
















参考1)【詳報】米大統領選討論会 メディア「バイデン氏 精彩欠く」










参考2)財務省次官に新川主計局長、神田財務官の後任に三村国際局長 財務省人事




参考3)米株4〜6月3.9%高 続くNVIDIA1強、上昇分の4割稼ぐ

も書きましたが、AIって、イノベーションインパクトが一般消費者に届いていないんですよ。言い換えれば、AIってインターネットと違って、0→1が生まれづらいんですよ。AIの最有力ユースケースは?もちろんGPT4とかですよね。なんでそれが便利なのか?といえば、何でも教えてくれるし、生成AIも使えるし、みたいな話になるんだけど、『で、それって雇用生まれるんだっけ?』と言われれば、雇用を思いっきり削減するインパクトしかないし、『で、それってAIなんだっけ?』と言われれば、『いやー、AIっつうか、オプティマイザーっすかね、情報整理の』、としか応えられないサービスになっている。というか、AIのユースケースなんてないんだよマジで。そもそも。みんな騙されてるけど。証券会社のせいですねこれはw 株のAIセクターとか全部ウソだそんなもんは。単なるChatbotだろ。高言語処理した。こんなもん量子コンピューティングとかに比べたらカスでゴミだよ。AIなわけないぜ。


原作からしっかり読み込んでいて、全ての起業家は絶対に必読なトリリオンゲームですが、今はNetflixでもドラマが見られるので、是非皆様ご覧ください。この作品の中で、序盤近辺に、ユーザーのお花をAIが自動提案する、みたいなサービスが出てくるんですよ。で、スタートアップあるあるで、このAIのバックグラウンド、最初から最後まで、全部手動でやってんだよね。そんなもんAIなわけねえだろw 頑張ってSAASだよ。でも、Chat GPTだって笑えない。実際にやっているのは、情報整理の演算しかないよ。0→1は生まれないよ。だって、AIって情報整理しかしていないもん。





話をAIに戻す。そもそもAIのユースケースでもなんでもないが、敢えてChat GPTをユースケースと仮定する。このサービスが実現するのは、高度な言語処理機能を駆使して、ディープラーニングしながら、質問者に適切な回答を返すこと。でも、これとて、0→1にはならない。実際、Xを見てみ。AIが自動生成した謎の美女アカウントにおっさんが群がって、演算装置に向かって毎朝『おはよう♪』、『今日もかわいい(はーと)』とか叫びまくってるんですよ、地獄絵図です。あるいは、『AIが投資を教えてくれる前澤友作コミュニティに入りませんか』、みたいな、もはや何言ってるか日本語すら成立していない広告に釣られてラインオプチャに登録するとたどたどしい日本語の中国人に騙されて投資詐欺にあっている。無限地獄だろ。Chatbotのユースケースってこんなんばっかですよ。それで『データセンター作って電気代膨大にかかって環境異変を招きます』とか人生舐めてんのかてめえは。いや、ていうか、Chat GPTに聞いて、ビジネスアイデアをもらって、IPOした事例、見せてくれ。ないでしょそんなもん。仮にIPO出来るレベルのアイデアがChatbotとの壁打ちで生まれたら、そのアイデアは誕生した瞬間に複製されるアイデアになって、IPO出来るアイデアじゃなくなってしまうわけ。トートロジーみたいに聞こえるかもしれないけど、そんなもんなんだよ、だからAIでもなんでもねえんだこれは。本当に価値のあるアイデアや戦略は、非合理な人間の一見すると無駄に見える遊戯文化から生まれる。完全合理や完全情報を目指す情報整理ツールなぞにイノベーションなんか起こせるわきゃない。起こせるときはそれはターミネーター、本物のAIだけど、残念ながらそれはChatbotじゃねえよ。


