
Language learning

My articles related to language learning.


Weekly question #9 What impact has AI had on your life?

Weekly question #9 What impact has AI had on your life?

This article will be about the weekly question from 英語手帳 2024.

Weekly question: What impact has AI had on your life?

I never thought that I would use AI to assist me in studying English. I currently

Studying English is to face myself/英語と向き合うこと

Studying English is to face myself/英語と向き合うこと


I started to restudy English and enjoy listening to English conversation programs. English was always with me from my childhood. I am certain that I love to study or use English

Reasons why I continue studying English/いい加減、日常会話レベルから脱け出したい

Reasons why I continue studying English/いい加減、日常会話レベルから脱け出したい

*After the English follows Japanese.
I tried to write the article in same subject but different words came out of my mind. So the sentences are not directly translated. Even the title is different.

Eigo-techo and note open my mind

Eigo-techo and note open my mind

I really feel I'm lucky to find out about Eigo-techo and decided to use it for studying. Especially, the schedule book fits well with this note.

We can write short posts and articles on note. Making

Weekly question #6 Elon Musk says AI could lead to "civilization destruction", do you agree?

Weekly question #6 Elon Musk says AI could lead to "civilization destruction", do you agree?

This article will be about the weekly question from 英語手帳 2024.

Weekly question: Elon Musk says AI could lead to "civilization destruction", do you agree?

I found the article from the website below

Weekly question #3 Would you call yourself a procrastinator?

Weekly question #3 Would you call yourself a procrastinator?

This article will be about the weekly question from 英語手帳 2024.

Weekly question: Would you call yourself a procrastinator?

Yes, I am a procrastinator.
I can list up things that I put off.

Cleaning u

Becoming a fan of 英語手帳

Becoming a fan of 英語手帳

I have started using 英語手帳 this year and 10 days have passed. Only 10 days! But I'm already a fan of this schedule book. And I regretted not using it earlier. I knew about it from when I was updating m

News reading/Nov. 7, 2023

News reading/Nov. 7, 2023

I often read news on website practicewithnews.com.
Today, I wanted to share this news.

This news is about Cup Noodles.
When we prepare the Cup Noodles, we usually need boiled hot water. However, it

No mistakes, no gain

No mistakes, no gain

There is a proverb "no pain, no gain" which means to achieve something by suffering or working hard. Instead, I thought as the title "no mistakes, no gain" would explain what I think about studying En

To improve my writing skills

To improve my writing skills

I am reading a book by Kindle Unlimited about writing skills. The book title and reference by James M. Vardaman are at the bottom of this note.

Reading from the beginning of this book, I thought I co

CNN English Express

CNN English Express

I didn't know about CNN English Express until recently. I was looking for what I can read in English by Kindle unlimited a few weeks ago.

I have read news from CNN website, but I haven't recognized a
