

■今日の動画1:PBS NewsHour Feb. 5, 2024
PBS News Weekend Feb. 4, 2024

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]



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最新のラジオリストをダウンロードして、foobar2000のradioタブにドラッグアンドドロップしてください (CNNが聞けなくなっていました)。


[26:52] As to whether the United States could be a credible broker, we're facing probably among the most consequential elections in American history. The real question, I think, for the administration, since governing is about choosing, is whether, in this kind of an election year, this administration is prepared to be risk-ready when it comes to Israeli-Palestinian peacemaking, not risk-averse.

[41:54] AMNA NAWAZ: Tam, how are you looking at this? I mean, Republicans have probably their best shot at immigration reform. They have been clamoring for it for years.
AMNA NAWAZ: If this fails to go through because they're under pressure from President Trump, does that blow back on them from their base?

[52:06] JEFFREY BROWN: Another theme in the novel also links to Akbar's personal experience. In his 20s, he became addicted to alcohol and drugs, a self-destructive period that nearly did destroy him.
KAVEH AKBAR: I am in recovery. I'm 10 years and some change sober.

[07:28] MICHAEL KUGELMAN: I think you have to look at this in the context of great power competition. The U.S. increasingly looks at South Asia through the lens of its competition with China and with Russia. China has been increasingly present in South Asia through infrastructure projects and also through naval power projection in the Indian Ocean region. This is concerning for the U.S. Also, quietly, Russia has been a key player in South Asia. It has a close relationship with India, it has a growing relationship with Pakistan, and it also has energy cooperations set up with Bangladesh. So I think that the U.S. feels a need to strengthen engagement with the countries of South Asia in order to push back against this growing influence of China and Russia.
JOHN YANG: And to do that, are they willing to sort of overlook the lack of democracy? They talk about wanting to spread democracy around the world, encourage democracies.
MICHAEL KUGELMAN: I think that strategic imperatives end up carrying the day in the sense that the administration, the current administration, has used this values-based foreign policy where it sought to push for better -- more rights, more democracy in the region, but it's applied that very selectively. It had been applying it quite vociferously and robustly in Bangladesh, much less so in India, which is another country struggling with democratic backsliding. It's been fairly quiet in Pakistan as well. These are all different countries, different policies. The U.S. has different interests.

[19:15] STEPHANIE SY (voice-over): On a recent Friday night in Washington, D.C., DJ Duo Mathias Broohm and Chris Harris mixed tunes from across the world at layover, their monthly dance party.
CHRIS HARRIS, DJ Nativesun: You never know sometimes where your layover is going to be at. So that's how we wanted the music to be. You never know where we're going to touch down, you know, sonically.


下の字幕ファイルの中には、次の表現についての説明 (あるいは説明へのリンク)もあります。
動画1:this year's Grammy Awards winners are in the books/ all bets are off/ pot at the end of this rainbow (pot of gold at the end of the rainbow)/ throwaway lines/ to take charge of/ to call someone's bluff/ radio silence/ George Santos/ mash-up romp/ to orbit/ to white-knucle

動画2:what's popping in Ghana right now?/ to groom/ jam/ dry January


上の「字幕ファイルの作り方」のようにすれば、自分で作ることが出来ます (その場合、もとの字幕の誤りはそのままになります)。



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