

PBS NewsHour Sept. 7, 2023

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[00:00] Introduction

[02:34] News Wrap

The death toll has reached 18 from severe storms raging across southeastern Europe, flooding in southern Brazil claimed at least 39 lives, forecasters are warning that Hurricane Lee could become the first Category 5 storm of the Atlantic season and former Trump advisor Peter Navarro was convicted of contempt of Congress in the Jan. 6 investigation.
《Hurricane Lee; Peter Navarro, convicted of contempt of Congress; Former Mexico City Mayor Claudia Sheinbaum chosen as the ruling party's candidate for presidential election next year; Microsoft reports that China may be using fake social media accounts to influence American voters; 》

[03:22] AMNA NAWAZ: U.S. forecasters are warning that Hurricane Lee could become the first Category 5 storm of the Atlantic season. It grew today to Category 4 with winds of 130 miles an hour.
[** = Atlantic hurricane season = the period in a year, from June 1 through November 30, when tropical or subtropical cyclones are most likely to form in the North Atlantic Ocean... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlantic_hurricane_season ]

[05:42] [** 日本の月面着陸船打ち上げのニュース ] Japan fired a moon-bound craft into space today, joining a new wave of attempted lunar landings. A rocket blasted off from Southern Japan carrying a robot moon lander, plus an X-ray telescope designed to orbit Earth and study the origins of the universe. The lunar craft will take a long, fuel-saving route, arriving in February. Japan would be the fifth nation to land on the moon, along with the U.S., the Soviet Union, China, and India.

[07:17]★今日のおすすめ★ Amid grief and loss, Maui residents and businesses continue wildfire recovery

Friday marks a month since the wildfires in Maui raged out of control, claiming too many victims and destroying a historic part of the island. Now, amid so much grief and loss, residents and businesses are trying to recover and eventually rebuild. One of them is former Top Chef contestant Lee Anne Wong. She spoke with Amna Nawaz about where things stand for her and her community.
《one month since Maui wildfires; Lee Anne Wong, former Top Chef contestant, restaurant Papa'aina; spirit of aloha; World Central Kitchen; 》

[08:23] SEN. MAZIE HIRONO (D-HI): These fires took so much from so many, but the spirit of aloha, of love, kindness, and care for one another continues.

[** spirit of aloha = 以前の番組に詳しい説明があります ]

[09:40] AMNA NAWAZ: But it's difficult now for longterm residents to stay put on the island, let alone for visitors to arrive. Many homeowners have reported being targeted with offers to buy their real estate, not uncommon after a disaster lowers land value.
以前の番組で、このような行為をdisaster capitalismと表現していた ]

[12:15] LEE ANNE WONG: I was actually on Oahu at the time, and I had been up all night just playing phone tag with some of my crew.

[** phone tag = A situation in which two individuals attempting to contact each other by telephone repeatedly do not get a live person and instead trade messages ]

[14:29] And so all the small businesses in Maui who dedicated their resources, their time, their energy, their money towards the relief effort are now kind of twisting in the wind right now. And they don't have many, if any, financial options for aid, which would -- should come in the form of, like, a disaster loan or grant.
[** to twist in the wind = to be left in a very difficult situation ]

[16:32]★今日のおすすめ★ U.S. ambassador to United Nations discusses concerns over another genocide in Darfur

More than 5 million people in Sudan have been displaced by a power struggle between the military and an offshoot paramilitary group. More than 200,000 from the Darfur region have fled into Chad, where the U.N. is sending humanitarian assistance. Nick Schifrin spoke with U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield about the humanitarian crisis and U.S. policy toward Sudan.
《Linda Thomas-Greenfield, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations; much of this violence in Darfur is being committed by the RSF, which is a descendant of the Janjaweed militias who committed genocide 20 years ago in Darfur; Nathaniel Raymond; ethnic cleansing; 》

[17:59] NATHANIEL RAYMOND, Yale School of Public Health: We are talking hundreds of thousands of people who have really, at this point, no protection force between them and RSF, which has clearly shown, like the Janjaweed from which they are descended, that their intent is to liquidate non-Arab people in Darfur.
[**  先日放送されたこのインタビューへのリンク ]

