
週末の朝をちょっぴり豊かにしてくれるのは、近所のパン屋さん 〜ボストンのパン屋さん「Iggy's」





パン屋の名はイギーズ。 いつ行ってもパンを焼く匂いの漂うレンガ建ての大きなお店。どのパンも素朴な味わいで美味しく、アットホームな雰囲気につられて、ちょくちょく足を運んでしまう。



It was a perfect Saturday morning, so I gave up on making our usual breakfast.

And I made up my mind to go to a neighborhood bakery with my kids to get a smoked salmon bagel sandwich.This would be a perfect breakfast. 

My husband, who is a night owl, was on a business trip, so it was a golden opportunity to create a special morning with my kids.  

That bakery's name is Iggy's. A brick building shop where we always smell the baking bread. I often go there because of their good quality and cozy atmosphere. We walked there because it was a 20-minute walk from my house. It was still early in the morning, so there weren't many cars and people.

This bakery opens at 7 am every single day.When we came near the bakery, the kids shouted, "It smells good!"

Entrance with large door. The building is sooty and cracked, but I think it's cleaner buildings in America. People don't care about cracks at all.大きな扉のある玄関。 建物は煤けてひびも入っているけれど、アメリカではきれいな方だと思う。みんなヒビなんて入っていてもまったく気にしない。




イギーズはミッションのひとつにLOCAL AGRICULTUREという方針を掲げている。可能な限り地元の農家から農産物を購入すること。これにより地元の小さな農場を支援しながら、新鮮で旬の食材を使用できる。またパン屋での残り物を養豚所の豚の餌として提供する仕組みを講じたりするなど相互支援のスタイルを維持しているという。

Iggy's has several branches around Cambridge and Boston. In addition, the company has a strong and growing wholesale business throughout Massachusetts. I often see their products at famous grocery stores like Whole Foods Market and Brothers Supermarket.

One of Iggy's missions is LOCAL AGRICULTURE.They purchase ingredients from local farmers as far as possible. That can allow them to use the freshest, most in-season ingredients while supporting local family farms.Furthermore, they try to strengthen more the mutual complementely relationship through providing leftover food to the local farm for feeding pigs. 




The inside was plenty of sunlight and good smells of freshly baked bread.It was definitely happy atmosphere. And many attractive products are displayed.

We ordered 3 smoked salmon bagel sandwiches, a squeeze of orange juice, some French rolls, and pain au chocolat.

There are products unique to Iggy's, which have a deep connection with the farm. Feels like a farmer's market. ファーム感あふれるアイテムも陳列。地元農園と関わりの深いイギーズならでは。


お会計をすませると、店員さんが出来立ての小さなパイを子供達にサービスしてくれた。 帰り道、焼きたての香ばしさと歯ごたえに、子供達が大喜びだったのは言うまでもない。


When we were about to walk out, the store clerk served the children small freshly made pies. On the way home, it goes without saying that the children were overjoyed by the freshly baked aroma and texture.

The neighborhood bakery is a reliable place to enrich our usual mornings. This fact is surely to be the same in every country all over the world.

Pan au chocolat for snacks. In America, pastries are generally extremely sweet, but this one has just right in sweetness.  おやつ用に購入したパンオショコラ。 アメリカのペストリーは超絶甘い(たまに鼻血出そうになるくらい。。)のが多いけれど、これは程よい甘さで好きです。
Freshly squeezed orange juice was purchased for trial. Expensive, but worth it. It was great for breakfast. ​ お試しで購入した絞りたてオレンジジュースが大当たり!!ちょっと高いけど、朝食の彩り役としては最高でした。
Sandwich with plenty of cream cheese and melty smoked salmon on a freshly baked bagel. The accent capers are also exquisite. 焼き立てのベーグルにとろけるスモークサーモンとクリームチーズがたっぷり。アクセントのケッパーも絶妙。
French rolls for breakfast tomorrow. We still have some fun. 明日の朝ご飯のフレンチロール。バターをたっぷりつけて頂きたい。ささやかなお楽しみはまだ終わらない。

おまけ:今年はイギーズのカフェが新たに誕生するらしい。 きっと居心地の良い素敵なカフェになるだろうなと期待。
