeds and fresh cilantro for serving (optional)
生姜(皮をむいてみじん切りにしたもの) 大さじ2杯
ココナッツオイルまたはオリーブオイル、またはバター 大さじ1杯
チキンブイヨンまたはベジタブルブイヨン(ベジタリアン/ビーガン用) 2カップ
ココナッツミルク(缶詰) 15オンス
コーシャーソルト 適量
ブラックペッパー 適量
挽いたターメリック 小さじ1杯
In a large pot, sauté the ginger (2 tablespoons) and diced onion in oil (1 tablespoon) over medium heat until softened (about 3 minutes).
Add the stock (2 cups), bring to a boil.
Add the cooked butternut squash.
Stir in the can of coconut milk.
Season with salt, pepper, and turmeric (1 teaspoon).
Use an immersion blender to blend to a smooth puree (alternatively, you can use a standing blender in batches). Taste and adjust seasonings as needed.
Serve topped with roasted seeds and/or fresh cilantro, if desired.
大きな鍋に油(大さじ1杯)を入れ、生姜(大さじ2杯)とさいの目に切った玉ねぎを油 (大さじ 1杯) で中火で柔らかくなるまで (約 3 分) 炒めます。ストック(2カップ)を加え、沸騰させます。茹でたバターナッツカボチャを加えます。ココナッツミルク(缶)を入れてかき混ぜます。塩、こしょう、ターメリック(小さじ1)で味を調えます。イマージョンブレンダーで滑らかなピューレ状にします(または、スタンディングブレンダーで一気に混ぜる)。味見をして、必要であれば調味料を調整してください。
To cook the butternut squash, place it whole in your slow cooker for 3 hours on high or 6 hours on low. Remove, let cool, halve, deseed, and remove flesh from the peel. Or, purchase about 4 ½ cups cubed, raw squash and roast on an oiled pan in your oven at 425 degrees for 25 minutes or until fork-tender.
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