




やめろって言われてもなあwww やめないだろ。イランには、イランの言い分があるし、イスラエルの肩を持つ米国の言うことなんて、聞くわけがない。こんな時に、イランと親しかった安倍晋三さんがいてくれたら、と願うばかりなのですが、バイデン大統領率いる米国だと、出来ることにも限りがあるから、第三次世界大戦はやはり止められないのでしょうね。もうこれは、大人の意思だね。意思。強い、意思。やるね、これは。

参考2)WTI原油先物 5分足チャート







参考3)Dow Jones Industrial Average

参考4)Nasdaq Composite














参考6)米国株式市場=急落、ダウ422ドル安 CPI受け利下げ観測後退


参考7)米カード延滞12年ぶり高水準 10〜12月、若年層で急増






参考9)円相場 約34年ぶりの円安ドル高水準を更新 1ドル=153円30銭台






そもそも、日本が有事に巻き込まれたとて、自立・独立国の精神を守るために戦うみたいな気骨のある日本人はいないし、GHQの骨抜き政策八面六臂、誰も自分事として戦うことはないでしょう。戦争っていっても核使うと地球が壊れるから、部分的な衝突で戦争認定されて、重鎮が暗殺され、瞬間支配される、みたいな形態の戦争になる気がしている。その時に最も重要なのが、占領政策ですね。GHQが日本にやったやつね。広島の原爆慰霊碑にいくと、『安らかに眠って下さい 過ちは繰返しませぬから』とか舐め腐ったことが書いてあって、『過ちを繰り返さねえのはてめえだろクソ野郎』とかアメリカ人にいうと、キチガイ扱いされるわけです。これ、GHQの占領政策ね。要するに、War Guit Information Programってやつね、戦争の罪悪感を植え付けて、黄色い猿が悪いんだ説を押し付けてくるわけよ。これが重要なわけだ。戦争でやっつけた後は。
あ、なんか、日本に、ビッグテックの色んな会社が、データセンター立てまくってるよね。マイクロソフトも何故かオープンAIのヘッドオフィスを、日本の、それも新橋wwwwに作ったよね。『何でだ?』と思ってたんだけど、これはあれですね、日本が戦争で負けて、更なる占領政策をデータセンターを駆使したAIで徹底的に洗脳する準備をしているんだなwww CIAの仕業です(妄想です)。

参考10)Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

ごめん、全然見てなかった、ノーマークだった。三菱重工こんなんなってんなら、戦争確実ですww戦争で、日本が巻き込まれて秒で敗戦し戦勝国に支配された後にAIで洗脳されるためのデータセンターコンボまで充分に準備されています。オープンAIが新橋で、TSMCが熊本に工場を持つから、日本列島の上がアメリカになって、下が中国になるんだなw いやー、凄い未来だ。流石にこうなると、株価が上がって呑気に喜んでいる場合ではないな。
ただ、仮に、物理的に、中国軍が上陸したり、北朝鮮ミサイルが着弾したりして、地政学リスクにさらされ、日本が乗っ取られたとしても、精神が乗っ取られなければ、国は滅びないはずなんだ。と書いたところで、そもそも乗っ取られる精神自体が育っていないから、戦争に負けなくても国としては既に滅んでるじゃねえか、ということに気づいてしまった今日このごろです。え?生き残る方法?そんなもの一つしかないでしょう。Buy Bitc(略)。



【 2018年8月23日発売!ブロックチェーン、仮想通貨をテーマにした松田元新著がKKロングセラーさんから出版されました】
「いい人がお金に困らない 仮想通貨 新時代のルール 」

そして今、ICO(Initial Coin Offering:イニシャル・コイン・オファリング/新規仮想通貨公開)という仕組みが稼働を始め、ビジネスの世界も大きな変革が始まっています。

Episode654:Eerie market with rising oil and gold, the final blow is the retaliation attack by Iran on Israel, adding fuel to the fire of stock market decline

To be honest, given that I wrote the last column, I was full of anxiety about what I would do if the stock market had risen significantly this week. So, I'm relieved to see that stock prices have fallen, even if only slightly (not a big drop). I hope my predictions have helped protect the assets of many of my readers, who I assume are investors. While the drop was modest (around 3%), I believe I was able to identify signs of a change in the previous trend of consistent upward movement. It's really challenging to accurately predict rises and falls from such a difficult position. One of the mottos of this column is to be clear, so last time my writing style was a bit convoluted, and even I wasn't sure what I was trying to say, but I think I managed to convey the message, "Be careful, something is off" (I did write a lot about selling).

