


参考1)焦点:イラン、イスラエルへの報復に選択肢 全面戦争は回避へ


参考2)原油先物、5カ月半ぶりに8万円台 中東情勢緊迫で供給不安




参考3)米雇用、3月30.3万人増 失業率3.8%に低下 利下げ後ずれも
















参考8)米国株式市場=反発、好調な雇用統計受け テスラは安い


まあしかし、日本株も大概だけど、米株も大概やなこれ、上げすぎですww やっぱり、多少の調整があったほうが、株は更に上に行くものですよね。今回の下げが、“大天井を既に付けていてクラッシュする下げである”、とは思えないから、やはり、ある程度は、米株も日本株も、下げを展開してくれたほうが、安心して握れる気もするんですけどね。ただなー、株って、一回下げちゃうと、戻すのに相応の日柄が必要になるし、その期間、流動性も枯渇してボラティリティも下がるから、何となく下げちゃうのも寂しい感じがしちゃうんだよな。





参考11)Bitcoin Rich List


ということで、一昔前なら『1ビットコインを目指してコツコツ買いましましょう!』とかいってたのに(数百万円前半で買えたから、当時)、今や1,000万円オーバーが当たり前になってしまったので、取り敢えず、0.1ビットコインを目指してコツコツ積立しましょう、というのが、現実的な提案なのかな。まだ、暗号通貨に関心のない皆様も是非買っておいてくださいね。ていうか、株とか先物とか為替みたいな、こんな難易度の高いどMプレーするんだったら、マジで暗号通貨(ビットコイン)買って寝てたほうが遥かにパフォーマンス高いです。マジで、毎日イライラしてドル円と指数見てケータイ投げてとか、馬鹿ですよ、おすすめしないです。生き方として。生き物として恥ずかしいですね。Buy Bitcoin。今日断言出来るのはこれだけ。Buy Bitcoin, and be the 10% richest person in the world.


色々と書いていて、結局、今の相場で最善の方法は、短期売買を自ら禁止することなのではないか、と思い始めてきたw ただ、買い一択とかで取れるほど、相場って甘くないんですよ。『日本株がまだ上がるのか?』みたいなリード文のネット広告を見かけるけどさ、そんなもんどっちでもいいんだよ。上がればロング、下がるならショートで取ればいいんだ。でも、『株?投資?わかんない』、みたいな人が大半の日本ではさ、『日本株は上がるんだ!!』といわれれば、タイタニックが沈むまでロングを握る人が多いわけだ。だから、こういう広告で、日本人を株の世界に釣り上げて、まだまだたんまり残っている在庫を、しこたまぶつけようとしているんかなって、思ってしまう。そうすると、『買いだけじゃなくて、売りでも取れるんだよ』、とか、『日本株が下げても利益を取る方法があるんだぜ』、みたいな親切心を出したい気持ちも出てきてしまって、短期売買の世界にいざなってしまう自分もいたりするw まあでも上げ相場で、売りは本当に怖い。ショートはよほど腕に自信がないと、できない。『買いは家まで、売りは墓場まで』、という投資格言があって、要するに中途半端なショートをすると、担がれた時に『お星さまになりますよ』って話。だから、安易にショートを推奨するわけでもないが、投資戦略は幅広に持っていたほうが絶対に良い。難しいんですが、安易にロングする局面ではない気がしているんだ、今は。ちょっと、外人の手口動向しかり、雰囲気しかり、チャート然り、モードが変わった気がするので、本日は、なんだか歯切れの悪い記事で申し訳ございませんが、皆様くれぐれもお気をつけてポジションサイズの最適化を図ってください。皆様の相場戦争、ご武運を祈ります。



【 2018年8月23日発売!ブロックチェーン、仮想通貨をテーマにした松田元新著がKKロングセラーさんから出版されました】
「いい人がお金に困らない 仮想通貨 新時代のルール 」

そして今、ICO(Initial Coin Offering:イニシャル・コイン・オファリング/新規仮想通貨公開)という仕組みが稼働を始め、ビジネスの世界も大きな変革が始まっています。

Episode:653 The explosive rise of the Nikkei 225, the issue of US interest rate cuts, inflation, and war, even foreigners are closing their positions, signaling a slight caution

Last time, I had the opportunity to revisit blockchain and Bitcoin with an article, but this week, I'm back to financial topics, for which I apologize. There seem to be signs of change in the Nikkei Average (Japanese stocks) and the USD/JPY exchange rate, so there's a bit of a risky atmosphere emerging. Thinking, "If I don't address this, investors' positions might be at risk," I'll be writing another financial column this time as well. The market is always busy every day.