話が長くなってしまったが、Chat GPTくらいしかユースケースのない“エセAIバブル”の崩壊は近い。株はインフレ、スタグフレーションを見据えているので強いと確信しているけれど、この“エセAIバブル”は嘘だ。まがい物だね。だって、自分の人生振り返っても、インターネットやブロックチェーンは明らかに人類を豊かにしてくれたけれど、AIはしてくれてないよ。効率的に、便利にはなった。作業が。でもそれはAIじゃないよ。情報整理の演算が優秀なChatbotにすぎない。AIではない。本物のAIは、凄いとか言えないくらい、真剣に人類の滅亡を心配するクオリティになる。NVIDIAのパーツが人気出るから市況が盛り上がる?馬鹿言ってんな。それ(単価)決めてるの誰だよ。水道の蛇口を絞ったら単価が上がって儲かるみたいな、舐めた商売が世界の株式市場を支えられるわけねえだろボケが。しかもエンドのユースケースはChatbotとか舐めてんのかてめえ。と、昭和生まれの投資家はきっと思っているのではないでしょうか。『うるせえよ雑魚早く出ていけよ老害』と思われていることは重々承知ですので、これについては数ヶ月後、皆様とともに検証しましょう。NVIDIAとか個別銘柄がどう、というのではなく、“エセAIバブルか否か”が論点ということですよ。誤解のありませぬよう。



参考5)米国債利回り、小幅上昇 インフレ指標や大統領選討論会に注目
















【 2018年8月23日発売!ブロックチェーン、仮想通貨をテーマにした松田元新著がKKロングセラーさんから出版されました】
「いい人がお金に困らない 仮想通貨 新時代のルール 」

そして今、ICO(Initial Coin Offering:イニシャル・コイン・オファリング/新規仮想通貨公開)という仕組みが稼働を始め、ビジネスの世界も大きな変革が始まっています。

Episode 665:Towards the final destination of 360 JPY for the US dollar-JPYrate, steadily speeding along the cryptocurrency road fueled by the record high of the NASDAQ

This article repeatedly states that the USD/JPY will reach 360 yen, Bitcoin will reach 2.5 million dollars (400 million yen) per coin (for now), the US dollar will eventually disappear, and the currency system will revert to a Bitcoin standard. With the USD/JPY settling in the 160-yen range, the prospect of 360 yen is becoming increasingly realistic. Dedicated readers of this article may be thinking, "Isn't the stock market downturn coming soon?" I believe the flow will change from July, so please be aware. It would be appreciated if you could observe the examination of stocks for a few months. There is a considerable time lag between when the movement is expected to start and when it actually begins in the stock market.

In contrast, the USD/JPY has finally broken through the previous intervention defense line, reaching a high of 161 yen. At this point, saying "it will go to 180 yen or 200 yen" might make everyone look like trend followers with a knowing look, but this article has been confident in the yen's depreciation and has been communicating this since last year when everyone was shouting about yen appreciation for this year (2024), especially when the rate was around 152 yen after intervention. Just like with blockchain, please refer to past articles. And this depreciation of the yen will continue to race down the path of yen depreciation straight towards 360 yen, even if there are some fluctuations along the way.

・Earn foreign currency
・Secure income streams from abroad
・Do not rely "only" on domestic channels (use what is available)

The quickest way to achieve this ideal form is through "investment." Realizing this ideal form through a business or a family business is quite a challenging task, but with investment, it's easy. Open an account. Press a button. Wait. That's it. There’s nothing simpler than that.

But recently, I was talking with someone, and the topic came up, "There are so few people who actually take action." "Opening an account is too much trouble. Pressing a button is too much trouble. Can't wait." They're no longer human. They’re more like fish or sheep. I’ll write harshly because I believe none of my readers fall into this category. Clinging to the yen, a currency in a collapsing system, not buying Bitcoin which is certain to grow, not even holding the US dollar, which is still the best among fiat currencies. Then, they go to a convenience store, sighing in front of the higher prices. Good job. Keep it up.

Human productivity has its limits, and even at the highest levels, such as specialists like lawyers, the hourly wage is generally around tens of thousands of yen. About 20,000 to 50,000 yen per hour, at most. Working a full day (eight hours), that’s about 160,000 to 400,000 yen. Monthly, that translates to about 3.2 to 8 million yen. Annually, that’s about 40 to 100 million yen. For regular salaried employees, their hourly wage is defined irrespective of the gross profit they contribute, so it’s much lower. People earning over 100,000 yen per hour are outliers from the statistical norm.

In other words, (statistically speaking, this might sound odd) if we look at the median, people earning around 3 to 30 million yen annually are considered average, and anyone outside this range is seen as an outlier. The assets earned in Japanese yen by these people are, on average, regularly depreciating by close to 45% in value. So, a person who earned 3 million yen sees their value drop to 1.65 million yen, and a person who earned 30 million yen sees their value drop to 16.5 million yen. Consequently, when viewed in dollar terms, the income that falls within the median in Japan shrinks significantly to a range of 1.65 to 16.5 million yen. The difference narrows considerably.