"Why did Japanese stocks fall, and how much further will they fall?" is the main topic today, which I will elaborate on later. Sometimes when things go bad, everything seems to go wrong at once. U.S. media are now aggressively promoting the idea that Iran is about to launch a retaliatory attack on Israel. This is happening while Prime Minister Kishida is performing self-deprecating jokes and getting big laughs in the U.S. Congress. Incidentally, there were some conspiracy theorists on X (Twitter) seriously discussing whether Prime Minister Kishida actually went to the U.S., but let's not indulge in such nonsense. It only makes the conspiracy theory community look foolish. You'll fail the Conspiracy Theory Certification Level 5 test if you keep that up.

Reference 1) Could Iran be about to retaliate against Israel? President Biden warns against it."

Even if they say 'stop,' Iran won't stop, right? Iran has its own point of view, and there's no way it would listen to what the U.S., which sides with Israel, has to say. In times like this, I can't help but wish we still had Shinzo Abe, who was close with Iran, but there are limits to what the U.S. led by President Biden can do, so it seems we can't prevent World War III. This is an adult's resolve. A strong will. They're going to go through with it.

In response to this news, look at oil prices.

Reference 2) WTI crude oil futures 5-minute chart.

Things have calmed down now, but immediately after the Iran-Israel news broke, oil prices surged. Oil is the source of all resources. It's needed for transportation, plastics, and as an energy source. In other words, it is the direct and indirect cost of all products; when oil prices go up, costs go up, and when costs rise, corporate profits decrease (negative impact on stock prices). As I mentioned earlier, the reason for the stock market drop is inflation, so with rising oil prices, inflation, more precisely, stagflation will accelerate. It's bad timing

At this point, it's unclear how far the Iran-Israel situation will escalate or whether it could lead to Middle East risks on the scale of World War III. Initially, the consensus was that there wouldn't be any major Middle East risks unless Iran intervened in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine. However, Iran's recent outright declaration of intent to retaliate against Israel suggests the situation could escalate significantly. The Middle East's history is incredibly complex, and these risks alone could fill an entire book, so we hope for a peaceful resolution. My previous writings have pointed out that the seeds of war are often found in the Middle East, indicating the high level of danger in the region. As seen with events like 9/11, dismissing these risks could lead to direct attacks on other countries' symbols, such as the Tokyo Tower. So, it's best not to treat these issues as someone else's problem.

Given this precarious timing of geopolitical risk, stagflation could intensify, interest rates may rise, and stock prices could continue to decline. In this context, I want to explore the topic of why stocks are declining and how far they might fall. With the USD/JPY exchange rate reaching 153 yen and the stock market falling despite a weaker yen, it is important to take a multifaceted approach to understand the situation. This requires analyzing the short-term, medium-term, and long-term trends. It has become much more challenging to make predictions in the current environment. The earlier period of continuous growth from January to March was almost effortless for anyone to profit from, but now we are entering a more complex and challenging phase. Let’s delve into this.

1.Why have Japanese stocks declined?

In summary, the decline in Japanese stocks is due to the risk of rising interest rates in the United States. There is an adage that says, "Buying stocks in a rising yield environment is foolish," highlighting how negatively rising yields impact the stock market. As I have written many times in this column, rising interest rates lead to higher funding costs, resulting in lower corporate profits and lower stock prices, which makes the stock market more prone to selling. Rising interest rates also make it harder to repay home loans, auto loans, and credit card debt.

Some might argue, "But Japanese stocks have been very strong." That's true—they have been strong. However, this time, the sharp decline in US stocks has affected Japanese stocks, leading to selling pressure. Let's take a look at the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the Nasdaq charts.

Reference 3) Dow Jones Industrial Average.

