
My experiences in NZ #39

Hello there.
I’d love to continue from where I ended last time.

I enjoyed working for “Rikka.” However, my purpose in coming to NZ was to work at the hotel, so I started to be concerned about whether I would stay there.

After being concerned about it for a while, I decided to return to Japan—the most crucial reason was that I could not work at the hotel, and I had spent most of my money. As mentioned in my previous blogs, I paid for the language school for extension, etc.

One day, I told my host mother about my decision, and she listened to me gently and accepted.

Next, I declared to the owner of Rikka that I wanted to resign there and return to Japan. I don't remember clearly, but I worked there for only one month. I was sorry about that.

I had many things to do to prepare to return to Japan, such as booking flights, selling my bike, etc.

I already had an air ticket and needed to reserve a seat. My memory is unclear, though; I think that I made a call to book a seat. At that time, the internet wasn't as common as nowadays. Booking on the phone was challenging for me.

As I mentioned in my previous blog, I bought my bike for NZ$70, and I put it on the market for NZ$150. And then, a student at the language school I graduated bought it. I appreciate it, and at the same time, I’m sorry. However, I told my host mother about that, and she said, "You're a capable business person; I'm proud of you!"

I'd like to write more, but that’s all for today, and see you around.



