
《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.07.16☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Hour

■今日の動画:PBS News Hour July 15, 2024

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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[08:24] LISA DESJARDINS: They are feeling good. The former president wrote today that he has rewritten his campaign speech, we expect, on Thursday night and that he's trying to have more of a tone of unity. That's part of the J.D. Vance story too. We have talked on this program about how Vance came out against Biden and the Democrats in terms of what happened on -- in the assassination attempt. They expect, some campaign sources, Vance to be the bulldog. It's a traditional role for the vice presidential ticket, allowing Trump to perhaps be more of a unifier here on the floor.

[08:54] Now, it remains to be seen what role the Trump family will have. There are many who are confident now, more confident than they were that Trump will win this election. But one of them is not Donald Trump Jr. I was in a gaggle with him just a few feet away from where I'm standing now. And he said they're not taking any vote for granted. They think this could be close right up to November.

[09:14] GEOFF BENNETT: Well, what about the level of confidence among the delegates with whom you have been speaking? How do they feel about Mr. Trump's standing in this race?
LISA DESJARDINS: Yes, that's the thing about J.D. Vance. It wasn't electric for him, to be honest. People were very happy about it. But this crowd is waiting for Donald Trump.

[10:23] LISA DESJARDINS: I will say it actually, strangely, feels a little bit more reserved early on. I think they are waiting. I think the assassination attempt has given people pause about the country. And it feels a little bit more serious when I talk to delegates. Of course, this will change over the course of the week. This is a place where the country unites. It's all people of one party, but you see miners' hats from West Virginia. You see Texans wearing cowboy hats. This is something that the delegates feel, but they're almost clinging to it in a way of consoling each other over a traumatic event for the country. So, right now, it is a little bit more reserved than I see on the first day of convention.

[21:39] AMNA NAWAZ: I'm going to ask you to look one more time into the future for us, if you will indulge. And just reflect on this idea that we were living in a very different world just 48 hours ago. And I wonder how you think that this horrific assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump's life, how that changes the contours of this race and whether you think this pledge to continue to tamp down political rhetoric will be adhered to.

[31:32] But since 1963 and John F. Kennedy's assassination in Dallas from a gunman in a tall building, every Secret Service agent who's responsible for planning security for an event has lost sleep over the line of sight. It's a -- it's Secret Service 101. You plan for every possible piece of high ground that would give someone an ability to shoot at the president or other senior official that the Secret Service is protecting at a public event. In this case, it's really obvious, Amna. The Secret Service did not physically mitigate the line of sight here. That means they didn't do what they often do at big, big public events. They didn't roll in a 14-wheeler or a bus or a crane or a van or a banner and place it in between the high ground behind the stage, meaning behind the audience, and where Donald Trump was speaking. That breaks up the line of sight. They didn't use that physical blockade.

[42:49] I think picking J.D. Vance in that -- by picking J.D. Vance, I think the Trump campaign is saying, OK, you want to fight for the blue wall? We will pick a blue wall candidate, somebody who grew up in poverty in Ohio, somebody who could have an appeal with his populist message to those voters in that area of the country, try to win over some of those voters. He did not pick someone, though, who was going to try to appeal maybe to suburban women, right? This was really very much leaning in on the MAGA message. And he is essentially saying that, with the pick of Vance, that the sort of MAGA movement is exactly what he wants to campaign on for this next four years. He's not going to suddenly shift to become more of a sort of traditional Republican in the pre-Trump era.

[45:10] Just to go back to the tweet that J.D. Vance put out in the hours immediately after the assassination attempt, he said that President Biden's rhetoric led directly to President Trump's attempted assassination. He drew a line that does not appear to exist. And the Biden campaign has said, as Laura said, that they are not going to shy away from making the democracy arguments. The president was pressed by Lester Holt. And he said, well, I didn't say he was in the sights. I said in the bullseye, and that just means I wanted to talk about issues.

[46:40] GEOFF BENNETT: And this notion that, oh, he's too young, he's untested, well, Barack Obama blew that out of the water when he ran and when he won.



  • U.S. v. Nixon/ United States v. Nixon

  • a pox on both their houses/ a pox on both your houses

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