


なぜこのテーマを研究したかの背景(why)や、インターネットの情報環境や購買意思決定プロセスの枠組み(how)については、前出のvol.1 ,2 を読んでみてほしい。今回は、whatについて。知識やノウハウを満載させるつもりだ。





人材採用を、マーケティングの視点で捉える。その様な先行研究が既にあるのか?、Google Scholarで片っ端から調べてみた。



The relationship between early recruitment-related activities and the application decisions of new labor-market entrants: a brand equity approach to recruitment.
著者:Collins, Christopher J. Stevens, Cynthia Kay(2002)



  • 採用関連の活動は、雇用主のブランドイメージのうち2つの次元で、つまり「企業への一般的な態度」として認識される「職務属性(Job Attributes)」を通じて、間接的に応募決定に関連していることが示唆(suggest)されてた。

  • 特に、「口コミによる支持」と「ブランドイメージ」の2つの次元の関係が強かった

  • 加えて、企業が認知を高めるフェーズの採用関連活動と合わせて広報活動を行った場合に、雇用者のブランドイメージがより強固となる。など、相互に関連していることが判明




Employer Branding という概念

日本では、「採用マーケティング」という言葉がWebセミナーなどで著名になっているが、世界的には「Employer Branding」の方が使われている。

  • 「潜在的な従業員」と「従業員」の(社内、社外)両方に対して発信するもの。(K Backhaus,2004)

  • それは、「心理的便益」「経済的便益」「機能的便益」のパッケージである。(Ambler,1996)

  • Employer Brandingが確立されている組織は、

    • その他と比較し 26%低コストで人材を惹きつけることが出来る。

    • 平均の離職率は10%と、全体の離職率16%よりも低い。
      (Dmitry Kucherov,2012)


Googleトレンドでみると、Employer Branding の検索数が世界的に伸びていることが分かる。(以下、「employer branding」の検索数推移)


2004年発表の論文には、「3000件以上の検索結果」と記述されていたが、2024年4月末現在、Googleで「約 103,000,000 件の検索結果」と爆発的に増えている。

Employer Brandingの面白い点

加えて、Employer Brandingは「企業のアイデンティティ」を特徴づけるものとして雇用の側面で認知される。つまり、「働きやすい場所」であることをどの様に作っていくかという問いに、経営者や従業員自身が答える(=運用や風土を作っていく・また発信する)ことで、「企業のアイデンティティ」にコミットする働きがある。これらの活動はプロセス(過程)であり改善活動を含めた運動そのものである。






  • 転職活動において、ITエンジニア個人の発信情報より企業発信情報の方が、ブランド認知により強い影響を与える

  • また、企業に対する態度形成において、ITエンジニア個人の発信情報の方が強い影響を与えることが、概ね指示された。






コロナ禍での変化 を抽出する


  1. コミニケーションの取りにくさや適切な人事評価が行われにくいなどの問題により、同じゴールを目指す組織と呼べるのかという課題感

  2. コロナ禍以降の接触メディアの変化に伴い、価値の感じ方が変わっているのでは?という課題感(単純接触効果)



コロナ禍の転職者で 分かったこと

  • コロナ禍において ITエンジニア発信情報は「ブランド認知」と「態度」形成に対して、さらに影響力を持つようになった。





※この辺りは、vol.1の「2023年のインターネット環境 だから分かること」を参照ください。



※これは、Employer Brandingの開発を意味する。




  • 「認知」形成企業は公式情報を正確にタイムリーに

    • 特に事件の発生時など、対応を決めて素早く発信すべき。今まで顧客向けや株主向けの広報と役割認識(限定・優先度設計)されていた状態から、従業員や潜在的な従業員に対しても積極的に発信する。

  • 「態度」形成:ITエンジニア発信へ口コミサイトやSNSへの発信を、あるべき姿へ支援する。



  • 情報発信に対するコントロール

    • ルールは、やってはダメ(NG)リスト。それだけでは足りない。

    • 本当のガイドラインは、モラルの反映じわじわ浸透させるしかない。

    • 経営は、モラルを反映させる、サイクルを作ること。但し、人事だけ、開発部門だけに任せない。「内発的動機づけ」のサイクルを構築し、チームでゴール設定することでコアメンバーを巻き込み、プロセスを整備し、活動の困難さを支援する。さらに、改善を含めた再現可能なサイクルへ

