


Japanese follows English. (日本語は英語のあとで)

December 31, 2021 (Fri.)

I guess that this would be the last entry in English in this year. I still wonder whether I continue this daily entry or not.

I got up early this morning, and I got a message from my partner at the same time. He also woke up early as usual, then he went to his relative's restaurant to help their Japanese New Year Food.
Every year, in New Year's Eve in the morning, I go to Hankyu Department store to buy some futty tuna and sea urchin for New Year's Eve dinner.

Yesterday, I'd already found that one of my favorite spicy curry shop was going to provide spicy curry soba today. So, I planned to go there after jogging. And I was going to go to 2 shurines for 大晦日の大祓.
Their soba was so delicious. I decided to go there during New Year season again. They will open from New Year's Day.

I was looking back on the year, and I remembered that Toki Hidefumi, who was the famous Jazz Alto Saxophone player, died on June. Because every year I went to see his year end Jazz live at Kyoto. I wrote it my entry 3 years ago. I was shocked when I heard his news. I stopped playing my saxophone recently due to my busy, but I think to restart practice. I need to find some time for practice in advance.

In addition, I searched a transcription of Yamashita Tatsuro's radio show. Because He was the member of Yamashita Tatsuro's band.

During New Year season, I will listen to Yamashita Tatsuro's song and Toki Hidefumi's saxophone.