Reference 4)Nasdaq Composite

How do you feel about the chart from January to March this year, when Japanese stocks were particularly strong? This was around the time when Warren Buffett started talking about buying trading company stocks, which marked the starting point of the rise in Japanese stocks last March. Despite the ups and downs, U.S. stocks haven't fallen that much, you see. Observing daily fluctuations can give the impression that while the Dow is dropping, the Nikkei is holding strong, leading to the misconception that "Japanese stocks are stronger than U.S. stocks!!!" But that's not the case. U.S. stocks are fundamentally strong—exceptionally strong, in fact. Sometimes, U.S. stocks may experience a lull, during which Japanese stocks may rise, leading to the illusion of strength. But don't be fooled; Japanese stock strength is fundamentally supported by U.S. stock strength.
The recent drop originated from the U.S. stock market, turning the situation into "when America sneezes, Japan catches a cold" mode.

Of course, Japanese stocks are fundamentally strong. I still maintain the same outlook: a Nikkei average of 100,000 and a dollar-yen rate of 360 in a bubble scenario. So even with the recent dip, the main perspective is focused on "how far will Japanese stocks fall, and when should we buy?" (more on this later).

However, for the hypothesis that Japanese stocks are strong to hold true, there are two preconditions: (1) U.S. stocks must remain stable, and (2) the trend of yen depreciation must continue. A decline originating from the U.S. stock market will inevitably ripple through and cause a decline in the Japanese stock market. Furthermore, in a situation of yen appreciation, no one would take on the exchange rate risk to invest in Japanese stocks without a promising future.

A very important point within the current decline is the fact that "Japanese stocks are falling despite the yen's depreciation." This serves as evidence that this is merely an adjustment phase within a phase of explosive growth. Therefore, Japanese stocks will rise again, but I believe a sharp decline is coming, which I suggested last week and which occurred this week (last night in after-hours trading, it returned to around 38,800 yen).

2.Signs of "anomalies" as seen from the SQ value

I understand, you want me to quickly get to how far the stock market will drop, but please bear with me a bit longer. The SQ value for April, calculated last Friday, has marked a starting point for the downward trend, and I'd like you to experience the atmosphere of it. Below is the recent transition of SQ values.

Reference 5) 2024 SQ Value

By the way, last year, there was only one instance where the SQ value dropped from the previous month: in October 2023. This year, this is the first time it has fallen below the previous month's SQ value (by 40 yen). It's a bit eerie. Well, it's eerie, but you could also say, "So what?" It's important not to worry too much about it, but since the SQ value is related to the next topic, "How far will the market drop?" I wanted to mention it ahead of time.

3.So, how far will the market drop?

So, to summarize, the first target is 37,500 yen. This is the key threshold, which represents a 10% decline from the high. This is one perspective to consider.

Take a look at the SQ value from October 2023, which marked the first time that the SQ value was lower than the previous month's SQ in 2023, signaling the start of a decline. The September SQ was at 32,921.39 yen, and the October SQ was at 32,360.91 yen, representing a drop of nearly 600 yen.
If you look at the Nikkei average chart for October, you can see that it dipped significantly. From a development exceeding 33,000 yen, it plummeted to 30,500 yen, then recovered and made a comeback by the SQ of October before falling again (forming a double bottom and hitting rock bottom). This suggests that at the point where the SQ started to decline, there was a nearly 10% drop from the high, so taking 41,000 yen as the high, that leads us to approximately 37,500 yen. This is the first target.

possibility it could drop to 36,000 yen. This level has significant trading volume and resistance bands, so if there is further decline, it could go down to this point. A drop below this point would require a sudden, flash crash-like downward spike, which doesn't seem likely at the moment.

On the other hand, if it were to drop below 36,000 yen and even go down to around 33,000 yen, entering a crazy range, it might mean that we have to consider the possibility that the bubble has burst. It could potentially negate all the gains made so far. Therefore, I think the chances of this happening are low.

As mentioned earlier, during this recent downturn, the currency has shifted towards yen depreciation. Therefore, at some point, the Japanese stock market should respond to the combination of a weaker yen and lower stock prices and be purchased. My perspective is, "How far will it drop, and where should one buy?"—a single point of focus, suggesting that when it approaches around 37,500 yen, it may be a good time to start buying aggressively.
In fact, the foreign futures and cash market activity, which was the source of the sense of "unease" about the recent downturn, shifted from a heavy selling trend to a position with over one trillion yen in net buying. At the moment when foreigners were selling off, I switched to a short position, and despite my earlier remark about this information being only as valuable as "fortune-telling," the activity of foreign investors ended up fairly accurately predicting the stock market's movement (foreign investors are now net buyers, indicating a medium-term bullish outlook while suggesting that there will likely be a pullback in the short term).

