
結婚指輪を作るということ 前編 「物語を大切にすること」 (To make engagement rings Part1 - To value the story)

Link : 後編 Part 2

We would like to share the interview with a Korean couple (Woon and Yerim) about what was important to make their wedding rings, and the background of their requesting production to SAN. The articles are separated the part1 and the part2.  (English below Japanese)


ーPhoto from Woon and Yerim

《前編》 指輪を作る上で大切にしたこと


イェリンさん (以下Y) : 日本同様、韓国も結婚式で指輪を交換するのが一般的ですが、結婚後に指輪を作った理由はいくつかはあります…


ウンキさん (以下W) :当時、私たちは若くあまり予算がなかったため、私はセレモニー用に、手頃な指輪を用意しました。


SAN 西坂紗希 (以下S) : 「彼の家族から受け継いだ指輪をする」こと自体が、とても素敵な物語ですよね。

Y : 単にひとつのリングを受け継いだだけではなく、彼の祖母には7人の娘がいて、7人の娘全員に同じリングを渡しているそうです。またそのリングにはハート型のような7角形の石がついてます。

SAN 不破大睦 (以下D) : すごい素敵!おばあさんはロマンティストですね!


Y : 指輪を買うということは簡単なことですが、私は指輪に出会うという経験や物語を大切にしたいと思ったのです。約三年前、日本で共通の友人からあなた達を紹介された時、ジュエリーデザイナーとガラス作家であると聞いて、私が探していた物語はこれだと思ったんです。

S : 私たちがあなたのストーリーの一部という意味ですか?

Y : そうです!あなたの家でローカルな暮らしを経験したり、お好み焼きとたこ焼きを一緒に食べたことは私にとって素敵な思い出です。それから、あなた達が K-POPファンであることも私にとっては特別な出来事でした(笑) 初めて会ったのに、感覚が近いと感じて、リラックスできる感じがしました。あなた達は私にとって初めての日本の友達なんです!

S & D : 言葉にならないほど嬉しいです!


ーWoon’s ring


Y : 思い出や経験として、ユニークな物語が関係しているということです。


D : 2人がストーリーを大切にするのは、あなた方2人がアーティストであるということが関係しているように思います。

Y : そうですね、買うことよりも手にする過程も大切にしたいと思ったんです。また、いつも身につけられるということも大切にしました。高価な指輪を買ったとしても、ジュエリーボックスに隠すように入れておくことになるでしょう?そうじゃなくて、日常的なものとしていつも身近に感じられる存在にしたかったので、オーダーで指輪を作りました。


ー 韓国ソウルにある夫婦のお宅に滞在した時の朝食風景(It's the scene of the breakfast at Woon and Yearim's house in Seoul.)


ー 2人仲良く朝食の準備をしています(They looked perfect team to prepare the breakfast together!)

《Part 1》 What was important when making the ring

Why didn’t you make(buy) your engagement rings when you got married?

Yerim (Y) : It’s usually exchanging engagement rings on weddings in South Korea as well as Japan, but there were a few reasons why we didn’t buy wedding rings. Firstly, I succeeded a ring from Woon’s mother which was succeeded from Woon’s grand mother. I thought that would be good as my wedding ring for the ceremony. 

Woon (W) : We were young and our budget were restricted for wedding rings. And Yerim gave an affordable ring to me for the wedding ceremony.

Y : Yes, that’s the very important reason at the moment. I had some minds of dream, it was a dream to buy an important “special ring" that was meaningful as a memory or a memory when traveling abroad or having a special experience. Unfortunately, we didn’t have much time to spent finding “the special rings”. Jobs, home, and wedding preparation were a higher priority than buying rings.

SAN - Saki (S) : In Japan, it is tradition to exchange engagement rings at weddings. Is it the same in Korea? Succeeding a ring from Woon’s family is already beautiful story!

Y : The ring has a heart-shaped stone cut into a heptagon, because his grandmother has seven daughters and gave them these rings.

SAN - Daichi (D) : How beautiful story is! His grandma is really Romanist.

Why did you decide to make engagement rings instead of buying them?

Y : Buying rings is really easy, but I wanted to value the story and experience of encountering the rings rather than buying them.
About 3 years ago, it was the first time we met in Japan. I was introduced Saki is a jewelry designer and Daichi is a glass artist by my friend. Then, I felt that I found the story which I was looking for.

S : Do you mean “We were the part of your story”?

Y : Yes! Experiencing local life at your house, eating Okonomiyaki and Takoyaki, these are great memories. Addition to this, it was also extraordinary for me that you were good K-pop funs. haha
Even if it was first met, but I felt similar connection and I was be able to be comfortable and friendly relation. You are my first Japanese friend!

S & D : Oh, so sweet! We are so happy that we have no word to say.

What was the most important thing to make your rings?

Y : The story as memories and experiences were the most important to make our rings. There are so many beautiful and gorgeous rings in the world but the price are just expensive tags for me. I can say that’s also good but I think my choice was best! And also, Japanese craftsmanship are reliable.

Daichi : I guess that's the idea because you both are artists.

Y : Yes, I agree. It was also important that the rings could be worn all the time. Even if I bought an expensive ring, I would keep it hidden in my jewelry box so as not to lose, right? Instead, I made a ring because I wanted to make it as an everyday item.

To be continued to Part 2 on next week.

2人へのインタビューは次週の後編(Part 2)へ続きます。

- Profile -
キム・ウン (音楽プロデューサー、作曲家)
IU 「LILAC」やTWICE「After Moon」など

コ・イェリン (ライター、作詞家)

Woon Kim (music producer, composer)
Providing many songs to Kpop artists mainly, widely active as a songwriter and composer. IU「LILAC」, TWICE「After Moon」and more.

Yearim Ko (writer, lyricist)
In addition to being a lyricist, she also writes blogs and works as a storyteller for the branding business of stores and brands.
