
Reasons why I continue studying English/いい加減、日常会話レベルから脱け出したい

*After the English follows Japanese.
I tried to write the article in same subject but different words came out of my mind. So the sentences are not directly translated. Even the title is different. 

As I have mentioned in other articles, I started to take an English studying course from this month. In addition to using Eigo-techo, this English course means a lot to me. I'm gradually changing my way of studying English. I'm restarting to learn again, but I only feel excitement and expectations from this challenge.

There are some reasons why I keep on studying English. First of all, my English skills are not enough for the business level. These few years, I have more chances to translate documents from Japanese to English. My main work is office work and I'm an assistant for translating. Even though my skills are not enough, I have time to search and find expressions for Japanese documents. This situation encourages me to translate the documents at least at the level to make sense for my foreign colleagues. However, I want to improve my skills and become to translate in better ways.

Secondly, communication with my American husband does not make me improve my skills. We mainly speak in Japanese, but that's not the only reason. We both don't need to be talkative in our daily lives. It's a calm and peaceful time for us to do whatever we want to do in our own ways. During the weekends, my husband would be playing games or his bass guitar and I would be playing my erhu. When I need to talk, I would just call him and say, "Dinner is ready!". He would answer me, "Alright." or "OK, I'll be there in a minute.". And the conversation will end. Of course, we do have things to talk about when it's necessary. As you can realize, it's obvious that this situation will not improve my English skills. 

Therefore, I continue studying English. I also started listening to NHK Radio English Conversation course. It's meaningful to me and I'm again enjoying listening to it. My memories of studying with it in my school days come back. It also reminds me of the morning drama, Come Come Everbody. 








Thank you so much for reading my note.