Reference 1) Focus: Options for Retaliation against Iran, Israel

First of all, the situation in the Middle East has become very concerning. While the lead of the article inexplicably exudes a positive and optimistic atmosphere, the content itself is quite dire. Iran and Israel are both heating up tensions.

Reference 2) Crude Oil Futures Hit ¥80,000 Range for the First Time in 5 and a Half Months amid Heightened Supply Concerns in the Middle East

There's a saying in the market: 'War from afar is a buy.' War brings about demand for defense, which is positive for the market. However, the fundamental issue in the current market lies in inflation (stagflation). War causes oil prices to rise (energy prices surge), which indirectly isn't good for the market. Therefore, I wanted to highlight the Middle East situation as a reference. Crude oil has also reached significant levels.

As a premise, the mode of 'Japanese stocks heading to the bubble to ¥100,000' and 'USD/JPY breaking through the Nixon Shock to ¥360' has not changed at all. So, for those who are buying Japanese stocks long-term using indices, this article may not be very useful.

However, for those trading leveraged positions in forex or dealing in futures and options, I feel that we might continue to see an exciting market in the short term. Frankly, given how strong the Nikkei has been so far, just a 10% drop means a loss of ¥4,000 with it crossing the ¥40,000 mark. The mental fortitude required when entering a long position at ¥35,000 thinking 'Oh, this is definitely going to ¥40,000,' compared to when it's already at ¥40,000 and you're thinking, 'It might go to ¥45,000 but a 10% drop means a loss of ¥4,000,' is completely different. In other words, it's very difficult to enter, and trading becomes challenging. This is the current state of the Japanese stock market, which I think resonates with those involved in futures, options, and derivatives. The current position of Japanese stocks makes it very difficult to enter.

If, say, we were to see a 10% decline to ¥36,000 or a 20% drop to ¥33,000, that would be an unprecedented buying opportunity, I believe. But the return from last night's overnight trading is ¥39,300. Well, it's kind of iffy. ¥40,000 feels distant, and especially in the current atmosphere, aiming for ¥41,000 and breaking to new highs seems really tough. This is where the pros' market views collide. A stance like 'I don't really get it, so I'll buy when it's low' seems like it could be the most profitable in the end.

So, today I'm feeling a bit hesitant, and I don't have the confidence to make a clear prediction like 'This is how it's going to be.' But I want to convey the atmosphere and feeling of 'It's really tough right now, here,' in real-time. So, I'll explain the changes in market tone and their signs one by one. Let's get started.

1.Employment Statistics: Positive

Reference 3) US Employment Increases by 303,000 in March, Unemployment Rate Falls to 3.8%, Despite Post-Rate Cut Shifts

Last night, at 9:30 PM Japan time, employment statistics were released, and the results showed strong figures. The outcome surpassed expectations, suggesting an improvement in the US employment environment. Consequently, there's a growing sentiment that there's no need to rush into rate cuts. If rate cuts are delayed, yields will rise (indicating accelerated inflation), which might temporarily dampen the market sentiment, but the overall improvement in the employment environment is positive for the economy. It ultimately boils down to a situation where "either way, it's not good." Employment statistics have become materials for manipulating stock prices and exchange rates, leading to a perplexing conundrum the more one earnestly contemplates it. For now, passing through the major event of employment statistics during periods of volatile market fluctuations is worth mentioning.

2.USD/JPY: Running Wild

No, seriously... It's annoying, you know... What's really annoying is when USD/JPY goes haywire. It's fine when it moves around, like 100 pips (which is 1 yen in USD/JPY terms) in a day; we've experienced flash crashes, like during the China shock when it moved 3 yen in a few seconds, so movement is not the issue here. But when it suddenly drops from a point where you're like, "It's definitely going to break 152 yen," plunges below 151 yen, and then bounces back to 151.70 yen, leaving you feeling like, "Oh no, why did I sell USD?!," it seriously makes you want to throw your phone out the window. I seriously wish it would cut it out. It's annoying, you know. And when it happens all in one day, it's seriously infuriating. It's just too malicious.

