
超主観的「国」レビュー②New Zealand 仕事があれば本当に楽園



故に僕のプロダクション名、Karori Productionsなのですが、そこで出会った友達の多くはもうすでにニュージーランドにいないか、僕がいたKarori や Wellingtonにはもういません。

Quick Words: New Zealand, especially in Karori, is the place where everything started for me.
Hence my production name, Karori Productions.
Most of my friends are already not in New Zealand or not in Karori/Wellington.
It is the place that always highlights to me the significance of human connection.
Thanks to the people whom I met, I was able to travel to so many other countries and experience so many things, including the unstoppable stomach disease.


New Zealand

滞在時期/Time of Stay: 2011 - 2016 (Uni)

滞在場所/Places I stayed: Wellington / Auckland

水ボトル一本の値段/Price of bottled water: @1USD

トイレ: 反和式
Toilet: Anti-squat

水道水: 飲料可能
Tap Water: Drinkable.

タクシーの運ちゃんに英語は通じるか?: 大体通じる
English (Would a taxi driver understand my Japanese-English)?: Often yes.

交通の便: たまにバスが一斉に来る
Transportation: A bunch of buses comes at one time sometimes.

社会的腐敗: 警察は優しいとと評判です
Corruption: Police officers are very nice.

SIMカード: 年間契約の必要なし
Sim card: No need to have a year contract.

おもてなし: シャイでドライで自学的なネタが目立つ
Hospitality: I loved their shy, dry and very self-conscious jokes.


Things you cannot bring: Seeds.

気をつけるべき物事・Things that can kill you:
ウェリントンの寒風・Cold wind in Welly.

一番楽しかったこと: 学生寮生活
Things I enjoyed most: Helen Lowry Hall.

Things I wasn't good enough at: Looking for a flat and a job.

次やりたいこと・What I wanna do next time: Deep fried squid in KC restaurant in Wellington, visiting Lake Tekapo, probably study too. You get 3 years visa after your graduation apparently. It was 1 year in my time.

Additional comments:
Yeah nah I miss living there, this is love, most likely.


次はシンガポール !

The Next country is Singapore!

