
最後に家族に「ありがとう」って言ったのはいつですか? When was the last time you said "Thank you" to your family?











前回【毎日の行動が、人格を形成していく。Your character will be formed by your daily action .】で、以下の文章を書きました。




















Hostels exist in order to make guests happy, and in order to give them unforgettable experiences. What can we do for the guests? What will please them? What memories can we help them create that will last a lifetime? I’ve been thinking this way since we opened Waya hostel.

In the 2 years and 3 months I’ve been running this hostel, I followed this method of thinking, devoting all my time to the guests, and thus I developed confidence in my ability to show the guests a good time from the moment they walk in until the moment they leave.

However, as a result of thinking only of the guests everyday,

there was a time when I neglected the most important thing in my life; building and maintaining my relationships with those who are precious to me. In a word - family.

Since I built Waya hostel with my mates, the days were hectic - there was always something that needed to be done. I had been so desperate to make Waya a success, I became shortsighted to the point that I could not think much of others.

Even when my mom would call me, I’d say “I’m busy now so I’ll call you back.”

I usually didn’t call back.

My constant thought was, “what I have to do right now is think about what I can do for the guests, and ignore all unrelated thoughts.” I was fully committed, but I took it to an unhealthy extreme.

Last time I wrote an article titled “毎日の行動が、人格を形成していく。Your character will be formed by your daily actions.”

In it, there was this passage:

A sentence from a book I read: First, humans form habits. Habits then form characteristics.

If you allow even the tiniest thing to become a habit, it will be hard to get rid of.

There were people who cared deeply for me, who I would at times treat with apathy or outright neglect.

Some bad habits can destroy relationships.

“Call me sometime!” Mom said. For some time I thought she was interfering with my work, but I eventually came to realize that her words were coming from a place of deep love and caring. Fortunately, thanks to my realizing it before it was too late, I rebuilt my good relationship with my family. We support each other.

This is changing the topic a bit, but we recently had a company meeting with all the members of Staylink. As a result of our wishing to grow the company at a rather fast pace, members of our company felt we were going too fast, and that they were being left behind. Furthermore, because of lack of communication, there were many things left unsaid up until that point, which left a lot of members with pent-up feelings.

I felt like I’d done the same thing that I did to my family. However, nobody can turn back the clock, and so although I’m discouraged, I can’t dwell on it. I have to focus on what to do next; accept what happened, get a grasp of the truth, and steer the ship in order not to lose our way.

From spring, my role in the company will change, and the time that I can spend with my mates in the company will decrease drastically. I will appreciate the times that I can be with them and the times we can pursue our goals together. Eventually, I will make an environment in which we can grow the company together and support each other’s dreams.

Many difficulties lie ahead of us and it will take us incalculable time to achieve our ideal, but as with the phrase, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”, we will be able to get where we want to be if we simply string together each one of these small steps.

When was the last time you said to your family, ”Thank you"?

When was the last time you said to your mates, “Thank you"?

Treat the people who support you and are important to you with the importance they deserve.

If you can’t place proper value in those you consider precious and hold dear, how can you expect to be able to do so with anyone else? I will remind myself of this once more, take it to heart, and then move forward and onward to the brighter days ahead.

Now please excuse me, as I need to make a phone call to my family.
