
『Hospitality house』

"Welcome!!  I want to see your smile!"

My older brother says so cheerfully.
It is a very brave figure to entertain guests.

He is the owner of an tavern.
His salary is the smiles of his customers.
He seem to be doing this job to feel happy.

That's his story.

But this job isn't just about being happy.

"Hey, it's too cold.Reduce the number of ice!"

Some people make terrible complaints.
The only thing we can do there is apologize.

But I prefer a restaurant that satisfies customers.
I will do his best to meet the expectations of many customers.

Then a visitor came.

He is a regular customer.
But today he looks a little different than usual.

He is a man in his thirties.
He seems to be very low spirited.
This is my turn.
I don't know what happened, but I cheer up my customers.

"What is the matter with such a gloomy face? If you don't mind, how about deep fried food?"
I suggested.
"Two deep fried dishes, please."
"Very well!"

Two plates of deep fried food make my stomach quite bloated.
First of all, as the man said, I will prepare two plates of deep fried food.

Unfortunately, however, there are not many employees today.
My work is not progressing.
And there are many customers.
It's really hard.

But on the contrary, this is a great opportunity.
It's time to show off your skills.

I'm good at entertaining customers quickly.
As soon as it is fried, we will carry it to the customer.

If you came all the way to this restaurant, we would be happy if it left a deep impression on us.

Then the deep fried food was fried

Get to the customer quickly.

As always, he's not doing well.
`Sorry to have kept you waiting!'
Be careful it's hot!"

The customer takes a bite, and then he takes two or three mouths at an outrageous speed.

It must have been delicious.

Seeing that made me happy.

I don't know what happened to him, but he seems relieved somewhere in his heart.

Then, the customer will pay.
Then he said in a low voice.
"It was very delicious..."

I was very happy.
"I'll be waiting for you again!"

I didn't think deep-fried food in our restaurant would be a temporary medicine.

