
PRISMATIC FUTURE -Law of Attraction-

Stardust Elegantly
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Law of Attraction = Imagine what you want and keep thinking mostly about it = Think of specific ways to make your imagination a reality = You can obtain what you want

Even if you want to become rich!! The realization and actualization of it is the self that wants to become rich = The self that wants to become rich is not already rich = It's important to imagine how you would use the money while imagining yourself already having it = It's really important to imagine your future self after achieving the desired state = Such as "When I become something, I will do something" = Set goals, write them on paper, and read them aloud every morning = Once you start feeling excited, the attraction has already begun = Then just wait for the change in your environment

Law of Negative Attraction = Embrace unpleasant feelings = Similar thoughts continue endlessly = More and more negativity is attracted

The most important thing in attraction = Deceiving yourself = When you start thinking about practical things, you send a NO signal within yourself and it becomes impossible to manifest


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