

“Queen Balling”

This is one of the coolest thing I’ve ever seen in bee keeping world. It’s called “queen balling.” There is a queen in the center of that ball, and these honey bees are trying to kill her. They’ll do it by heating her up so hot it will cook her up to death. This happens because she is an imposter from another hive or she is an old queen that doesn’t produce eggs any longer. And the sound you are about to hear is called “piping.” And that’s the queen yelling to stop.


解説: 英文法でよく使う表現、one of the 最上級形容詞 +複数形名詞 (that) I’ve ever 過去完了動詞、「今迄〜してきた中で最も〜のうちの一つ」と言う最高比較表現方。

解説: bee keeping 養蜂、honey bee 蜜蜂、queen (bee) 女王蜂、imposter 偽物

解説: about to 「〜をこれからする」you are about to hearで「これからあなたに聞こえる」
