
第652回: ビットコイン、いよいよ半減期を迎える4月に突入、香港がETF承認をする傍ら、日本ではETF購入可否のネタが禁句に

















参考2)米国のマイニング企業株は最大27%下落 ビットコイン価格上昇でも逆風




参考3)ビットコイン 「長期的には猛烈な強気市場になる」=ビットワイズCIO



参考5)Bitcoin Transactions Per Day (I:BTPD)



参考6)World’s largest pension fund explores bitcoin as an investment




既に分離課税20%が当たり前のように適用されている投資信託、ETFの世界で、ビットコインETFが組成され、扱われるようになったら、当然、20%の分離課税を求めて、投資家はETFしか買わなくなる。結果どうなるかといえば、暗号資産取引所企業は、全滅する。言葉とおり、全て、全滅することになる。だって、暗号資産取引所で直接ビットコイン買うと55%課税なんだもんwwwETFだと20%税率。どうですか、ETF買うでしょ。だから、ETF組成されると、税務署が困るだけじゃなくて、暗号資産取引所協会も、業界も、全滅するから、金融庁は困る。だから、Goが出せないんだ。もちろんこれも自業自得なんだ。全てが、自業自得www 訳が分かんねえ。何してんだって話なんだけど、でもやっちまったもんは仕方ない。




【 2018年8月23日発売!ブロックチェーン、仮想通貨をテーマにした松田元新著がKKロングセラーさんから出版されました】
「いい人がお金に困らない 仮想通貨 新時代のルール 」

そして今、ICO(Initial Coin Offering:イニシャル・コイン・オファリング/新規仮想通貨公開)という仕組みが稼働を始め、ビジネスの世界も大きな変革が始まっています。

Episode:652 Bitcoin is entering April, which marks the halving, while Hong Kong approves ETFs, Japan keeps mum on the availability of ETF purchases

Recently, there have been many market-related topics, and almost every week, I've been writing financial column-like articles. So, after a long time, I thought I'd write about the basics of Bitcoin and blockchain. Although Bitcoin and blockchain now attract substantial funds as financial asset classes, there are some similarities between them. However, with the upcoming halving event (every 4 years), I believe it's important to explain it properly.

Bitcoin has established an image of being over 10 million yen, and Ethereum has an image of being over 550,000 yen. It may seem like they've reached quite high levels even before the halving event, but this event is extremely important for understanding the value of Bitcoin. I hope you can take this opportunity to understand it.

Reference 1) Bitcoin's "halving," coming in April, is completely different from befor

When studying economics, one of the most fundamental concepts you learn is the law of diminishing marginal utility. It's interesting to note that regardless of which textbook you read, beer is always used as an example to explain this concept (and it's quite understandable). Understanding this concept is crucial for grasping the concept of supply and demand.
In essence, the law of diminishing marginal utility states that while the first beer may be delicious, the satisfaction diminishes with each additional beer. This helps to organize the basic knowledge of economics by explaining the idea that "marginal utility (satisfaction) changes according to the quantity supplied = if supply increases, demand decreases."

Similarly, currency works in the same way. As the supply of currency increases, its value decreases. This leads to a proportional increase in prices, known as inflation. This mechanism of "endless printing of currency" is considered to be the root cause of many problems in modern capitalism. While there are certainly benefits, such as the ability to implement flexible monetary policies, there are also drawbacks, such as the impossibility of raising the value of currency once prices have risen (leading to the potential for inflationary depressions).

The concept of Bitcoin's halving is already at a level where it can only be described as "Satoshi Nakamoto is a genius" in terms of its brilliant design as a digital currency. Readers of this article may have heard explanations of Bitcoin to the point of exhaustion, but let's review the concept of Bitcoin once again before the halving.

Bitcoin is a currency given as an incentive for confirming transactions on the blockchain. For beginners, this explanation might not make much sense, so let's delve a bit deeper to make it more understandable.

Individuals with incredibly high intelligence, upon observing modern society, may suddenly think, "At this rate, the world will perish." Upon thorough consideration of the problem, these ultra-brainy individuals realize that there are two major themes that could lead to the world's destruction: currency and data. If the currency becomes unstable, global security is compromised, leading to wars. If data is tampered with, dishonest individuals rise to power while honest people suffer. With this realization, a paper anonymously posted online in 2008 became the catalyst for the creation of blockchain and Bitcoin. The creator is Satoshi Nakamoto, a name that sounds Japanese but does not belong to a Japanese person. Some speculate that Satoshi Nakamoto is a group of white hat hackers from Europe, but why they chose a Japanese name remains a mystery to this day.