Conversely, if someone earning around 3 million yen seriously takes the advice of this article (thank you, by the way) and thinks, "Oh, seriously? I need to get into dollars or Bitcoin, otherwise I’m in trouble," and then invests seriously, their assets would increase by about 45% in dollar terms and by over 300% in Bitcoin terms (based on actual cases, real numbers, and real examples from the past two years).

For someone earning 3 million yen, their assets would increase to 4.35 million yen in dollar terms and to 9 million yen in Bitcoin terms. For someone earning 30 million yen, their assets would increase to 43.5 million yen in dollar terms and to 90 million yen in Bitcoin terms. How does that sound? Compared to the case of clinging to Japanese yen, the comparison is:

・1.65 million yen vs. 4.35 to 9 million yen
・16.5 million yen vs. 43.5 to 90 million yen

You would completely win by leveraging the exchange rate. It’s exactly as r > g. As per the equation defined by Thomas Piketty, it is far more efficient to achieve “final results (profit)” through investment than by increasing productivity through actual labor. In other words, by deepening your understanding of finance and investing, you can efficiently protect yourself and your assets. Of course, deepening your understanding of finance doesn’t mean you need to understand all the niche topics written in this article. Just having a vague understanding of simple principles like "if supply increases, demand decreases" or "if you buy Bitcoin for now, you can survive" is sufficient.

But humans are strange creatures. They tend to avoid things they don't understand. So, if they only have about a 1 or 2 out of 10 certainty (understanding), they won't do it. On the other hand, the financial markets are so complex that even reaching a 10 in understanding is nearly impossible, except for geniuses. As a result, many end up at around a 3 or 4 in understanding, falling into the "I love studying myself" syndrome, clinging to Japanese yen, and metaphorically throwing paper money into the gutter every day. It's ironic, isn't it? Like saying, "Huh? I don't really get it, but it sounds interesting!" Some "fools" (no offense) invest around 300,000 yen in something like ADA and end up making nearly 100 million yen, using that money as seed capital and becoming successful entrepreneurs. There are plenty of such cases (really). Observing these phenomena makes you think, "In society, degrees and such don’t really matter, huh?" In fact, half-baked knowledge or biases can be obstacles to making money.

I started off writing with a style that seems like the introduction of an investment book or self-help book, but seriously, what really matters in the world is "street smarts." The "academic smarts" dominated by elites are truly useless and meaningless. Anyone can understand that if they look at the market with a wild instinct, the dollar will continue to weaken, Bitcoin will strengthen, and the yen will collapse. The way to sharpen such street smarts is through thorough consideration, observation, and practice. If you find something even remotely interesting, diving into it often deepens your understanding. Today, while observing world events closely, I aim to continue honing street smarts together with you all. Let's get started.

1.The presidential election, party leader debates, they were the graveyard of the Democratic Party

This week, without a doubt, it has to be this. Seriously, if you haven't seen it, you absolutely must. This is the televised debate of the U.S. presidential election, where the world watches and even the toughest critics stay quiet. It's seriously not something to take lightly. It's no joke, seriously! 😄

Reference 1) [Detailed Report] U.S. Presidential Debate: Media says "Biden lacks sparkle."

No, seriously, they really pulled this off. President Biden. Well, I guess he had to show up for the debate because otherwise, it'd be seen as presidential dysfunction, but still, this is really something. This is the actual footage. Borrowed from X (Twitter).

It's completely chaotic, with confusion like mistaking actions done by former President Obama for those of former President Trump, and falsely claiming Biden's son died in Iraq. The memories are fuzzy and it's all totally out of sync. Are they on drugs or something? Speaking of President Biden, conspiracy theories abound in circles suggesting he might have a body double, with rumors suggesting he may have passed away and been replaced by someone else. Even former President Trump himself has hinted at such theories, making the debate so bad that you can't help but think, "Wait, is this really happening?"

What was incredibly amusing was this post-debate reflection session that seemed to be the Democrats' response. This is seriously hilarious. Just so you know, the Democrats are Biden's allies, by the way.