    • レピュテーション測定やリスクヘッジ(保険)、働き手のリテラシーを高めるなど、リスク管理(確率的に逸脱の範囲を小さくする)のやりようが複数存在する。

  • 現状のレピュテーションに対する対処

    • 人的資産経営の社会的背景のなか、経営のイシューのうちEmployer Brandingの重要度が上がってくる。

    • 目的を見失わず、Employer Branding の開発・構築に着手することが基盤として行うべきこと。

      • 退職者の口コミサイトなど外部サイトでの点数を上げることは、手段であり目的ではない。

      • 現状の外部評価は、asisとして認識し、重要な点を定めて対処する順番を定める。(上の「内発的動機づけ」のサイクル構築 に組み込む)



働く場所(固定した1企業)というより、3rd Placeといった方が適当かもしれませんが。これも、社会人大学院を経て一つの足場となっていると感じます。社会人大学院の卒業後の1ケースとして、お読み頂いている方にはご参照まで。







I will provide the English translation of the diary entry below using ChatGPT3.5.

Let me write about what has become clear as a result of the research.

For the background on why I chose this theme (why), as well as the framework of the internet information environment and the purchase decision-making process (how), please refer to the previous volumes 1 and 2. This time, I will focus on what. I intend to fill it with knowledge and know-how.

Research Note: On the Career Change Decision-Making Process of IT Engineers_vol.1
Research Note: On the Career Change Decision-Making Process of IT Engineers_vol.2 "How to Formulate Questions"

This is for working professionals attending graduate school, those interested in internet business, and those facing challenges in hiring engineers.

[What you will gain from this note]
Through my research, I have elucidated the decision-making process for IT engineers when choosing a company. By measuring and comparing the influence of official corporate communications versus communications from IT engineers who are employees at each stage of the decision-making process—"brand recognition," "conviction," "attitude," "intention," and "action (application)"—I have made several findings clear. Based on these results, I will discuss what kind of information dissemination is appropriate for both management and employees. Additionally, I will propose future information dissemination strategies by illustrating advanced overseas examples and the nature of employer-employee relationships. It may be somewhat information-dense, but I hope you will find it useful.

Now, I would like to examine what kind of research has been conducted globally on this theme in the past, and understand its necessity and usefulness through prior studies.

Scarcity Found in Prior Research

I investigated extensively on Google Scholar to see if there are any prior studies that view recruitment from a marketing perspective.

Prior Research Viewing Recruitment from the Perspective of Brand Equity

In a 2002 study conducted in the United States, the research targeted the recruitment activities of engineering students and examined which types of information in a company's recruitment activities had an influence.

The relationship between early recruitment-related activities and the application decisions of new labor-market entrants: a brand equity approach to recruitment.
:Collins, Christopher J. Stevens, Cynthia Kay(2002)

American Psychological Association

This research has revealed the following:

  • Recruitment-related activities are indirectly related to the decision to apply through two dimensions of the employer's brand image, specifically recognized as "Job Attributes" under the general attitude toward the company.

  • In particular, there was a strong relationship between the two dimensions of "word-of-mouth support" and "brand image."

  • Additionally, it was found that when companies conduct public relations activities along with recruitment-related activities in the phase of increasing awareness, the employer's brand image becomes more robust, indicating an interrelationship.

While this study succeeded in demonstrating a correlation, it has the limitation of not proving causation.

It is remarkable that this content was published in 2002. The fact that it was featured in a peer-reviewed academic journal published by the American Psychological Association (indicating high credibility) further supports its significance. With over 400 citations, this paper has contributed significantly to shaping the global trend that "communication activities are important in recruitment activities."

Additionally, there are few studies in recruitment research that employ statistical quantitative analysis. While many combine qualitative research and analysis, I felt that they do not capture the overall picture of recruitment statistically.