Currency and data. Both are areas where central authorities such as governments or big tech companies are believed to control and manage everything. However, blockchain and Bitcoin stand on the premise of "no one should control currency or data in the first place." From this perspective, they have devised an Ultra C solution that addresses the problems of both currency and data by (1) preventing data tampering, (2) decentralizing data management, and (3) rewarding those who contribute to maintaining decentralized data with currency. In simple terms, the structure can be summarized as follows.

1.Connecting servers to collectively hold data (P2P) in order to manage data in a decentralized manner.
2.Recording all data to ensure permanent collective management of jointly held data.
3.To rewrite (transact) recorded data, permission must be obtained from all nodes (participants) connected to the server, and since all change history is preserved, physical tampering becomes impossible (PoW).
4.Those who cooperate in approving transactions by individually querying each server are rewarded with a payment called Bitcoin as a token of gratitude.

In other words, the characters involved are:

・Data Co-managers (Nodes)
・Data Recorders (Transaction Executors)
・Data Approvers (Transaction Validators, Miners)

These three parties constitute a genius scheme where "a mechanism is created that ensures records cannot be tampered with or leaked without a central administrator, " Further, the reward received by these transaction validators is Bitcoin, a virtual digital symbol. Yet, for some reason, it is now traded at over 10 million yen per Bitcoin. It's quite remarkable that a cryptocurrency, less than 16 years old, is traded at a higher value than any fiat currency. This underscores its status as an inflation killer and a worthy contender as the next-generation base currency.

And furthermore, the even more remarkable aspect of this blockchain, Bitcoin, is the concept of today's column topic, the halving. This serves as a foundational technology that can only be described as "seriously genius." It's a crucial concept that has propelled Bitcoin to over 10 million yen in less than 16 years, with the certainty that it will exceed 40 million yen in value within 20 years. Given its significance, I'd like to delve into this concept carefully and explain it in detail in the following sections. So, let's get started.

1.The Halving and Its Power

Once you understand the basic concepts of blockchain and Bitcoin, let me reiterate the article I mentioned earlier.

Reference 1) Bitcoin's "halving," coming in April, is completely different from befor

The halving, also known as "Halving" in English, is a major event that occurs once every four years. Simply put, the halving is a program that cuts the reward of Bitcoin received in half every four years. This is quite a drastic measure because it means that the reward, which was previously 1 Bitcoin, is reduced to 0.5 Bitcoin. For those who rely on Bitcoin to make a living, this can become a matter of life and death.

Those who earn money with Bitcoin can be broadly categorized as follows:

・People who rely on receiving Bitcoin from others (ICO, IEO, DEX, exchange personnel, and others involved in gifts, inheritance, etc.).
・People who live by trading Bitcoin (investors, ETF creators).
・People who mine Bitcoin (transaction approvers) for a living (mining operators).

Among these, mining operators are the ones who painstakingly verify vast amounts of data each time to earn Bitcoin. For them, it's a matter of life and death when their reward of, say, 100 bitcoins per year is suddenly halved to 50 bitcoins after the halving event. It's a serious issue, isn't it? Imagine your salary being cut in half—no questions asked.

Now, you might think, "Well, wouldn't it be better to skip the halving?" That's the typical reaction of ordinary people. However, this is where Satoshi Nakamoto's genius shines. He foresaw that incorporating the halving into the program would sustain the incentive system (ensuring Bitcoin's scarcity, hence its price continues to rise). In fact, since Bitcoin's inception, there have been three halving events, and the performance of Bitcoin during those times is as follows:

2012: 8069%
2016: 284%
2020: 559%

Yes, this (). And now, the halving is coming. In April. April 2024. Yes, this (). It's 10 times at 1,000%, and 5 times at 500%. What is it now? It's 10 million yen. Conservatively, it's tripled. 30 million yen. Yes, this (). So, now, let's not run to the bank and withdraw all our assets to put into Bitcoin after the halving... No, I digress. Essentially, remember that even when the halving comes, "the price hasn't dropped, it's actually risen," is an absolute fact to bear in mind. And this time, the halving is said to be a "explosive situation" as spot ETFs issued by financial institutions are being approved, but I'll leave the fiery hype to the aforementioned article.

