Steps to Applying to Universities (大学出願までの流れ)

In the United States, higher education is accessible to all members of society. Universities provide education that can help students succeed in life. The admission processes vary from school to school, but the general process is the same for all students: you must apply, be accepted, and then choose a major. Here are some basic guidelines for applying to a university.

First, students should complete their high school curriculum before applying to universities. Colleges have preferences for students who have completed their senior year of high school. It makes sense; completing your final year of high school will give you the most experience and knowledge base before taking university courses. Furthermore, your teachers and supervisors will have time to critique your application and decide whether you're qualified to apply or not.

Next, you'll need to prepare an application for university admissions. Each university has its own application requirements, so check with the school you want to attend before applying. To apply, you'll need a resume, a list of references, and a personal information sheet (P IS). Your P IS should include your name, address, educational background, and goals in life as well as a short list of activities you've participated in. Your references should include teachers, parents, and other people who can attest to your academic abilities and character.
次に、大学入学のための願書を作成する必要があります。大学によって出願条件が異なるので、志望校に確認してから出願しましょう。出願には、履歴書、推薦状、個人情報シート(Personal Information Sheet)が必要です。P ISには、氏名、住所、学歴、人生の目標、参加した活動の簡単なリストを記入します。推薦状は、先生や両親など、あなたの学力と人柄を証明してくれる人が必要です。

Now that you've prepared an application, it's time to find out which universities are participating in targeted admission programs for prospective students. You must identify your field of interest so that the university can identify appropriate courses for you to take during your college career. You can also target your college choices by geographic location- this strategy helps you find colleges near family members or friends so that you can reduce transportation costs while also reducing the time between when you earn a part-time job and when you begin college courses.
出願書類が準備できたら、次はどの大学が受験生を 対象とした入学プログラムに参加しているかを調べま しょう。大学側が大学生活であなたが履修すべき適切なコ ースを特定できるよう、あなたの関心分野を明らかにし ておく必要があります。家族や友人の近くにある大学を探すことで、交通費を抑えながら、アルバイトをしてから大学の授業を始めるまでの時間を短縮することができます。

Last but not least, plan how long it will take you to apply to college and apply directly to universities from there. Applying early gives schools more time to evaluate your application versus waiting until the last minute- this strategy reduces the number of rejection letters you receive and increases the likelihood of gaining admission into colleges of your choice. Students who apply early also have more time to prepare for their entrance exams; those who wait until the last minute often have little time left to study for their exams or recover from studying for them.
最後に、大学への出願にかかる期間を計画し、そこから直接大学に出願しましょう。早めに出願することで、大学側はぎりぎりまで待たずに出願書類を審査することができ、不合格通知を受け取る回数が減り、希望する大学に入学できる可能性が高まります。早めに出願した学生は、入試の準備をする時間 も多くとれますが、ぎりぎりまで待った学生は、入 試の勉強や勉強後の回復にほとんど時間をかけられな いことがよくあります。

Students who plan are more likely to be accepted into college. Having a goals list helps with both preparing your P IS and choosing which universities to apply to first. Understanding how long the application process takes helps with timing as well does give you time to prepare for entrance exams. Essentially, applying early makes it easier for admissions officers to evaluate your application; once they've decided yes or no on an applicant, it's too late for them to change their minds if he decides later in life he now wants to join the army rather than attend college.
前もって計画を立てている学生ほど、大学に合格する可能性が高いのです。目標リストがあれば、P ISの準備にも、最初に出願する大学の選択にも役立ちます。出願にかかる時間を理解することは、タイミングを計る上でも、入試の準備をする時間にもなります。基本的に、早めに出願することで、入試担当者が出願 書類を評価しやすくなります。いったん出願者の可否を決定し てしまうと、後になって大学に行くより軍隊に入りたいと 思っても、考えを変えるには遅すぎるのです。