Furthermore, although there are numerical results from other companies' cases in web articles, it became clear that "there are few examples that have become academic papers globally."

The Concept of Employer Branding

In Japan, the term "recruitment marketing" has become well-known through web seminars and other platforms, but globally, "Employer Branding" is more commonly used. To summarize this term:

  • Communications should be directed towards both potential and current employees, both internally and externally. (K. Backhaus, 2004)

  • It is a package comprising "psychological benefits," "economic benefits," and "functional benefits." (Ambler, 1996)

  • Organizations with well-established employer branding:

    • Can attract talent at 26% lower costs compared to others.

    • Have an average turnover rate of 10%, which is lower than the overall turnover rate of 16%. (Dmitry Kucherov, 2012)

Based on Google Trends, it is evident that the number of searches for "Employer Branding" is increasing globally. (See below for the trend of search volumes for "employer branding")

In the paper published in 2004, it was mentioned that there were "over 3000 search results." However, as of the end of April 2024, the search results have exponentially increased to approximately 103,000,000.

Interesting aspects of Employer Branding

One fascinating aspect of this concept is that employees themselves become the developers of the brand and internalize the company's values through information dissemination. Additionally, Employer Branding is recognized in the employment sphere as characterizing the "identity of the company." In other words, both managers and employees themselves answer the question of how to create a "pleasant workplace" by creating and disseminating practices and culture, thereby committing to the "identity of the company." These activities constitute a process, including improvement activities, and are a movement in themselves. There's also an intriguing aspect in how individuals and organizations transform themselves personally and collectively over time.

"Revealed through research"In my study,

I decided to use the consumer decision-making model as a framework for measuring the decision-making process in research. This model, which has had the most significant impact on consumer behavior research in the 1990s, allows us to measure the influence of "information" in brand building.

Furthermore, in this study, we opted to use structural equation modeling (SEM) with latent variables to quantitatively compare the influence of corporate communications and communications from IT engineers on individuals with job-switching experience. We will represent both influences in a path diagram, aiming to determine which communication channel has a greater impact.

The findings reveal the following:

  • In the context of job-seeking activities, corporate communications have a stronger impact on brand recognition compared to communications from individual IT engineers.

  • Additionally, in shaping attitudes towards companies, communications from individual IT engineers tend to exert a stronger influence as indicated.

Please refer to Vol.1 (below) for concepts such as "confidence" and "attitude."

🔸Path Diagram Interpretation
・The arrows connecting ellipses indicate influence.
・Arrows pointing in one direction → indicate causality. Arrows pointing in both directions ←→ indicate correlation.
・The numerical values represent standardized estimates, where larger values indicate greater influence. However, when comparing arrows connected to the same ellipse, both arrows must be solid lines (not dashed) to be compared under the assumption of comparability.

To elaborate further, an asterisk * is appended to numerical values to indicate whether the results represent statistically significant values that consistently yield similar results. The more asterisks, the less variability in the results (higher probability of consistently yielding similar values). For example, for the arrow from IT engineer communications to brand recognition, the value is ".279*," with only one asterisk *. This indicates that variability occurs within the range considered "significant at the 5% level." It suggests usability within that range (statistically significant).

Extracting Changes During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Furthermore, we have decided to extract characteristics of job changes during the COVID-19 pandemic by selecting individuals who have switched jobs since April 2020 from the survey data (March 2023 survey).
Two main points of concern were identified during this process.

  1. Concerns regarding whether the organization can be considered as one aiming for the same goal, due to problems such as difficulty in communication and challenges in conducting appropriate personnel evaluations.

  2. Concerns regarding whether the perception of value has changed due to the shift in contact media since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic (mere exposure effect).

What we learned from job changers during the COVID-19 pandemic

  • During the pandemic, communications from IT engineers have gained even more influence on "brand recognition" and "attitude formation."