2.Halving and Mining Companies

Earlier, I wrote, "Won't it be tough for Bitcoin mining companies when the halving comes and their income is cut in half?" Indeed, I believe it will be tough. However, even though their income will be halved, it's "confirmed" that the value of the currency they receive will more than double, so mining companies will survive without going under. At least that's been the case so far. What happens in the future, we still don't know. The importance of mining companies in the Bitcoin ecosystem, and the crucial role they play, is a matter of considerable debate among experts. Unfortunately, I'm not well-versed in the intricacies of the mining market, so I'll leave the judgment to the experts. For now, let's take a look at the stock prices of mining companies.

Reference 2) U.S. Mining Company Stocks Drop by Up to 27% Despite Bitcoin Price Surge

The article has a somewhat harsh tone, but when you actually look at the stock prices, they haven't dropped significantly. However, when compared to the surge in Bitcoin prices, they do seem to pale in comparison. Whether you perceive this as undervalued or as a potential crisis for Bitcoin changes the way you see the world.

If mining companies disappear, it means there will be fewer transaction validators. With fewer validators, the number of transactions executed naturally decreases. This leads to a decrease in Bitcoin's settlement liquidity and indicates a future where transaction speeds significantly slow down or get congested.

However, mining companies don't solely mine Bitcoin; they mine a wide range of currencies based on the PoW protocol. So, when Bitcoin mining efficiency is low, they hedge their risks by mining other currencies. Nevertheless, regardless of which currency they mine, they usually convert it back to Bitcoin for cashing out or storage. Consequently, mining companies inevitably return to the debate of "Does the Bitcoin price go up? Can I survive by mining this?" The fate of mining companies sandwiched between Bitcoin's forcibly reduced supply due to halving and the surging demand resulting from the approval of spot ETFs is currently a fascinating topic of interest.

3.Halving and Spot ETF

In April 2024, we will mark the memorable fourth halving event. However, the highlight of this event will undoubtedly be the halving after the approval of the Spot ETF. While we explained the law of diminishing marginal utility in economics using beer, essentially, it's like when the supply of beer decreases to only 100 bottles because the malt for brewing is no longer available, but then around 10,000 exhausted laborers move into the neighborhood. What happens to the price of beer? "It's going to increase, no doubt about it." Exactly. From a supply and demand perspective, that's correct.

Reference 3: Bitcoin "Long-term prospects will become extremely bullish" - Bitwise CIO

Anyway, it seems that the $12 billion flowing into ETFs right now is just a down payment. That's hilarious. It's all good fun, right? Let's stir the pot. They say that eventually, $1 trillion will flow into ETFs. Basically, it's like having 10,000 workers show up to a brewery that can only produce 100 bottles of beer, and then another 10,000, and another 10,000, and so on, but every four years, the supply of beer decreases to 50 bottles, then 25 bottles, and so on. "It's going to increase, no doubt about it." Yes, it's $400 million. $400 million is just a milestone.

Reference 4: Hong Kong Monetary Authority May Offer Bitcoin Spot Redemption Model ETF in 2Q

And now, finally, even in Hong Kong, a Bitcoin ETF is set to emerge. With this development, the world's major powers, the US and China, will synchronize, pouring the world's money into Bitcoin. With Bitcoin's supply significantly tightened by the halving, there's no doubt it will continue to rise indefinitely.

However, what's also crucial here is the survival of mining operators. I looked it up out of curiosity and came across this article:

Reference 5) Bitcoin Transactions Per Day (I:BTPD)

 In essence, this is the "number of Bitcoin transactions per day," roughly averaging around 450,000 to 600,000 transactions processed daily. This translates to approximately 18 million transactions per month and about 2.4 billion transactions annually (rough estimates).

As long as the price of Bitcoin continues to rise, spot ETF investors are unlikely to sell, so ultimately, the only sellers in the current situation are (1) mining operators and (2) short-term traders. If mining operators struggle to manage their operations and repeatedly sell Bitcoin for dollars, they may face even greater difficulties. In fact, if major semiconductor manufacturers like NVIDIA step up their game, mining operators may find it impossible to compete, potentially leading to the disappearance of current mining operations.

Setting up mining operations involves significant effort, such as buying GPUs, assembling terminals, purchasing cooling systems, configuring, and monitoring. However, it seems that investment strategies like buying Bitcoin in the market due to ETF inflows (similar to MicroStrategy's approach) may offer better profitability than mining for revenue. Nonetheless, if mining operators disappear, transaction confirmations may get clogged, rendering the currency unusable, resulting in a price collapse and accelerated fund outflows from ETFs, leading to a worst-case scenario. Therefore, the survival of mining operators remains crucial in considering the future of Bitcoin. With no clear answer yet, ongoing analysis, taking into account factors like hash rates, is essential. Nonetheless, as the price of Bitcoin rises, mining operators are likely to bounce back, so there's a sense of mutual dependence, and I believe mining operators will endure in the long run.