The final outcome is still undecided at this point, but it seems the Democratic Party is planning to visit the White House and advise, "Joe Biden, you need to stop." Whether this means advising him to resign as president or to stop running as the Democratic Party's representative in the presidential election is unclear. However, one thing is certain: the Democratic Party is definitely in a state resembling a funeral.

In this article,

・Trump is confirmed as the next president
・If Trump passes, there is a possibility that the Ukraine-Russia war will cease and World War III can be avoided
・Avoiding World War III will cause a population explosion, which will lead to environmental upheaval and the destruction of the Earth (as they say), so assassinating Trump is a major concern for the world, and it is necessary to keep in mind that this is the biggest issue of concern for the world. If he is not assassinated, Trump will definitely win
・If Trump wins, the Kishida administration, which supported Ukrainian President Zelensky, will come to an end completely, as he will be able to communicate smoothly with Russian President Putin
・With the Kishida administration stepping down, the only people in the Trump administration who can communicate smoothly will be former Deputy Prime Minister Aso and a few others, so the selection will be extremely limited
・When the Trump administration is born, at first the yen will appreciate to check the excessive rise of the dollar, but since it is a policy of its own country first, tough negotiations will arise to make Japan invest heavily in US bonds and stocks in order to protect the US, or in other words, the US dollar, in the end

We have frequently mentioned such predictions. In other words, when President Trump comes into office, there might be a temporary strengthening of the yen, but ultimately it will lead to further depreciation. Based on the recent public debate, it seems inevitable that President Trump will be reelected, necessitating preparation for further currency depreciation. However, it's undeniable that under President Trump's administration, the extravagant spending on COVID-19 measures has contributed to global inflation. President Trump's decisive judgment will prompt swift action against currency crises. There's no way out for the dollar but to forcibly acquire dollar-denominated assets from Japan. It's the fate of the defeated nation versus the absolute power of the victorious nation.

2.The 'Intervention Ogre,' Finance Minister Mr. Stoic Kanda, to Finally Retire

Finance Minister Kanda, who carried out foreign exchange interventions that sparked various speculations about their necessity or lack thereof, is reportedly retiring at last. Well, thank you for your hard work.

Reference 2) Mr. Shinkawa, Chief of the Budget Bureau, appointed as Vice Minister of Finance; Mr. Mimura, Director-General of the International Bureau, appointed as successor to Finance Minister Kanda - Ministry of Finance Personnel Changes

Mr. Mimura, who will succeed him, also graduated from the University of Tokyo Faculty of Law and has experience seconded to institutions like the BIS, appearing highly competent. However, it seems unlikely he will generate the same level of press as Finance Minister Kanda, potentially contributing to factors pushing the dollar-yen exchange rate towards yen depreciation. Without Minister Kanda's assertive statements like 'Monitoring round-the-clock, intervening ruthlessly at any sign of trouble. Despite claims of becoming a nation closely monitoring currency interventions, it's 100% unrelated,' the market control influence of Finance Minister Kanda will diminish. It's certain that yen short-sellers will gain confidence and push towards 180 yen. They'll probably start selling around next week, aiming for around 180 yen, possibly running up swiftly to about 165 yen. That's my take.


For now, US stocks are too strong. And NVIDIA is too strong. Those who referred to this article and entered shorts early might find it regrettable that Japanese stocks haven't fallen as expected, but there's no doubt they will experience a downturn soon. This rise is abnormal.

Reference 3) US stocks rise 3.9% from April to June, NVIDIA continues to dominate, accounting for 40% of the increase

As I've mentioned before, AI hasn't really delivered innovation impact to the general consumer. In other words, unlike the internet, AI finds it difficult to create breakthroughs from zero to one. The most promising use case for AI? Of course, it's something like GPT-4. Why is that useful? Well, it can provide information on anything, use generative AI, and so on. But if someone asks, 'Does that create jobs?' the only impact it really has is significant job reduction. And if they ask, 'Is that really AI?' you can only respond with something like, 'Well, it's more like an optimizer, organizing information.' In fact, there's no real use case for AI, seriously. None at all, really. Everyone's just being deceived. Blame it on the securities firms, haha. The whole AI sector in stocks is a lie, it's all just chatbots. They've just upgraded their language processing. Compared to quantum computing, it's trash and useless. It's not AI at all.