4.The US cannot possibly lower interest rates

The catalyst for the increase in U.S. yields was the Consumer Price Index (CPI). The recently released CPI data triggered a decline in stock prices, originating from the U.S. This decline spread outwards, with the U.S. as the epicenter.

Reference 6) U.S. Stock Market = Sharp Decline, Dow down 422 points as CPI dampens expectations of rate cuts.

The United States is fundamentally a country that is mired in debt. This is true both for the government and for households.

Reference 7) U.S. Credit Card Delinquencies Reach Highest Level in 12 Years - from October to December, there was a sharp increase among younger age groups.

Therefore, if yields rise, consumers will be devastated. The economy will collapse if yields are not kept under control, prompting consideration of lowering interest rates. However, given the CPI, which makes it seem impossible to lower yields, they have abandoned the idea of lowering interest rates. This implies that interest rates will rise gradually, leading to household bankruptcies and a crash in stock prices.

The fact that the recent downturn originated in the U.S. is quite unsettling, as the Dow has already completely broken down. If something self-destructive happens in America before the presidential election, there is a possibility that the global stock market bubble could burst, so it's important to keep the worst-case scenario in mind.

5.Mysteriously strong, the most powerful asset: Gold

With the looming Iran-Israel conflict and the certainty of rising interest rates, gold is showing incredible strength, almost bringing tears to one's eyes. It is simply too strong, making it the most powerful asset. Gold is quietly rising, sensing something without saying much. Could it be a signal of an impending global crisis?

Reference 8) Gold (XAU) real-time rate.

Gold's market capitalization is said to be around $11.5 trillion (approximately 1,600 trillion yen), and it is steadily reaching new highs. As gold rises, it becomes more likely that Bitcoin, known as digital gold, will surpass 400 million yen, which is certainly welcome news. However, gold's strength is uncanny. While even Bitcoin and Ethereum have experienced some correction due to the decline in stock prices, gold remains unfazed and strong. It is exceptionally strong.

6.The USD/JPY exchange rate has finally reached the 153 yen milestone

As discussed in previous articles, the legendary asset class known as the Japanese yen, which you can absolutely never lose money by selling, has finally reached the 153 yen milestone against the US dollar. Those of you who have been following these articles since last year must now be in a situation where it is physically impossible for you to incur a loss. Sincerely.

Reference 9) The yen reaches its weakest level against the dollar in approximately 34 years, with the exchange rate at around 153 yen 30 sen per dollar.

Well, for the first time in 34 years, the dollar-yen exchange rate has reached 153 yen. It's quite a profound moment, isn't it? Now that we've reached this point, it will soon reach 155 yen and then 160 yen. Here we are with an endless long strategy that even the most reckless can employ. As long as there is no currency intervention, this long strategy can yield unlimited gains. Starting from 153 yen, you can easily pocket 700 pips, which translates to around 7 million yen with just a position of around 1 million yen per pip. It's an effortless situation. It's all about going long on the dollar. While you can't leverage up to 10x or 100x as you can with Bitcoin, the dollar is guaranteed to double from here, which inversely means the value of the yen will certainly drop to less than half its current value. Going long on the dollar provides both stability and reassurance.

Will there be any currency intervention? I don't think it will make much sense at this point, but perhaps they will intervene to avoid being taken lightly by foreign short sellers. If intervention does occur, the yen could strengthen by 3 to 5 yen, so we should be cautious of that. Nevertheless, the strength of the dollar against the yen is a positive thing for Japanese stocks, so that's good.

7.So, let's take a moment to recap

Let's take a moment to summarize the multifaceted perspectives and information that could provide insights into the stock market based on various themes:

・There is a trend towards declining stock prices
・Interest rates are rising
・Oil prices are high
・And gold prices are also high
・Currency-wise, the U.S. dollar index is strong (dollar dominance)
・Cryptocurrencies are currently low and undergoing a correction (though still high)

When we consider each of the above indicators, there is no doubt that this seems like a pre-war situation. Even setting aside the risk of conflict between Iran and Israel, the trends of high oil prices, high gold prices, a strong dollar, and rising interest rates suggest signs of impending war. It seems like we're on the brink of World War III. That's the conclusion. Thank you for your attention.

