
My London Life ~Week 100~



それに滞在中は、一日中じゃないものの毎日雨が降っていて、外出するのが本当に大変でした。インフィニティプールに来た時なんて雲の中に居るみたいで、街の景色なんて見えませんでした。笑 とまあ、色々と問題もありましたが、楽しく過ごす事が出来たのは友人達のお陰でです!本当に感謝しかありません。今滞在、彼ら無しには素晴らしい時間を過ごす事が出来なかったと思います!!

さて、日本に居る間は何もするつもりは無いので(しっかり休暇) また何かしらアップデートがありましたら更新してみようかなと思います。

I backed to Japan and I’m gonna stay several months perhaps…!! And it’s really cold in Japan now… Me and the weather are so incompatible…!!
By the way, I visited in Singapore for a week. It’s amazing city. Whenever I visit here, I always think of like this!! However, this time I was surprised a rise in prices… For example, a can beer is S$8 and tap beer in the bar is S$18 and Ice cream is S$7… everything is super expensive now. Of course eating outside is more… I heard from my friend “OMAKASE SUSHI Course” in certain shops is S$500 each person…!! Due to like this situation it was easy to disappear money…!! haha Furthermore, when I stayed there, it rained everyday but not all day but it made me hard to go out. When I was in infinity pool, it was like I was inside cloud. Actually, I couldn’t see the city view. There were some problems like these but thanks to my friends, I was able to have awesome time there!! I really appreciate you guys. I couldn’t have spent a great time without you guys!!
Well, I’m not gonna post something on SMS while I’m in Japan so if I have some updates, I’ll announce!!
