
ヨガと瞑想と登山の共通点 | Commonalities between yoga, meditation and mountaineering.


 Leave your thoughts on a mountain and come back to the city with a clear mind. That’s mental-mountaineering.


 The location of second climb was also announced the day before: the 969 m Mount Bonoore. It took less than two hours from central Tokyo by express train and bus. The day was a break in the rainy season and the weather was fine. It was the first hot day of this year.


 I was already sweating on the asphalt road to the trailhead. But once inside the mountain, the sound of clear water could be heard and the rocky uphill climb began. ”This is mountain climbing! ”, I felt. Now that I think about it, my first mountain was a hike.

 清流の音がだんだんと大きくなり、目の前にゴルジュ帯が見えた。梅雨のため、水量は増量中のようだった。岩に這いつくばるようにして、水の上を登っていく。ロープを信頼し、重力に逆らって登っていく。これが本当に初心者の山なのか?! でも私よりも年上の人たちも多くみられた。60代の方もいらしただろう。だから、私が登れないことは絶対にないのだ。とはいえ、沢登りは猛暑日には、最高のアトラクションだ。山登りの醍醐味を楽しんだ。

 The sound of the clear water gradually became louder and louder, and a gorge zone could be seen in front of us. The water volume seemed to be increasing due to the rainy season. I crawled over the rocks and climbed over the water. I trusted the rope and climbed against gravity. Is this a beginner's level? ! But there were a lot of people older than me, some probably in their 60s. So there is no way I can't climb this mountain. Anyway, climbing a stream is a great attraction on a very hot day. I enjoyed the best part of mountain climbing.

 クライマックスが終わり、ここからがひたすら辛い山登り。心が折れそうになる。あの人は私よりも太っているのに、何で楽に登れるのだろうか? ヨガをはじめたころのように、周りの人と自分をつい比べてしまう。いや、私は初心者だから、自分のペースで登るのみだ。私のバディーは、常に50メーター以上先に進んでいた。

 The climax of the climb was over, and from this point on it was just a hard climb up the mountain. I feel like my heart is about to break. That person is fatter than me, how can she climb so easily? Just like when I started yoga, I compared myself with other people. No, I'm a beginner, I only climb at my own pace. My buddy was always climbing at least 50 meters ahead of me.

 心臓破りの登りをどうにか突破し、2時間20分ほどで、頂上へ辿り着くことができた! 予想タイムぴったりだった。休憩を1度も取らなかったのもあるだろう。おにぎりとゆで卵を食べてから、今度は下りだ。

 Somehow I managed to make it through the heart-breaking climb and reached the summit in about two hours and twenty minutes! It was exactly the expected time. It's probably because we didn't take a single break. After eating a rice ball and a boiled egg, we started the downhill.


 About 15 minutes into the descent, a family with a child approached me and asked, "Is it hard up ahead? " I replied, "Even a beginner like me could do it, so I'm sure it will be fine." Although in reality, it was hard enough that I had to keep a yoga pose the whole way!


 On the way down, my legs almost started to wobble. To avoid this, I kept my feet going, not wasting one step at a time. The path went on forever, with tree roots as stair steps. No wind and sauna conditions. Moreover, I seem to have a constitution where my nose runs due to the temperature changes during the climb, and it is hard to breathe through my mouth all the time.


 Shouting "It's hard" doesn't change anything. It felt like yoga. ”Your mind breaks first, but if your body is okay, you can do it.” I said to myself what my yoga teacher once said. And with too much pressure on the body, it is impossible to think about anything else. Only by dialogue with my body, the miscellaneous thoughts had disappeared. And meditation, which is not physically stressful, but can erase miscellaneous thoughts through mantras. I felt that yoga, meditation, and mountaineering have something in common.


 The mindfulness practices that have been developed so far have been connected now. It doesn't seem long before I will be able to experience the real thrill of mountain climbing by gaining the muscular strength needed to climb mountains even more.





