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[00:00] Introduction
[02:42]★今日のおすすめ★ How the looming shutdown will impact government agencies and programs
[06:15] AMNA NAWAZ: Lisa, you have been looking into potential specific impact on some really big programs that millions of people rely on, among them, the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children, known as WIC. What would a shutdown mean for that?
[** WICについて取り上げた先日の番組 ]
[07:04] I know you have also been looking into another program people know about called Meals on Wheels. How would that be affected in a shutdown?
[** = a service that delivers food to those unable to cook for themselves, such as the elderly and people with disabilities (wiktionary) 高齢者や障がい者のための食事宅配サービス ]
[07:18] JESSICA JOHNSON, WIC Recipient: Easily, we go through like four or five gallons a month, cereal, oatmeal, coffee, all that stuff. So, losing that and the fresh food benefits means we get about $20 in -- $20 a month for fresh food and vegetables or frozen vegetables. And we use that for everything. If we lose WIC benefits, we will definitely eat less fresh foods, because they're so expensive.
[** to go through = to use up ]
[09:18] At this moment, like I say, the winds are blowing in cross directions here in Congress at a moment where you really think the country needs to move forward. Instead, there really seems to be a lot of confusion.
[** cross = contrary; opposite ]
[09:58]★今日のおすすめ★ Remembering Sen. Dianne Feinstein and her trailblazing career
[15:31] What people may not understand is that Dianne was still in the arena, and she knew how much she could still do for California, especially appropriations for California.
[** arena = a sphere or scene of intense activity ]
[19:22] It really is sad, and this has been pointed out by Nancy Pelosi, the speaker emerita of the House, that these things were said about a woman. They were never said about the men in the Senate who were much more frail than Dianne in their last days.
[** = The term “Speaker Emerita” is a title bestowed on a former Speaker of the House of Representatives in the United States who has left the position but continues to serve in the House as a backbencher... “Speaker Emerita” combines the title of “Speaker” with the Latin term “Emerita,” which is the feminine form of “Emeritus.”
(女性の)名誉議長 ]
[20:54] SEN. SUSAN COLLINS (R-ME): She was a pioneer and a strong and dignified leader.
FMR. REP. JANE HARMAN: Lisa Murkowski was another. Patty Murray, a Democrat, was saying beautiful things about Dianne on the Senate floor.
SEN. PATTY MURRAY (D-WA): That was Dianne. She did her job every day. She cared about her country.
FMR. REP. JANE HARMAN: And, of course, her dear friend Nancy Pelosi has been all over this.
[** all over (something) = Actively doing or working on something ]
[22:10] News Wrap
[23:20] The World Court called today for Azerbaijan to withdraw troops from sites in Nagorno-Karabakh. But there was no sign that Azerbaijan will comply after recapturing the region last week.
[** = International Court of Justice ]
[27:24] As retailers close stores due to shoplifting, are the concerns real or overblown?
[27:23] Target announced this week that it's planning to close several stores, citing retail theft and organized retail crime as major problems.
[** retail theft = shoplifting ]
[** organized retail crime = Organized retail crime (ORC) refers to professional shoplifting, cargo theft, retail crime rings and other organized crime occurring in retail environments. One person acting alone is not considered an example of organized retail crime. Working in teams, some create distractions while others steal items judiciously or indiscriminately...
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organized_retail_crime ]
[28:37] Last winter, a former Walgreens executive acknowledged during an earnings call that "Maybe we cried too much last year" when it came to characterizing theft at its stores.
[** earnings call = An earnings call is a conference call (typically held in the form of a teleconference or a webcast) during which the management of a public company announces and discusses the financial results of a company for a quarter or a year ]
[29:55] And the National Retail Federation, it's one of the largest trade associations in the world. It's the trade association for the retail industry. They conduct an annual survey on shrink, which is lost inventory, which includes things like retail crime. They just came out with their survey. And it's once again not really conclusive. What you will see is that retail crime increased or shrink overall increased to $112 billion in 2022. That's up from $93.9 billion in the prior year.
[** shrinkとは何かの説明が続くが、wiktionaryでは次のように説明している。shrink = (uncountable, business) Loss of inventory, for example due to shoplifting or not selling items before their expiration date (wiktionary)]
[33:25] Last year, Congress passed the INFORM Act, which requires digital marketplaces such as Amazon, eBay, but even smaller places, to disclose the identity of high-volume sellers, so to make it easier for law enforcement to track down those people who are stealing large amounts of goods and then reselling them online.
[** INFORM Consumers Act =
see: https://www.ftc.gov/legal-library/browse/statutes/inform-consumers-act ]