
Colonoscopy #2

Hello, there.
I’d love to continue from where I ended last time.

I had already readied to take it and head to the hospital by taxi; a nurse explained that I might be under anesthesia; in that case, driving something by myself returning home was dangerous.
In addition, since I didn’t lose my way this time and might want to rush to the restroom on the way.

I arrived there a little earlier and checked in, and the nurse asked me if I had any allergies and my state of feces, and she explained if the polyp was found, it was available to remove at the same time, and then I needed to be hospitalized for one night.

After consultation, I changed into examination clothes and put my belongings in the locker.
Next, I got an intravenous drip.
Then the nurse asked if I wanted to use anesthesia and a painkiller.
I answered immediately, “Yes!” because my friend who had experienced colonoscopy is a nurse and at the same time a midwife, and she advised me that I should use these medicines in advance, and I followed her.

Finally, I entered the laboratory, lay on my left side, and bent my knees.
And then, the nurse attached some equipments my arm and finger to take my blood pressure and oxygen concentration and injected anesthesia and a painkiller from the infusion.
After that, Although I started to feel out of it, I was conscious and available to speak.

The doctor was so kind and sometimes asked me, “Don’t you feel uncomfortable or in pain? In that case, it was possible to add medicine.” during the test.
Still, luckily, thanks to a skilled doctor and some medicines, I didn’t feel any uncomfortable.

That’s all for today, and to be next time.
See you around.

