
仕事と勉強が両立できる人。取捨選択の科学。目的を達成するためのAI独学による新学習方法とは? スキルをアップ最短法


なぜ学習努力を一生しなければいけないのか? などと一度は考えた人は多いと思う。学習が目的ではなく学習をして基盤を作りそこから独自の発想でスキルを身につけて、自己責任力と社会貢献力である仕事のパフォーマンス向上が目的であり何のためにというコンセプトがないのに幅広く雑多に学習してもほとんどが時間の無駄になる(哲学者や宗教家や政治家は別)

When studying, are you stuck with the idea of ​​understanding one thing perfectly before moving on to the next? It's a different story if you're trying to become an expert, but if you try to understand everything perfectly, no matter how much time you have, it will never be enough.

There was a time when I studied outside the scope of the exam to deepen my understanding, and as expected, it took a long time to move on. As the exam approached, there were days when I panicked and thought, "I won't be able to make it if I study this way...". It was an incident that made me realize that it is necessary to make choices in order to study in a limited amount of time.

So how do you make choices?

Studying for a qualification is "a task of comparing the level required to pass the exam with your own abilities, finding the missing pieces, and fitting them in."

Prioritize the parts that do not reach the level required for passing, and discard the rest.

This should be said to be the same for studying for other things besides qualification exams. Let me tell you an episode where I felt this firsthand.

The author is also a yoga instructor, and wants to improve his skills in communicating clearly in lessons, so he reads and learns from books on communication on a daily basis.

However, the contents of the book cover a wide range of topics, including methods of persuasion and discussion. What the author needs is a way to communicate in an easy-to-understand way, not a method of persuasion or discussion.

So one day, instead of reading the whole book, I tried reading only the parts I needed first. This allowed me to put what I learned into practice right away and learn efficiently. I plan to reread the parts that were not intended for me, such as persuasion and discussion, if I need them in the future.

Studying until you are satisfied can be fulfilling, but it is not realistic when considering balancing work and study. If you have limited time, it is important to clarify your study objectives and make choices that will not deviate from them.



When you come across something you don't understand while studying, do you continue to worry until you find the answer? Of course, it's important to think for yourself, but time management is also important when balancing work and study. If you want to study efficiently in a short amount of time, one way is to look up the answer and explanation for any problem you don't understand first.

He says that "crossing your arms and continuing to think about a problem that can be solved by looking it up" is a "waste of time," and says the following:

To think efficiently, you need to make sure that you have the tools to find the answer. For example, if you are asked to find the solution to a quadratic equation, it will be impossible if you don't know the formula for solving quadratic equations. (Omitted)

That's why you need to make sure that you "have the tools to find the answer" before you start thinking.
Looking back at my past studies, I have often found myself thinking, "Is there any way I can find the answer?" even when the problem was one I couldn't answer without memorizing it. In this case, it was memorized knowledge. Looking back, I feel that if I hadn't memorized it, I would have been able to understand it faster and memorize it more easily if I had just looked at the answer.

A woman who prioritizes understanding over thinking.

However, some people may be worried that if they look at the answer before thinking carefully, they will not be able to learn it.

After thinking seriously for a certain amount of time, they will be aware of the problem, so even if they read the answer and explanation, they will be able to clearly understand the "points to focus on" and "strategies" for solving the problem. If you can fully understand the "points to focus on" and "strategies," I believe you will be able to derive the answer even if a similar problem appears next time.

When I was studying for a qualification, I tried looking at the answer for problems that I couldn't understand even after thinking about it for a while, and I was able to understand it more efficiently. After looking at the answer, I would consider things like, "In what ways are the other options wrong?" and "Why is that the answer?" Then, the points of view necessary to solve the problem became clear, and I was able to derive the answer even when a similar problem appeared. I spent less time worrying and my studies became more efficient.

If you are struggling with questions that take a long time to answer, why not try looking at the answer first before thinking about them?

The secret to juggling work and study is to be selective. Make it clear what you should prioritize, cut corners on the rest, and use this as a reference for studying efficiently.


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