
このアカウントでは英語と日本語の両方で掲載します。 英語の勉強やみなさんの役に立てる情…


このアカウントでは英語と日本語の両方で掲載します。 英語の勉強やみなさんの役に立てる情報をお届けしていこうと思います。 何か気になることなどあれば気軽にコメントなどしてください。 Have a good one ;)


Fun Facts about Thanksgiving! 感謝祭の面白い事実

In the United States, Thanksgiving is a time when families and friends come together over food, football, and lots of great conversation. Perhaps most importan…

Steps to Applying to Universities (大学出願までの流れ)

In the United States, higher education is accessible to all members of society. Universities provide education that can help students succeed in life. The admis…

Fun Facts about Thanksgiving! 感謝祭の面白い事実

In the United States, Thanksgiving is a time when families and friends come together over food, football, and lots of great conversation. Perhaps most importantly, it’s also a time to give thanks for


Steps to Applying to Universities (大学出願までの流れ)

In the United States, higher education is accessible to all members of society. Universities provide education that can help students succeed in life. The admission processes vary from school to schoo
