


その名もTatte BAKERY&CAFE。ボストン界隈を歩いていれば否が応でも目に入ってくる、いわゆる人目を引くタイプのおしゃれなカフェだ。



In Boston, the battleground for cafes, there is a popular café that is steadily increasing its number of branches.

Its name is Tatte BAKERY & CAFE. If you walk around the Boston area, you will see it regardless of whether you like it or not.

In 2022, it was also selected as one of the 23 Most Beautifully Designed Modern Coffee Shops. 

First of all, I would like to introduce its beauty design.

誰もが目を奪われる外装。ガラス越しのランプの灯りが温かみを添えている。© 2023 TATTE BAKERY AND CAFE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED



彼女の名はTzurit Or(ツリット・オル)。 イスラエルで生まれ、 The Bakerと呼ばれる母親のもとでパン作りを日常的に行っていた。今Tatteに並べられている商品のいくつかは、彼女の母親のレシピによるものだという。



The reason for Tatte's popularity is not only its beautiful design. Rather, the point that many people are interested in is the story of the founder.

Her name is Tzurit born in Israel. She usually used to bake bread with her mother when she was a child. Some of the bread sold in Tatte is invented by her mother's recipes.

After graduating from university, Tzurit worked as a film producer for 12 years and reached the top of their field. However, when she was 30 years old, she fell in love with the man who lives in the US and decided to move to the US. After moving, she found it difficult to continue her career as a film producer in the US. She considered going back to Israel but decided to stay in the US due to having a daughter.







While raising her daughter in a foreign country, she became to devote herself heavily to baking bread. When she started selling brioches and cookies at farmers' markets, her items got hugely popular. In the second year, she opened her first café in Brookline, the center of Boston.

Tzurit who was an immigrant, didn't fully understand English and US culture and didn't have relatives or friends. She had been struggling to think about how to keep her business a success and how to raise her daughter for several years.

An uncertain future.
But no choice but to move forward.
Pride of Israeli.
The loneliness of not being American.

In various conflicts, she might have wanted people to understand herself and her hometown and projected everything here. The happy-smelling bread of her mother that she ate in her childhood, the cuisine of her hometown. And I assume she wanted to prove her skills as a film producer, who had to give up because the US didn't recognize her career.

In this beautiful café with particular detail, the days Tzurit ran through are projected like a frame of a film. It's full of her love, knowing setbacks and loneliness, and warmly envelops the loneliness of an immigrant living in a big city in the US.







On this day, I visited to eat the Israeli dish "Shakshuka" that I wanted to try for a long time. I am truly grateful to be able to casually enjoy traditional cuisine from a foreign country at a café in the city. I wish there were more cafes like this.

Shakshuka is originally a dish that originated in North Africa and spread to the Middle East. It is said to be a standard breakfast in Israel.

Tatte's shakshuka menu has three types, one is a simple and classic dish made a spiced tomato sauce with eggs. The other is an arranged version based on corn sauce and spinach. And the last one I ordered was the simple spiced tomato sauce with lamb meatballs.

I enjoyed not only the fresh tomato sauce but also the uniquely spiced tomato sauce, and more mild with mixed poached eggs. And I also enjoyed the aroma and texture of lamb meat. It was quite delicious. It came with 3 slices of bread and I was full.

Shakshuka: LAMB MEATBALL $15 ラム肉のミートボール入りシャクシューカ。羊肉特有の香りがくせになる。十年以上前にモンゴルで食したジンギスカンの羊肉を思い出した。




息子は、2人のイスラエル人のクラスメイトと仲が良かった。3人が冗談を言って笑い転げたり、一緒にサッカーの練習をする姿を見ているのは本当に微笑ましかった。お友達の一人のお母さんは、彼らのことを三銃士(The Three Musketeers)と呼んでいた。



By the way, there are many Israelis around here. As December approaches, it is common to see Hanukkah goods, a Jewish festival, in stores, in addition to Christmas goods.

My son and daughter belonged to an ESOL class at school last academic year and they also had many Israeli classmates. I got the impression that they have a lot of similarities to Japanese people, such as their rather modest atmosphere, diligence, and way of caring. My son has two Israeli good friends. It was really heartwarming to see the three of them joking and laughing and watching them practice soccer together. A friend's mother called them The Three Musketeers.

When they visited our home, I made rolled sushi and Karaーage, but these were unpopular. They said, "I don't like the black part (seaweed)." Next time, I tried Okonomiyaki, but it failed again. After that, I gave up offering Japanese food and decided to offer pizza, which is a funny memory.

One of them returned to Israel two months ago. We made a video call twice, but iー quite difficult due to the time difference. I hope that the friendship between the three will last forever and that the day will come when they can meet again.

