
《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.09.07☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Hour

■今日の動画:PBS News Hour Sept. 6, 2024

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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[05:27] Southern California is sweltering in the peak of a late summer heat wave today, with some places expected to soar above 110 degrees. Excessive heat warnings are in effect until Monday with triple-digit temperatures on deck all weekend. That fits with a global pattern of hot weather, with data out today showing it's been the hottest summer ever recorded worldwide. The European climate service Copernicus says that puts 2024 on track to be the warmest year observed in human history. Scientists mostly attribute the heat to human-caused climate change.

[13:21] And the job market has cooled significantly. My expectation is, what's appropriate is multiple rate cuts over the next several meetings, and that, if you look out over the year, you only want to be this tight as a Central Bank if you're afraid that the economy is overheating. And this isn't what overheating looks like. If anything, it's overcooling.

[14:30] But I think we have got to take seriously the idea that if you look at the long arc of the data, it's pretty clear what's happened. Inflation has come way down. The job market has cooled. And if we do not start moving with -- start moving apace [* apace = swiftly, rapidly; with necessary speed ] at getting the -- getting the rates back to something like normal, we're going to increasingly have problems on the real side of the economy.

[16:47] The important thing over '23 -- after Silicon Valley Bank collapsed, there was a fear that that -- the office real estate issue was going to come to a head and be a real credit crunch on the banking sector. That largely didn't happen. I think it's a safe -- safety and soundness supervision is a core function of the Fed. And the bank examiners are on top of these issues.

[17:21] If the rates are coming down, it makes it easier to refinance buildings to incur whatever losses have to be incurred and to get on with it.

[26:53] Listen, childcare is a gimme question on the campaign trail for a presidential candidate. It's something that everyone cares about. Access to affordable childcare is one of the key points to our economy.

[30:54] GEOFF BENNETT: So, Dick Cheney, stalwart conservative, no one can accuse him of being a RINO, Republican in name only. He served, I think, four Republican presidents, if memory serves me correctly. What do you see as the significance of their dual support for Kamala Harris?
DAVID BROOKS: Who knows. Maybe he's swinging left. He's going to move to Park Slope. He's going to come in hippie. (LAUGHTER)

[32:04] GEOFF BENNETT: Do you think the show of support will make a difference?
KIMBERLY ATKINS STOHR: I think that it can, as David said, in a certain segment. Zillennials probably don't even know who Dick Cheney is.

[32:54] I think I'd just emphasize something Kimberly said, which is a lot of people are like, I can't vote for these people. I can't vote for either of these people. Cheney gives a little permission structure to people, OK, I'm not just going to sit it out. I'm going to vote for Kamala Harris. I need to step up and save our republic from this.

[37:27] NICK SCHIFRIN: Do you have any leverage at all over external actors, who I mentioned before, many of whom are U.S. partners, when many of those capitals are hedging two months before the election?

[41:41] RYAN CRADDOCK, Father: I told them that this is a bad accident, to move forward. I didn't want them to have the weight of my son on their shoulders. But I wanted them to play for him. I wanted them to play Cohen Strong. I don't think we need to take away football.

[49:31] MEGAN THOMPSON: Some designers put a modern spin on traditional materials like beads and feathers.

[52:07] MEGAN THOMPSON: But excitement and interest can lead to cultural appropriation, when non-Native designers profit from Native patterns and motifs without permission or acknowledgement. Ralph Lauren came under fire in 2022 for using indigenous Mexican designs.

[53:25] MEGAN THOMPSON: When Saturday's runway show began, Bread's were the first looks to come down the runway. Seven more designers followed.



  • qualifying heat

  • apace

  • slide

  • article of faith

  • put one's thumb on the scale

  • operative word

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