4.Is Japan's Whale Joining the Fray?

In fact, while Bitcoin investment or Bitcoin ETF composition is gaining momentum overseas, it seems that in Japan, too, a certain massive pension fund is showing interest in Bitcoin investment.

Reference 6)World’s largest pension fund explores bitcoin as an investment

No, no, is GPIF finally taking the stage? That's fantastic news. It seems they're considering investing in Bitcoin and other assets.

However, many people must have had doubts. "Wait, how are they going to buy it? 😂" Yes, that's a valid concern. Since the renowned GPIF can't just say, "Please give us some Bitcoin," they're likely to purchase Bitcoin from reputable institutional investors. "So, where would that be?" Naturally, it seems they might buy through ETFs established by US-based BlackRock, but there's no comment on the specific method. In fact, there's even an atmosphere of "don't ask" surrounding it, suggesting that the rural socialist state of the Great Japanese Empire is still going strong.

Reference 7) Can Bitcoin Physical ETFs Be Established in Japan?

 You know, it's really strange, but in Japan, there's absolutely no talk about establishing a Bitcoin ETF or investing in Bitcoin ETFs established overseas. It's like there's an atmosphere where it's taboo to even bring up the topic. Seriously.

With all the excitement around Bitcoin, you'd think the Nikkei newspaper or others would cover Bitcoin extensively, but instead, they seem to be treating it like a taboo subject, especially when it comes to Bitcoin ETFs. It's really hillbilly, isn't it?

Now, it's easy to diss them, but as mentioned in the forward-looking report, setting up an ETF is as simple as adding Bitcoin to the list of "designated assets" eligible for investment under the Investment Trusts Law. It seems like something they could do quickly. But they don't. Why not? Well, maybe it's because they're trying to protect domestic cryptocurrency exchanges. That's what I think. And honestly, I kinda get it. After all, domestic cryptocurrency exchanges are like punishment—they just don't make any money, thanks to all the regulations. And then there's the biggest hurdle of all: taxes. They treat it as miscellaneous income. 55% taxation. Ridiculous. And they can't change it. Because they can't change it, there's a very high chance that in Japan, cryptocurrency ETFs will be a no-go for both formation and purchase. They brought this upon themselves. It was a misguided decision not to see the big picture. But if the authorities are trying to protect cryptocurrency exchanges, well, I guess you could say that's honorable, in a way.

5.In Japan, you can't buy or create Bitcoin ETFs

First of all, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are akin to commodities, known for commodity futures trading. Therefore, jurisdictionally speaking, it was initially expected to be under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries rather than the Financial Services Agency (FSA) because of its resemblance to commodities (I heard this from a certain professor). However, the discussion shifted to tokens and whatnot, leading to the conclusion that it should fall under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI). METI stepped forward, but with the increasing number of consultations regarding investment fraud through Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) and Initial Exchange Offerings (IEOs), it seems it circled back to being under the FSA (I'm pretty sure about this, as I learned from a living legend in the field). In other words, all the problems stem from the fact that highly utilitarian assets like cryptocurrencies don't fit neatly into the framework of financial products. If they were treated as financial products, they would be subject to a separate tax rate of 20%, and it would be the end of the story. However, when it comes to commodities or coupons under METI's jurisdiction, they are treated as miscellaneous income, leading to a desire for taxation exceeding that of separate taxation. As a result, "cryptocurrencies, which appear to be entirely financial products but are subject to mysterious and brutal tax rules," have emerged, and the likes of Bitcoin are not positively covered by the Nikkei newspaper. They're no longer covered at all.

If a Bitcoin ETF were to be created and traded in the world of investment trusts and ETFs, where a separate tax rate of 20% is already commonly applied, investors would naturally demand the 20% separate tax rate, and they would only buy ETFs. The result? Cryptocurrency exchange companies would be wiped out. I mean, completely wiped out. Because, you know, if you buy Bitcoin directly from a cryptocurrency exchange, it's taxed at 55% LOL. With ETFs, it's a 20% tax rate. So, which one would you choose? Obviously, you'd go for ETFs. So, if ETFs were to be established, not only would the tax office be troubled, but the cryptocurrency exchange association and the entire industry would also be wiped out, causing trouble for the Financial Services Agency. That's why they can't give the green light. Of course, this is also a case of reaping what you sow. It's all self-inflicted LOL. It's incomprehensible. What are they even doing? But once it's done, there's no turning back.
There are two main ways to resolve this issue: one is to change the tax system, and the other is to amend the Investment Trust Law to include Bitcoin as an eligible asset. That's it. It's simple, but if you ask whether this discussion is taking place in the Diet, the answer is no. There is no discussion. In other words, it's not even on the agenda. This means that it will take an endless amount of time from here to discuss it, put it on the agenda, have bureaucrats draft the outline of the law amendment, question it, and get it approved in the Diet. And by then, Bitcoin might have already reached 30 million yen, 50 million yen, or even 100 million yen, and it could turn into a comedy sketch where Japanese people, legally, invite themselves to participate in an act of legitimate plunder by setting up a Bitcoin ETF and absorbing all the sales from American investors LOL.