Moreover, as I'll explain later, just when Japanese and US stocks seem to be on the verge of a severe downturn, it decides to break below 151 yen and pretend to break below the range, which is seriously aggravating. USD/JPY is fundamentally crucial when it comes to reading the stock market. Basically, if USD/JPY doesn't collapse, stocks won't collapse either. When the Japanese yen becomes cheaper, it means "foreigners can buy stocks at a lower price," so the idea that when USD/JPY is strong = Japanese stocks are bullish, is generally correct. Therefore, a strong USD/JPY = reassurance, weak USD/JPY = anxiety, weak USD/JPY + weak Japanese stocks = trouble. Yesterday, it was going back and forth between trouble, anxiety, and reassurance all in one day. Seriously, this is so annoying. It's driving me crazy.

3.Foreign investors: flipping the script, suddenly selling Japanese stocks

Amidst this "infinite inflation express, Japanese stock surge, and confirmation mode," not being fully long on Japanese stocks feels like a syndrome of anxiety that can't be helped. But, in a way, this too is a bit of a yellow warning light for Japanese stocks.

Reference 4) [Market Conditions] Tokyo Stock Exchange Trading Trends by Investment Category:

This may not resonate with beginners, but essentially, the trading history categorized by investor type is disclosed by the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Broadly speaking, it's divided into (1) foreign investors, (2) domestic corporations, and (3) domestic individuals. Since Japanese stocks are primarily influenced by foreign investors, when foreigners are net buyers, it suggests, "Oh, Japanese stocks are going to rise!" Conversely, when foreigners are net sellers, it implies, "Hmm, Japanese stocks might be a bit risky."

Of course, these buying and selling trends based on trading behavior involve a mix of spot (cash) and futures transactions, so there are instances where what seems like net buying might actually be spot selling for hedging purposes, and vice versa. Moreover, the disclosed trading behavior is typically up to the previous week, so the trading behavior for this week isn't revealed immediately. Therefore, this trading behavior information serves as more of a "reference" and doesn't necessarily dictate the market movement in exact alignment with the disclosed trends.

Nevertheless, even so, the fact that foreigners sold a net total of 1.177 trillion yen worth of stocks, including both spot and futures transactions, carries significant impact. And seeing that individuals have been buying heavily in the latest week... it's quite disheartening.

Reference 5) Trading Trends by Investor Type

Well, when you imagine the image of foreigners selling off massively, and individuals bearing the brunt of that selling... It's hard not to feel tears welling up. Still, we gotta sell.

In the first place, the scorching rise of the Nikkei Average, which has been happening almost every week, has been heavily influenced by the "demon-like net buying" of foreigners. It all started when old man Buffett started talking about buying trading companies and started buying them up, attracting foreign attention to Japanese stocks. So, the fact that these foreigners have been "DOTEN" (turning from buying to selling) on such a massive scale since last September (!) is quite weighty, I think...

4.Taking a step back, it's clear the charts are messed up when you look at them calmly

The chart is not very reliable; it only serves to stabilize the mental aspect of one's own position. But well, let's take a look at it anyway. The chart too.

Reference 6) Nikkei Stock Average

Looking at the chart for spot prices... The 25-day moving average is cleanly broken. There have been moments in the past where it briefly broke but quickly rebounded with a bullish candlestick. This time, however, it's completely broken with a bearish candlestick. While charts are worthless crap, candlestick patterns are useful. The difference between a bullish and bearish close is significant. Even looking at this, it all seems rather suspicious... for Japanese stocks. It wouldn't be surprising if it touched 38,000 yen and then plunged to 36,000 yen.

In hindsight, Japanese stocks have been too strong since the beginning of the year. The chart was just too scary. Simply put, it was too strong. And now, for the first time, it's broken. Foreigners also switched their positions. They turned to selling. It's bad timing with talks of war and oil surges. Inflation was already a concern for the market, and with oil prices surging, it adds further fuel to the fire of price increases.

5.Nikkei Stock Average denominated in dollars

Reference 7)Nikkei Stock Average denominated in dollars

Well, the dollar-denominated Nikkei average chart looks similar to the spot Nikkei chart. It's breaking below the support line. So, just looking at the chart for the dollar-denominated Nikkei, you get the feeling it might be headed downwards. If the dollar-denominated Nikkei falls, it could mean either (1) a stronger yen, (2) a decline in stocks, or (3) both. While it's still unclear whether there's enough power to break through 152 yen (given past disappointments), it seems quite resilient around 150 yen, so the likelihood of a stock market decline seems higher. This is just a reading from the charts, akin to a fortune-telling, but for now, it feels like it might go down.