Reference 4) "Trillion Game" confirmed for movie adaptation! Ren Meguro says, 'I'm filled with joy,' Yuto Sano adds, 'I'm so happy!

Derived from the original work, 'Trillion Game,' which every entrepreneur must absolutely read, now available as a drama on Netflix, so please do watch it. In this story, there's a service early on where AI automatically suggests flowers for users. But in a startup reality, the background of this AI, from start to finish, is all manually managed. That's definitely not AI, haha. It's a struggle to make it SaaS. Even Chat GPT isn't exempt from this. In reality, it's only capable of information organization calculations. It can't create from zero to one. After all, AI only does information organizing.

Both entrepreneurship and investment ideas are the same in that humans are profoundly irrational creatures incapable of making rational judgments. This is best understood by referencing Adam Smith's 'invisible hand' from macroeconomics, which has already been thoroughly debated. You probably learned about it in middle school, so you should be familiar, but let's review it.

The 'invisible hand of God' refers to the idea that in a market economy, individuals pursuing their self-interest are led by an invisible hand to achieve appropriate resource allocation for society as a whole, thereby contributing to social prosperity and harmony.

This is incorrect for two reasons. First, humans are not perfectly rational beings. In other words, they do not always act purely in pursuit of self-interest. For instance, if someone finds a flower for ¥1,000 at an unfamiliar shop while knowing a friend sells the exact same flower for ¥1,300, according to Adam Smith's logic, it would be perfectly rational to buy from the unfamiliar shop. However, reality often diverges from this. Many consumers would prefer to pay a bit more to buy from their friend. Such consumer behaviors exist infinitely. Therefore, Adam Smith's 'invisible hand' theory presupposes perfect rationality, but humans are not perfectly rational beings, so this logic is flawed.

The second reason is that perfect information does not exist in the world. Even if I say 'perfect information,' you might not fully grasp it. Essentially, it's impossible for all of humanity to possess the same quality of information. Therefore, even if someone thinks ¥1,000 is the cheapest price, there might be hidden information like 'actually, a relative might sell it for ¥500.' Such information remains concealed. Hence, while the logic of Adam Smith's 'invisible hand' theory may appear logical on the surface, it inherently assumes perfect rationality and perfect information. Therefore, logically, it is flawed because it does not account for human irrationality, making it an incomplete theory (thus, not even an invisible hand).

Bringing the discussion back to AI. It's not even a use case for AI in the first place, but let's hypothetically assume Chat GPT as a use case. This service aims to provide appropriate answers to users by leveraging advanced language processing capabilities and deep learning. However, even this does not create something from zero to one. In reality, look at X. Middle-aged men flocking to mysteriously generated AI beauty accounts, shouting 'Good morning♪' and 'You're so cute today (heart)' at their computing devices every morning—it's like a scene from hell. Or getting lured into Line Optcha by advertisements like 'Join the Yusaku Maezawa community where AI teaches you about investments,' only to fall victim to investment scams by poorly translated Chinese in broken Japanese. It's an endless hell. That's pretty much the extent of Chatbot use cases. And then they say, 'Let's build a data center and incur massive electricity costs, causing environmental disasters.' Are you kidding me about life? No, seriously, ask Chat GPT to show us examples of business ideas it's given that led to IPOs. They don't exist. Even if an idea capable of IPO-level success were born from a chatbot conversation, it would instantly become a duplicated idea at birth, not an IPO-worthy one. It might sound like a tautology, but that's the reality. That's why this isn't AI or anything of value. Truly valuable ideas and strategies emerge from seemingly pointless and irrational human play cultures. Innovation cannot be sparked by tools aimed at achieving perfect rationality and perfect information. When it happens, that's Terminator-level, real AI, but unfortunately, that's not Chatbot.

And when I see Masayoshi Son from SoftBank using the new term ASI (Artificial Superintelligence) in his presentations, I can't help but think, 'I understand as well that this isn't just AI, so Son must have long realized this and be heavily investing in quantum computing or something like that.

