
『Our various parks』

2023-11-06 2nd.小説アルバム 『Our various parks』 「君だけの色がある」




There are many attractions waiting.
That is the land of dreams.
Machines that move around with someone on board.

There are also machines that control themselves.

Every man has his own color.
Not man

『The Jet Coaster Never Stops』

『The Jet Coaster Never Stops』

It's the happiest thing in human history.
I work during the week and hang out with my friends on holidays.
Work is very hard, but I can work hard because I have holidays.

My work is an on-parade of o



We're going to sail.

There is someone I like.
That's a nice and charming man.
He teases me happily at school, but I don't hate it.
On the contrary, I'm happy.
And the other person doesn't do it out o

『Romantic Go kart』

『Romantic Go kart』

I'm about 30 years old, too.
Let's get married soon, have children, and build a happy family.
I rarely meet women in the first place.

So I was taught a matching app by a close junior.It's a trendy on

『Coffee cup time machine 〜220406〜』

『Coffee cup time machine 〜220406〜』

One day in a certain year.
Season is spring.

This love suddenly started.
The whistle of love rang inside me.

Just talking to you made my heart flutter.
My heart beats fast.
Luckily, I met you.


『Hospitality house』

『Hospitality house』

"Welcome!! I want to see your smile!"

My older brother says so cheerfully.
It is a very brave figure to entertain guests.

He is the owner of an tavern.
His salary is the smiles of his customers.



I married a very serious girlfriend.
She doesn't smile easily.
It's cute though.

Today is our honeymoon.
So I want to make her smile today.
Then I will carry out all my plans to make her smile.


『Aerial Swing Swan』

『Aerial Swing Swan』

This is a small pond in the zoo.
It's a zoo, but other animals are too far away to see.

There were two swans at one place.
It's a very small pond.

The swans have lived in this pond for a long time

『You and the Space Shuttle』

『You and the Space Shuttle』

I got a LINE from her.

"Why don't we do it today?"

My heart is pounding.

I live with her.
Is it just before we get married? I don't know about that yet.

She goes to work by train.
She work in appa

『Maze in the rain』

『Maze in the rain』

It rains.
I get rained on.
be at a loss.
I just stand in the empty world of daylight.
Now I'm in the depths of despair.
It just started raining at this time.
Rain is mean.
The weather forecast should



This summer.

This couple enjoyed the amusement park.

It's only been a week since the couple started dating.
They had the first time to enjoy their time, unconsciously.

If you notice it, it'