6.Overall Sentiment in U.S. Stocks

Reference 8) U.S. Stock Market = Rebound, Supported by Strong Jobs Data, Tesla is Cheap

For the time being, the sentiment has considerably improved following yesterday's jobs data. We're starting to feel more confident. The day before yesterday was quite rough, though. It seems semiconductor stocks took quite a hit as well.

Reference 9) NY Dow

Well, you know, Japanese stocks are something, but American stocks are also quite something, aren't they? They've gone up way too much, haha. I mean, a bit of a correction usually paves the way for stocks to climb even higher, right? I don't think this downturn marks "the end of a major bull run leading to a crash" or anything like that. So, I still feel like both US and Japanese stocks could do with a bit of a pullback for a more comfortable grip. But, you know, when stocks take a dip, it often takes a while to recover, and during that time, liquidity dries up and volatility decreases, so somehow, it feels a bit sad to see them dip.

7.Done with Growth Stocks

For those of you readers who are involved in the stock market, you probably hold a significant portion of your portfolio in growth stocks, which are represented by the Growth Market Index. Well, folks, it's over. It's a wrap. Done deal.

Reference 10) TSE Growth Market Index

What is this? This is without a doubt a trash index. It's not growing at all. These stocks are mocking us. Mocking investors. Seriously disrespectful. It's seriously annoying, I really want this index to change.

When it's lumped in with the overall index and it goes down, it affects individual stocks too, so I really want them to stop. It's ridiculous when unrelated stocks get sold off just because of the index interfering with individual stocks. Unacceptable. That's all for now.

8.Cryptocurrencies are resilient

As explained in the previous column, Bitcoin is nearing its halving event, and despite the recent downturn in the stock market, it has been showing resilient and steady movements. Ethereum, on the other hand, has been revisiting the "Gas Fee" issue with that bald-headed guy making noise again, causing its price to dip slightly, but let's just leave it be. They're fools. They're fools, so there's no use worrying. It'll all work out as it should. Without Ethereum, there would be no Web3 or anything worthwhile. If Ethereum gas fees decrease, its liquidity will increase a bit more. Without Ethereum, the cryptocurrency ecosystem wouldn't exist. Ethereum is not a security. We just have to wait for the approval of Ethereum ETF and watch it rise. However, in the case of Ethereum, when its price goes up, gas fees skyrocket, causing significant issues for developers. Therefore, it's honestly still uncertain whether the physical ETF will have a significant impact on its price (there's a theory that some investors may stop buying ETFs because when Ethereum rises, gas fees increase, causing inconvenience to some people).

Refference11)Bitcoin Rich List


This is a Bitcoin Rich List, depicting the distribution of people around the world who own Bitcoin. It's quite surprising to see. There are only about 1 million people worldwide who own more than 1 BTC (address) (!). That's remarkable. It's the top 2%. Well, that makes sense, considering it would eventually amount to 40 million yen.

By the way, even the layer of people with 0.1 to 1 Bitcoin is just around 6.7%. You can get into the top 10% worldwide just by having 0.1 Bitcoin. That could be 4 million yen in the future. But it might not be enough. It might not even make a dent at 40 million yen.

So, whereas in the past we might have said, "Let's steadily buy Bitcoin aiming for 1 BTC!" (because you could buy it for a few million yen back then), now that it's become commonplace for it to be over 10 million yen, perhaps it's more realistic to aim for 0.1 BTC and gradually accumulate it. Even those who aren't interested in cryptocurrency yet should consider buying it. I mean, rather than engaging in such high-difficulty plays like stocks, futures, or forex, seriously, buying cryptocurrency (Bitcoin) and just holding onto it will give you much better performance. Seriously, getting frustrated every day, throwing your phone because of watching the USD/JPY and indices, that's just foolish, not recommended as a way of life. It's embarrassing as a living being. Buy Bitcoin。That's the only thing I can assert today. Buy Bitcoin, and be the 10% richest person in the world.

9.So, what should we do next?しよう?

I've talked through my thoughts on the environment surrounding Japanese stocks, the financial market, what might happen next, the employment situation, trends in interest rates, but honestly, if you ask me what's going to happen next and what we should do, I'm slightly uncertain. All I can really say is, "Buy on dips but don't overdo it," "It's a bit risky to buy now, so selling is likely dominant," "If there's a further dip into the 36,000 yen range or lower, then it's time to aggressively buy."