Although the discussion has been lengthy, the collapse of the 'pseudo AI bubble' with hardly any use cases beyond Chat GPT seems imminent. I'm confident in stocks due to anticipating inflation and stagflation, but this 'pseudo AI bubble' is a lie. It's a counterfeit. When I reflect on my own life, the internet and blockchain have clearly enriched humanity, but AI hasn't done that. It has made operations efficient and convenient, but that's not AI. It's merely a well-performing chatbot capable of information organization. It's not AI. Real AI would be of such quality that it would earnestly worry humanity about its own extinction. The stock market buzzing because NVIDIA's parts are popular? What nonsense. Who decides their (unit) price? It's ridiculous to think that some small-scale business, akin to making a profit by increasing the unit price after tightening the faucet like a water tap, supports the world's stock market. Moreover, belittling the end-use case as just a chatbot? I'm sure investors born in the Showa era are thinking along these lines. 'Shut up, you nuisances, get out already, you old-timers.' We're well aware of being perceived this way, so let's verify this together in a few months. It's not about individual stocks like NVIDIA, but whether there's a 'pseudo AI bubble' or not is the focal point here. Let's make sure there are no misunderstandings.

4.America's interest rates, sparking a serious surge akin to magic lighting

I took a look at the US 10-year Treasury yield chart after a long time, and I have a strong feeling that it's about to surge.

Reference 5) US Treasury yields show slight increase, attention on inflation indicators and presidential debate

Yesterday, there was an announcement about PCE, and the USD/JPY rate was fluctuating wildly between 160.30 and 160.90. I was wondering why it was moving so much, and upon researching, I found out that the US 10-year Treasury yield has been increasing quite significantly.

Reference 6) US 10-year Treasury yield

It hit bottom around 4.2 and is rising again. It had peaked around 4.6 at its highest, so if it maintains this level, even if Japan were to hypothetically raise rates to 2% (which would devastate the Japanese economy), the interest rate differential between Japan and the US would remain at 3%. In other words, the yen would weaken and the dollar would remain strong indefinitely. Some fools look at these interest rates and go, 'Finally, they're cutting rates lol,' but they can't do that. Banks would collapse if they did. If inflation comes, rates need to be raised to stabilize it; if the economy worsens, rates need to be cut, but then banks would collapse. The core of a bank's business model is the yield on US bonds, the creditworthiness of borrowers, and the assets held in custody from customers. What happens if they cut rates and bond prices don't rise? What happens if they cut rates and lower lending rates? What if they cut rates and stocks rise, and individual customers transfer their funds into stocks? The banks will collapse. It's simple. That's why even the brilliant Fed can't cut rates too easily.

So, I looked into what would happen if US interest rates, currently in the high range around 4.6, were to exceed 5, or even reach 5.25."

Reference 7) Comparing the historical interest rate trends between Japan and the US since the 1960s, showing signs of a shift from a 40-year trend of declining interest rates.

Wow, the United States tightened rates to 16% around the 1980s. That's no joke.

Reference 8) The era of Paul Volcker at the Federal Reserve - How did they combat inflation and how did the stock market react?

Wow, it went up to 19.8% on the federal funds effective rate basis. That's impressive. Numbers like 4 or 5 seem trivial in comparison.

So, what this means is that if we had a competent chairman like during the era of the dollar-oil standard in the 1980s post-Nixon shock (someone like Powell is certainly worthy), they could somehow manage through such intense rate hikes, endure for a few years, and according to historical charts, stock prices would likely soar. As interest rates sharply rise amid stagflation (declining stocks), there's a shift towards thinking, 'Well, maybe stocks are the only option,' leading to increased buying of stocks and pushing stock prices higher. This aligns well with the market outlook in this article, and it makes sense.

But I think the opposite of the Nixon Shock will happen. In other words, while the primary cause of the rapid rise in interest rates in the 1980s was high oil prices at the time, today there's something more influential than oil. That's Bitcoin. Or maybe gold. These are what we call alternative assets (alt-assets). Unlike oil, gold and Bitcoin have gained strength, so the factors driving up US dollar yields would be gold or Bitcoin. That's why the US is assembling ETFs to gather Bitcoin from around the world. They're smart.

In that case, as yields rise, I can imagine they'll introduce a Bitcoin standard somewhere down the line to cool off those yields. It'll take a few years, of course, but I think they'll do it.

By the way, when interest rates rise, the interest rate differential between Japan and the US widens further, causing the yen to be sold and the dollar to be heavily bought. After all, borrowing yen cheaply and investing in dollars allows risk-free profit. Borrow at 2% and invest at 5%. You can earn 3% plus capital gains. No risk at all. It makes no sense at all that most people don't do this even when the information is right in front of them.

