【折り紙ドラゴン】オーガタウルス/【origamidragon】Auger Taurus

作品No.830「オーガタウルス」 22枚





また、制作過程をyoutubeの方で公開しています!よろしければホームページからご覧ください٩( 'ω' )و


Work No.830 "Auger Taurus" 22 pieces

Theme "Oni"

Something that has power beyond human understanding. The people called them demons. Among them, the Lord who lived in the forest was so powerful that he was called the demon dragon.

People were afraid of its power and did not want to go near the forest. However, it is another story when someone who is not afraid of power comes to challenge it.

I was thinking about how people in the past used to deify the forces of nature when they saw them as a powerful force, and this is the work that inspired me.

Also, the production process is published on youtube! Please see the homepage if you like ٩( 'ω' )و
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