As for the USD/JPY, honestly, I wanted to say, "Buy or you're a fool," unless I saw yesterday's movements. But with such intense, erratic movements, it's tough. We don't know when the next downturn will come. If the USD/JPY crosses 152 yen, I think it's good to go all in long. In other words, there's no need to rush now. If it crosses 152 yen, it should skyrocket, so just hop on then. There's no benefit in rushing into it.

The problem lies with Japanese stocks. Setting aside the scorn-worthy individual stocks, let's talk about the indices. The Nikkei average. How's that looking? Personally, I'm feeling like selling rather than buying as we approach the 40,000 yen mark. Things might change when the market opens the day after tomorrow, but for now, it doesn't seem like a market environment where one can comfortably buy. Foreign investors are closing their positions, the charts look ominous, and there's a bit of concern about the market environment.

A reasonable target price would be around 38,000 yen. If it drops to that level, it might be more effective to switch from follow-up selling to buying on dips strategy and withstand the decline while securing the capacity to buy down to 36,000 yen. It seems like a viable strategy. We don't expect it to drop to 33,000 yen (or at least hope not), so if it does happen, it would mean that this downturn has hit a major peak, which we hope doesn't occur. For those skilled in short-selling, it might be worth attempting a short challenge around 36,000 yen. That's my personal analysis based on the current environment surrounding Japanese stocks and market conditions.

However, as a possible scenario, there's the April SQ, when is it again? Next Friday, I believe. With the unique supply and demand dynamics before that SQ, I wouldn't rule out the possibility of the Nikkei surpassing 40,000 yen again next week. If that happens, I'll steer clear of Japanese stocks and futures for a while. It's become a game that only pros can enjoy, so it's best to stay out of it. Buying from the high of over 41,000 yen seems to be the only option. Range-bound markets are truly challenging, seriously.

So, as a strategy, (1) always maintain reserves (position size, deposits), (2) be prepared to take positions from both the buy and sell sides (like opening futures accounts), and (3) always keep in mind that the most crucial indicator is the USD/JPY. Then, if it goes down, it's okay to chase after it with sell orders, and if you're skilled, shorting could be intriguing. If it goes up, just chase after it with long orders. However, the most dangerous thing here is to be indecisive. If you keep switching between buying and selling, you'll likely burn through your margin in an instant, so be extremely cautious about that. If you believe it's going down, sell. If you believe it's going up, buy. It's better to choose a strategy and stick to it.

Looking at the long term, Japanese stocks are strong, and USD/JPY is undoubtedly strong. Setting aside Bitcoin, as an asset that can withstand inflation, stocks and foreign currencies are still strong, no matter what. So, for those who don't want to be tossed around by short-term trades, they should just take a solid long position in Japanese stocks. Load up on Japanese stocks like crazy. Then, just let it ride.

As I've been writing, I've come to think that perhaps the best approach in the current market is to ban oneself from short-term trading. However, the market isn't as forgiving as to allow you to thrive with just buying. You see those online ads with lead-ins like 'Is the Japanese stock market still going up?' but honestly, it doesn't matter. If it goes up, go long; if it goes down, short it. But in Japan, where the majority are like, 'Stocks? Investments? I have no idea,' if someone says 'Japanese stocks are going up!' many would hold onto long positions until the Titanic sinks. So, when I see these ads trying to lure Japanese people into the stock market and dump the remaining inventory, I can't help but think, 'Hey, there's a way to make money not just by buying but also by selling,' or 'There are ways to profit even when Japanese stocks are falling,' and I start feeling like I want to extend a helping hand. But then I realize I'm also getting pulled into the world of short-term trading. Well, in a bull market, selling is truly scary. Shorting is something you shouldn't attempt unless you're very confident. There's an investment saying: 'Buy until you go home; sell until you go to the grave.' In other words, if you short half-heartedly, you might end up becoming a star in the sky when you get carried away. So, I'm not advocating for shorting recklessly, but having a broad investment strategy is always better. It's tough, but now, I don't feel like it's the time to go long easily. I feel like the mood has changed a bit today, with the behavior of foreigners, the atmosphere, the charts, etc. So, I apologize for the somewhat disjointed article today, but please, everyone, be cautious and optimize your position sizes. Wishing you all the best of luck in your trading battles.

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