When interest rates rise to combat inflation, Bitcoin and gold are likely to be used, but the dollar should also maintain a certain level of prestige. It's uncertain how much emphasis will be placed on the prestige of the dollar, but at least compared to the Japanese yen, which has little prestige, there's no doubt that Japan will sell off yen to defend the US dollar. In daily life, the sense of 'something's not right, it's tough, meat and fish are expensive' is usually correct. Common sense tends to be correct. And it's all self-responsibility. Because even though you know and the information is abundant, you did nothing. Until it happens. The fact that the post is red, the sky is blue, and crows are black—all of it is self-responsibility. That's true capitalism. Knowing that hiding will lead to that result, it's an inevitable Yamato spirit (though the meaning is different, haha).

"Revolutionary" MATSUDA GEN will reveal all the truths that can now be spoken.

This is a membership (circle) recommended for the following individuals:

  • Those interested in the genesis and truth of WWB, its current status, and future possibilities.

  • Those curious about the background and truth behind the birth of WWX, as well as its future outlook.

  • Those who want to know why c0ban was placed on the whitelist.

  • Individuals interested in cryptocurrency market forecasts (BTC, ETH, and others).

  • Those who want to understand why it became possible to register a cryptocurrency exchange business that was once deemed impossible.

  • Individuals who would like to hear opinions and insights about the experiences gained through running a publicly-listed company.

  • Those who are interested in joint ventures among members.

  • Those interested in cryptocurrency mining setup and operation.

  • Individuals looking for free drops of digital coupons issued within the community.

  • Those seeking advice on fundraising (listed or unlisted) and public relations/investor relations (for listed companies).

  • Individuals who want to learn how to effectively convey a company's value (stock price) to the market, along with its actual performance.

  • Those in need of support related to overall corporate management.

  • Individuals facing existential dilemmas in navigating the underworld of the business world that lies ahead.

"Released on August 23, 2018! MATSUDA GEN's new book on blockchain and cryptocurrency themes has been published by KK Longseller.

A new era of "capitalism," rewriting "values" and "ways of life." The new economic system for good people to win is born here.

With the proliferation of blockchain, we rethink "empathy," "inspiration," "compassion," "forgiveness," and "respect."
Thanks to the spread of blockchain, will we live in a world where "good people receive money even without working?"
Currently, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are primarily treated as speculative commodities, but in the future, they will play their intended role as real currencies.
The true identity of cryptocurrency is the unalterable digital data called "blockchain."
Just as the Internet has significantly changed people's lives until now, blockchain will also, in the near future, transform people's lives into new forms, along with new technologies like AI.
Enterprising newcomers to the cryptocurrency industry predict the future of cryptocurrencies!

▼Purchase the book here▼

"Released on January 6, 2018! We have published the first book in Japan on the theme of ICO, co-authored by MATSUDA GEN. It reveals the essence of cryptocurrency services and ICOs, along with the strategies of various companies!

This book, a triple collaboration between Roger Ver, known as the "Bitcoin Jesus" and CEO of bitcoin.com, Kanemoto Kaneto, and MATSUDA GEN, delves into the future that cryptocurrency will undoubtedly bring closer.

  • Why will the world change with cryptocurrency?

  • How is Wowoo trying to change the world?

  • What will happen to nations?

  • What will happen to currency?

  • What will happen to our lives?

In the 20th century, when personal computers and the internet began to spread in society, only a very small number of people realized that these technologies would fundamentally change human life. At this point, blockchain is in a similarly revolutionary position, often considered "too groundbreaking to easily comprehend."
First and foremost, we want you to understand the specific use cases of blockchain. Bitcoin also uses blockchain technology. Therefore, every transaction, from whom and to whom, and for how much, has been recorded since 2009. Moreover, since these transaction records cannot be altered later, it is impossible to steal or embezzle cryptocurrency.
Cryptocurrency may seem suspicious to many because it is invisible. However, backed by blockchain, it is actually much more resistant to fraudulent activities than physical cash. Furthermore, cryptocurrency is a disruptive innovation that could significantly shake the role of conventional financial institutions like banks and securities companies.
Now, the ICO (Initial Coin Offering) mechanism has started to operate, and the world of business is undergoing a major transformation.

▼Purchase the book here▼
