





大事なことは何度転んでも、必ず達成したいと思うならやり続けることです。 同じ学生なのにすごくキラキラして見えた。みんなやっている意義、そこに参加する理由、自分がどれだけ組織に求められているのか理解している。だからずっと輝いているんだ。人間は誰かに必要とされるから生きるんだと思う。生きている理由がわからないのは社会と触れる機会が少ないから、多分。一所懸命な誰かの姿を見て、刺激を受けた。 たぶん私もそんな人になりたいんだ。社会から必要とされる人に。 でも自分の好きなことも追

    • 考えぬく

      2月~3月の間、NPO法人でインターンをしていました。今日はその最終日。 やっていたことは主にインスタグラムの発信。なんとなく簡単そう。。と思っていたけど反響のある投稿を出すのって難しくてなかなか一筋縄ではいきませんでした。 反省点①フォロワーのターゲット曖昧②どんな人にどんな情報を届けるか曖昧③インスタによって達成したいことが曖昧 すべて曖昧でした。これに二月末気づいてそれぞれ考え直しました。それでもすぐには効果がみられたわけではなかったけど、スタッフの方に参考になる

      • 完璧主義を捨てた

        やっとnoteを開きました。 最後に更新したのは5月でした笑笑 まあ書きたくなったら書けばいいんです。 あれからの時間いろんな新しいことがありました。 授業、就活、インターン、SNS発信、語学試験の勉強。。ちょっと本を読む機会が増えたり、ラジオにハマったりもしました。あと、コロナ禍を経て周りの友達のありがたさを知り、感染対策に気を遣いながら個人的に会って楽しい時間を過ごしたりしましたね。 これだけは頑張った!と思えるものは、学校の授業だなぁ。自分で言うのもおかしいですけど

        • わかってくれなくていい

          ずいぶん久しぶりに書きますな。 というのも最近なんとなく見たYouTubeでその方の人生について苦しかったこと、それがどう影響したのかを語っている人がいて、そこからたくさん忘れそうになってた自分の気持ちを思い出したので残そうと思います。 学校で嫌がらせ 小学校である日突然仲良いとおもってた子にいじわるされた。自分じゃ全く自覚もない。その時のことすごい覚えてる。お腹蹴られたな、キモいとか馬鹿にされたな。たまらず私が泣き始めたら先生に見つかったらどうしようって急に焦っちゃってさ


          Coronavirus puts us at risk

          Number of infected patients in Japan has been drastically increasing these days. (3/25) Most likely, in dense areas such as Tokyo and Osaka were surely facing a risk of pandemic. Manila proceeded to city for lockdown, now it alerted to peop

          Coronavirus puts us at risk

          Study planning

          Pics are taken in Osaka and Futakotamagawa in Tokyo for the third one. My university has just released the information of suspension of school. Now I am so bored. I like staying at home, but I hate to been bored so long time with staying a

          Study planning

          How am I gonna do??

          My experience in Philippine just ended suddenly. It is just so hard, because no one could expect that. It is been a while from the pandemic of covid 19 started to spread all over the world. the effect it gave us is so miserable. I even didn

          How am I gonna do??


          I am just gonna write down how I felt by visiting those places yesterday. The feeling of visiting there was just so hard to describe. Once we got home, my host mother asked us how did we felt in there, but we couldn’t answered the questio


          What I wasn’t expected

          Why are there many kids in Philippine?? I was having a conversation with the host mother about culture in Philippine. She mentioned that there is fusion traditions. Fusion is like mixture and blending. Philippine was historically colonize

          What I wasn’t expected

          What I like about Philippine

          No.2 traditions Recently I posted note regarding to Philippine personality. Today, I would like to introduce what traditions there are and I got inspired. Firstly, there are a tight family bond in Philippine. We can replace with friends

          What I like about Philippine

          What I like about Philippines

          No.1 I really like the Philippines personality! I like going somewhere around with them. because they are always so helpful and cheerful to EPs. Philippines bond among families are much has been said in recent years. Blight personalities m

          What I like about Philippines

          Considering SDGs

          Have you ever thought about social issues in this wide world?? Well, I have not really thought about that before I came here, even though I decided to come. About SDGs The 2030 agenda for sustainable development, adopted by all United Na

          Considering SDGs

          History of Philippine(1380-2000)

          This is just for myself, studying for the history of Philippine. I sometimes need this information to talk this topic with Philippine people. 1380 Muslim Arabs arrived at the Sulu Archipelago. 1521 Ferdinand Magellan discovers the islands

          History of Philippine(1380-2000)

          Do what you love, love what you do

          This is a quotation from a book, which my host family was inspired by. I went abroad for almost a year in Oregon State in America. My host family was just a host mother and one cute dog. They have a son, but he opt to move in the dormitory

          Do what you love, love what you do

          Taking into an action

          I saw the manager yesterday to talk about the project I am participating in. I found out that the connection between people is what really helps marketing. As I am a participant in this opportunity, I have been trying to find out what I wa

          Taking into an action

          Casual and unsophisticated

          There has been a serious problem in Philippine. That is disparity in economic power. We had a very lively day, today. Playing with kids always makes me tired, but I could get an energy to move on. After we got dismissed,I asked a guy fr

          Casual and unsophisticated