[26:42]★今日のおすすめ★ Tunisia's president tightens grip on power by jailing rivals while economy falters

Democracy in Tunisia is under pressure. The North African country was long considered a trailblazer for democracy in the Arab world, but now its president has launched an authoritarian crackdown that has jailed political rivals, wrecked the economy and caused people to flee. Special correspondent Malcolm Brabant reports.
《Tunisia; Malcolm Brabant; Tunisia's President Kais Saied; Bechir Akremi, jailed Tunisian judge; Arab Spring of pro-democracy uprisings began in the southern Tunisian town of Sidi Bouzid; 》

[29:37] MALCOLM BRABANT: Outside the Mother of Parliaments, Yusra Ghannouchi is appealing for international help to restore democracy to Tunisia.
[** Mother of Parliaments = the British Parliament: the model and creator of many other Parliaments ]

[32:31] MALCOLM BRABANT: This European handout is intended to help reduce the number of migrants landing in Italy, not far from Tunisia. KAOUTHER FERJANI: That money isn't going to go to immigration. That money is going to go and strengthen Kais Saied's power grab. It's going to strengthen the oppression that's happening in Tunisia.
[** power grab = An attempt to gain authority in an oppressive or unscrupulous way (wiktionary)]

[32:53] NATASHA TSANGARIDES, Freedom From Torture: Europe talks a lot about the principles of democracy, fairness, rule of law, human rights. They need to put those principles right at the center of what they do, because now, with these sorts of externalization deals, all of those principles are under threat.
[** = Externalization is efforts by wealthy, developed countries to prevent asylum seekers and other migrants from reaching their borders, often by enlisting third countries or private entities... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Externalization_(migration) ]

[35:07] Hutchinson appeals to GOP voters saying Trump will 'lead us to disaster in 2024'

With recent polls indicating former President Donald Trump’s grip on GOP voters holding firm, several Republicans are hoping to chip away at that support and win their party’s 2024 presidential nomination. Former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson is one of them. He joined Amna Nawaz to discuss his campaign.
《Asa Hutchinson, former Arkansas governor; 3 percent necessary to be on the next debate stage; 》

[41:33] FMR. GOV. ASA HUTCHINSON: Well, there's enough concern and lack of transparency that they need to determine whether -- in Hunter Biden's business dealings, whether the president received any benefit from that. That is the question or whether it changed any policies on his part. And that's inappropriate conduct, whether it's vice president or -- or as vice president or whether it's as president. And so there's a legitimate area to inquire. There's certainly not to the point of doing articles of impeachment.

[** = An article of impeachment is a documented statement which specifies the charges to be tried in an impeachment trial as a basis for removing an officeholder... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Article_of_impeachment ]

[43:36] Extreme heat, lack of air conditioning force some schools to cancel classes

With the new school year underway, high temperatures have led to schools either closing or dismissing early in at least nine states this week. That’s raised questions about old overheated buildings, the lack of air conditioning and bigger ventilation concerns tied to COVID. Stephanie Sy discussed more with Joseph Allen of the Healthy Buildings Program at Harvard’s Chan School of Public Health.
《heat wave causing problems for schools; Joseph Allen, director of the Healthy Buildings Program at Harvard's Chan School of public health; money is there; American Rescue Plan money; heat effects account for 13 percent of the racial achievement gaps; 》

[49:57] How states are responding after federal funding for free school meals for all ends

During the pandemic, the federal government provided funds for free healthy school meals for students, but that program ended in 2022. Most states went back to the system they had before, but some will continue providing meals. NewsHour Communities Correspondents Gabrielle Hayes in Missouri, Adam Kemp in Oklahoma and Frances Kai-Hwa Wang in Michigan joined Geoff Bennett to discuss the programs.
《federal funding for free school meals for all ended in 2022; Communities Correspondents Gabrielle Hayes in Missouri, Adam Kemp in Oklahoma and Frances Kai-Hwa Wang in Michigan; 10 states providing free healthy meals for all public school students; Feeding America, nonprofit organization; Hunger Free Oklahoma President Chris Bernard; 》

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