People often associate war with a stock market crash, but it's actually the opposite. War typically leads to a surge in stock prices because of inflation and the devaluation of currency. Naturally, stock prices are bound to rise significantly. The next rally point is likely to involve the military or conflict, though that's not the most pleasant way for the market to rise. Given that we've already benefited from rising stock prices due to the war between Ukraine and Russia, we can't really claim any moral high ground.

However, the next war might not just be limited to conflicts like Iran and Israel, the kind that people might think of as a "distant war worth buying." It's very likely that Asia, particularly Japan and Taiwan, could become involved. If you think you can just sit back and eat mandarins comfortably while saying, "Oh dear," think again. The situation could directly affect your own home. This is not someone else's problem.

台湾有事、なんて言葉は日本にしかなくて、これ、もともと米国に植え付けられた造語ですからね。『台湾が有事になればてめえいってこい』、という業務命令ですから。台湾、地震で大変な中で、国防も意識しないといけないから、本The term "Taiwan contingency" is unique to Japan and was initially planted by the United States. It essentially serves as an order to Japan: "If there's a Taiwan emergency, you're going in." Taiwan already faces challenges with earthquakes and now also has to be conscious of national defense, which is a lot to handle.

A clearer risk is the situation with North Korean missiles. There's the risk of them landing in Japan and also the risk of war. The only one who can stop North Korea is Russia's Mr. Putin, but Prime Minister Kishida has antagonized Russia by supporting Ukraine, which increases the risk of North Korea acting out, and if it does, no one can stop it.

As for the U.S. presidential election, it seems almost certain that Trump will become president again based on the information available. If Trump and Putin, who are known to be on friendly terms, work out a plan for the Ukraine-Russia conflict, Japan, which has taken a strong stance alongside Ukraine, will have to decide how to respond.

First of all, even if Japan were to get involved in a conflict, there are no Japanese people with the spirit of fighting to protect the nation's autonomy and independence. Thanks to GHQ's all-encompassing policies, no one would personally fight. Even in a war, the use of nuclear weapons would destroy the planet, so any conflict would likely be a limited engagement recognized as a war, with key figures being assassinated and quick takeovers. The most important aspect would be the occupation policy, similar to what GHQ did in Japan. If you visit the Hiroshima Peace Memorial, you'll find the phrase, "Rest in peace, for we will not repeat the mistake." It's outrageous that Americans impose the narrative of "the yellow monkeys were at fault" as part of their War Guilt Information Program.

Oh, and many Big Tech companies are establishing data centers in Japan. Microsoft even decided to establish OpenAI's headquarters in Japan, particularly in Shinbashi. I wondered why, and now it makes sense—they're preparing for Japan to lose a war and planning further occupation policies using AI and data centers to brainwash the population thoroughly. It's a plot by the CIA (just speculation).

Well, looking at the current market environment solely based on various indicators, there's definitely an atmosphere of pre-war tension. While the entire cryptocurrency market has been impacted by the broader market downturn, everything else is rising. Risk-off assets are increasing, and stocks are falling. If a war were to start, of course stocks would rise.
It was surprising when Warren Buffett, known as the Oracle of Omaha, began buying Japanese stocks, especially starting with trading companies' stocks. But it makes sense since trading companies stand to benefit the most from the special demand of war. They not only have capabilities for weapons trading but also energy divisions (oil). Wait a second, so how does our defense-related stocks fare?
Reference 10)Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

Sorry, I wasn't paying any attention at all. I completely missed it. If Mitsubishi Heavy Industries is like this, war is certain. There's ample preparation for the scenario where Japan gets swiftly defeated in the war and is then controlled by the victorious nations and brainwashed through AI via a data center combo. OpenAI has an office in Shinbashi, and TSMC has a factory in Kumamoto, which essentially makes Japan the upper half of the U.S. and the lower half of China. What a future! This is too extraordinary.
If this happens, it won't be a time to simply celebrate rising stock prices.

However, even if, hypothetically, China invades, or North Korean missiles strike, exposing Japan to geopolitical risks and potentially taking over the country, the nation wouldn't fall as long as its spirit remains untaken. Then again, given the lack of growth in such a spirit, one might argue that Japan is already perishing even without losing a war. So, what's the way to survive? There's only one way: Buy Bitc...(to be continued).

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