
Reflections on January

Hey there. How's it going? Gentle Gian is here.

In my previous note, I made my resolutions for this year and will reflect on them today.

Honestly, I decided not to be too strict with me, so it was OK if I couldn't complete all the tasks.

My habit tracker

Regarding ELSA Speak and Duolingo, I've completed it!
I made it!

Regarding the exercise, I have almost completed it except for two days.
Well done!

Regarding BERNADETTE, I couldn't start reading because I was not in the mood.

But I'll start reading it today.

With other tasks, it's OK.
I'll keep doing them.

By the way, realizing how much I improved my English skills is tough.
A couple of days ago, after two years, I talked with my American friend on the phone, and he praised my speaking and pronunciation skills, which improved.
I was so glad and encouraged.
I got motivated to keep learning English.

That's all for today. See you around.
