Fun Facts about Thanksgiving! 感謝祭の面白い事実

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In the United States, Thanksgiving is a time when families and friends come together over food, football, and lots of great conversation. Perhaps most importantly, it’s also a time to give thanks for all the good things in our lives. After all, what could be more important than focusing on what we have rather than on what we lack at this special time of year? As one of the greatest holidays of them all, Thanksgiving is a time when people across the nation come together with their loved ones to celebrate with amazing feasts. There are many interesting facts about Thanksgiving that you probably didn’t know. For example: Did you know that there is no historical evidence that the first settlers at Plymouth ever hosted a feast to commemorate any sort of cooperation with Native Americans? Did you know that Benjamin Franklin was not present at the first Thanksgiving in 1621? Did you know that “The First Thanksgiving” wasn’t even written until after 1900? Does reading this make you want to learn even more about this special holiday? Keep reading to discover more about your favorite fall holiday!
アメリカでは、感謝祭は家族や友人が集まり、食事やフットボールを楽しみながら、たくさんの会話を交わす時です。おそらく最も重要なのは、私たちの生活の中のすべての良いことに感謝する時期でもあるということです。この特別な時期に、足りないものよりも、持っているものに目を向けることほど大切なことはないでしょう。感謝祭は最も重要な祝日の一つであり、全米の人々が愛する人とともに集まり、素晴らしいごちそうでお祝いをする時です。感謝祭には、あなたが知らないような興味深い事実がたくさんあります。例えば プリマスの最初の入植者が、アメリカ先住民との協力関係を記念して祝宴を開いたという歴史的な証拠がないことをご存知でしたか?1621年の最初の感謝祭にベンジャミン・フランクリンが出席していないことをご存知ですか?The First Thanksgiving "が書かれたのは、1900年以降だということをご存知でしたか?これを読んで、この特別な祝日についてもっと知りたくなりましたか?このまま読み進めて、あなたの大好きな秋の祝日についてもっと知ってください。

What is Thanksgiving? 感謝祭とは?

Thanksgiving is a holiday where people gather with family members to give thanks and celebrate their blessings. It's celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November and was officially declared a national holiday in 1863 by President Lincoln. The event is traditionally characterized by spending time with family members and eating a large meal, usually consisting of turkey and pumpkin pie. It is also a time when many Americans volunteer time at local food banks to help feed those who are less fortunate.

The History of Thanksgiving 感謝祭の歴史

Thanksgiving is not a religious holiday; it is a secular holiday. The history of Thanksgiving can be traced back to the early 1600s when colonists began to settle in the New World. They hoped to create a new life for themselves away from the pressures of British society. However, it was difficult to survive in the New World and colonists often went hungry. In 1621, the colonists in Plymouth, Massachusetts, gave thanks for their first successful harvest. Thanksgiving was celebrated each year in various New England colonies, but it was not until the end of the Revolutionary War that Americans began to consider a national holiday to celebrate the spirit of Thanksgiving.

Why Do We Celebrate Thanksgiving? なんで感謝祭を祝うのか?

The November holiday has its origins in 1621 when the Plymouth colonists held a three-day feast to celebrate their successful harvest and give thanks to God for providing them with food. Over time, Thanksgiving became an annual custom, celebrated by most New England families. However, it wasn't until 1863, during the Civil War, that President Abraham Lincoln declared Thanksgiving a national holiday. It is believed that Lincoln chose Thanksgiving as a gesture of national unity because it is not celebrated by any one religious group.

What’s on the Menu for Thanksgiving Dinner? 感謝祭の夕食のメニューは?

According to the American Turkey Association, 46 million turkeys will be served at Thanksgiving this year. But how do you know which one to buy? Here are a few tips to help you select the perfect turkey for your Thanksgiving feast: The first thing you want to do is look at the label and make sure that the turkey you are purchasing is fresh. The label will say “keep refrigerated” or “keep frozen.” If it doesn’t say either of these things, then the turkey is no longer fresh. Next, you want to make sure that the label says that the turkey was raised in the United States. Many people think that turkeys that are raised in the U.S. are better than turkeys that are raised in another country. But the truth is that turkeys that are raised in other countries are just as good.

There are many interesting facts about the first Thanksgiving. 最初の感謝祭については、おもしろい事がまだまだあります。

- The first Thanksgiving was held in 1621, not 1621. This is because the English calendar was used in the New World until September 1752 and the New Year in England is on January 1st. New Year was celebrated with a feast, which is why the first Thanksgiving is often called the “First Thanksgiving”. - Thomas Jefferson was not present at the first Thanksgiving. He was living in France at the time, where he served as ambassador. - The first settlers at Plymouth never hosted a feast to commemorate any sort of cooperation with Native Americans. The idea that they would have done this comes from a poem written by Sarah Hale in 1837. She was attempting to create a mood of gratitude and unity and has been credited with creating the modern Thanksgiving holiday.
最初の感謝祭は、実は1621年ではなく、1621年に行われたのです。というのも、新大陸では1752年9月までイギリスの暦が使われており、イギリスの新年は1月1日だからだ。新年は祝宴で祝われたので、最初の感謝祭は "First Thanksgiving "と呼ばれることが多い。- トーマス・ジェファーソンは、最初の感謝祭には出席していない。彼は当時フランスに住んでいて、大使を務めていた。- プリマスの最初の入植者たちは、ネイティブ・アメリカンとの協力関係を記念するような宴会を催したことはなかった。しかし、1837年にサラ・ヘイルが書いた詩の中に、そのような考えがある。彼女は、感謝と結束のムードを作ろうとし、現代の感謝祭の祝日を作ったと言われている。

Many people have inaccurately-held beliefs about what happened at the first Thanksgiving. 多くの人は、最初の感謝祭で何が起こったかについて、不正確な信念を持っている。

- There were no blackbirds baked into the first pumpkin pies. This is a myth that was created by a newspaper editor in the 1890s in an attempt to make people laugh. However, some people still believe it to be true. - There is no historical evidence that the first settlers at Plymouth ever hosted a feast to commemorate any sort of cooperation with Native Americans. Although many people mistakenly believe that the colonists and Native Americans feasted together, the truth is that very little is known about what happened at the first Thanksgiving.
最初のパンプキン・パイに黒鳥は焼かれていなかった。これは、1890年代にある新聞編集者が、人々を笑わせようとして作り出した神話である。しかし、今でもこれを真実だと信じている人がいます。- プリマスの最初の入植者が、ネイティブ・アメリカンとの何らかの協力を記念して宴会を開いたという歴史的な証拠はないのだ。多くの人々が、入植者とネイティブ・アメリカンが一緒にご馳走を食べたと誤解していますが、実際には、最初の感謝祭で実際に何が起こったかについてはほとんど知られていません。

All in all, it’s a great time to be with friends and family – so don’t miss out! この感謝祭は、友人や家族と過ごすには最高の機会です。

If you’re looking for a great way to celebrate Thanksgiving, you can always attend a football game! There will be plenty of food and drinks to go around, making it the perfect way to celebrate. You can also host your own Thanksgiving feast at home with your family and friends, making it a truly special time to be with loved ones!