Reflections from Research and Proposals for Future Workstyles

Premise: Influence on "Conviction" in Job-seeking Activities

Candidates intending to switch jobs often do not develop a strong "conviction" about the working style of companies they haven't worked for yet, based solely on the information available. This is likely due to the abundance of "confidential information" and the fact that many aspects, such as "interpersonal relationships" and "unique workflow," are difficult to grasp without actual experience.

1.Influence on Attitude Formation

In the process of attitude formation, where individuals assess whether a company is "right for them" or if they "believe they can succeed," communications from IT engineers are considered crucial. → [Proposal] Companies need to support employee information in attitude formation.
※ This implies the development of Employer Branding.

2.Influence and Limitations of Corporate Communications

Corporate communications have an influence on enhancing "brand recognition." However, they have little impact on shaping "conviction" or "attitude."
→ [Proposal] Relying solely on official information can come across as "too good to be true" or insincere. It's beneficial to include amateurish social media videos or other informal content. Honesty and authenticity are crucial; avoiding pretense is essential.

3.Division of Roles between Corporate Communications and Employee Communications

  • "Recognition" Formation: Companies should provide accurate and timely official information.

    • Especially during incidents, companies should decide on responses swiftly and communicate them promptly. Roles should be reassigned from previously prioritizing public relations for customers and shareholders to actively communicating with employees and potential employees, with defined limitations and priority levels.

  • "Attitude" Formation: Companies should support IT engineer communications by encouraging postings on review websites and social media platforms, guiding them towards the desired image.

For detailed information regarding the research methods and specifics, please refer to the attached hearing materials.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Control over Information Dissemination

    • Rules are a "do not" (NG) list. However, this alone is insufficient.

    • The real guideline reflects morality. It must be gradually ingrained.

      • Management involves creating a cycle that reflects morality. However, it should not be solely entrusted to HR or development departments. Construct a cycle of "intrinsic motivation," involve core members in goal setting as a team, establish processes, and support the difficulty of activities. Furthermore, move towards a reproducible cycle, including improvements.

  • There are multiple approaches to risk management (reducing the range of deviation probabilistically), such as reputation measurement, risk hedging (insurance), and enhancing workforce literacy.

  • Dealing with Current Reputation

    • Within the social context of human capital management, the importance of Employer Branding is increasing among management issues.

    • It is crucial to embark on the development and establishment of Employer Branding without losing sight of the objective.

    • Increasing scores on external sites such as review platforms for departing employees is a means, not an end.

    • The current external evaluations should be recognized as is, and a prioritized approach should be established to address key points. (Incorporate into the construction of the "intrinsic motivation" cycle mentioned above)

The portion I wrote as "Frequently Asked Questions" is based on a certain level of experience and case studies, and as of 2024, I believe it has become somewhat universally applicable. While more detailed designs and protocols are necessary to implement them into each business operation, I believe that rather than "introducing everything as a package," selecting important elements from a soft starting point tailored to each organization will contribute to shaping its culture.

Repeating this because it's important: I believe that starting with articulating "This is how we want to be as a team" in one's own words can be a fantastic first step.

The research has become a sort of noun, and as a result, I will be participating in the Japan CTO Association on a pro bono basis. The Japan CTO Association is a community of CTOs and technology leaders from various companies, with a mission to make "self-transformation through technology commonplace in Japanese society." My main activities involve presentations in the Tech Branding Working Group and assisting in the sharing of experiences (knowledge and know-how) related to the challenges and solutions at each stage of startup growth in the Community Working Group. Working with people who share similar awareness of challenges and being able to move forward in a relaxed yet proactive manner is a joyous and fulfilling experience. It may be more appropriate to call it a "3rd Place" rather than a fixed workplace at one company. I feel that this has become another stepping stone for me after completing a professional graduate school program. As one case after graduating from a professional graduate school, I offer this for your reference.

I'll finish this note (magazine) about my experience attending a professional graduate school and completing a research paper with this "Insights Gained from the Research." If you'd like to hear more from a different perspective, please contact us using the "Inquiries" section below.
Thank you for reading until the end! If you enjoyed it, please hit the "Like" button. If you're looking forward to more, please follow us. Until next time!