Wait, are they even going to change the cryptocurrency tax system now? If they can't change it, Bitcoin ETFs might not even be allowed to be traded in Japan forever. Japanese institutional investors would have to set up branches overseas and prepare dedicated SPCs to buy Bitcoin ETFs. Since Japanese yen would be sold off and replaced by foreign currency to buy Bitcoin, the yen would depreciate even further.

Reference 8) [Bakumatsu] Massive Outflow of Gold Coins Due to Differences in Gold-Silver Ratio

Well, you know, instead of sticking to the ridiculous tax rate on the Japanese yen, which is going to collapse and become worthless, and saying that they can't or won't change the cryptocurrency tax system, I think it would be better to simply establish a way for Japanese people to access Bitcoin ETFs directly "with Japanese yen." At the very least, if there are cryptocurrency exchanges, it would be better to lower the tax rate on them. Otherwise, all Japanese assets will flow out overseas, seriously.

There used to be a ridiculous story in Japan where silver, which was scarce in Japan, was imported cheaply from overseas, causing a massive outflow of gold from Japan because they insisted on valuing silver domestically. The same thing is happening in the Bitcoin market now, you know? I understand there are constraints, but while you're at it, please review what happened back then at Benesse and strive for Bitcoin ETFs or revising the cryptocurrency tax system, all you great and wise folks.

"Revolutionary" MATSUDA GEN will reveal all the truths that can now be spoken.

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"Released on August 23, 2018! MATSUDA GEN's new book on blockchain and cryptocurrency themes has been published by KK Longseller.

A new era of "capitalism," rewriting "values" and "ways of life." The new economic system for good people to win is born here.

With the proliferation of blockchain, we rethink "empathy," "inspiration," "compassion," "forgiveness," and "respect."
Thanks to the spread of blockchain, will we live in a world where "good people receive money even without working?"
Currently, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are primarily treated as speculative commodities, but in the future, they will play their intended role as real currencies.
The true identity of cryptocurrency is the unalterable digital data called "blockchain."
Just as the Internet has significantly changed people's lives until now, blockchain will also, in the near future, transform people's lives into new forms, along with new technologies like AI.
Enterprising newcomers to the cryptocurrency industry predict the future of cryptocurrencies!

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"Released on January 6, 2018! We have published the first book in Japan on the theme of ICO, co-authored by MATSUDA GEN. It reveals the essence of cryptocurrency services and ICOs, along with the strategies of various companies!

This book, a triple collaboration between Roger Ver, known as the "Bitcoin Jesus" and CEO of bitcoin.com, Kanemoto Kaneto, and MATSUDA GEN, delves into the future that cryptocurrency will undoubtedly bring closer.

  • Why will the world change with cryptocurrency?

  • How is Wowoo trying to change the world?

  • What will happen to nations?

  • What will happen to currency?

  • What will happen to our lives?

In the 20th century, when personal computers and the internet began to spread in society, only a very small number of people realized that these technologies would fundamentally change human life. At this point, blockchain is in a similarly revolutionary position, often considered "too groundbreaking to easily comprehend."
First and foremost, we want you to understand the specific use cases of blockchain. Bitcoin also uses blockchain technology. Therefore, every transaction, from whom and to whom, and for how much, has been recorded since 2009. Moreover, since these transaction records cannot be altered later, it is impossible to steal or embezzle cryptocurrency.
Cryptocurrency may seem suspicious to many because it is invisible. However, backed by blockchain, it is actually much more resistant to fraudulent activities than physical cash. Furthermore, cryptocurrency is a disruptive innovation that could significantly shake the role of conventional financial institutions like banks and securities companies.
Now, the ICO (Initial Coin Offering) mechanism has started to operate, and the world of business is undergoing a major transformation.

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