
現役心理学分野研究員・日本学術振興会特別研究員PD・九州大学所属 比較心理学・発達心…


現役心理学分野研究員・日本学術振興会特別研究員PD・九州大学所属 比較心理学・発達心理学・間接互恵・メタ認知・語用論


The Art of Dance is Moving.

I really love to watch dance. When I visited London during Christmastime ten years ago, I watched the Nutcracker performed by the Royal Ballet. I will neve…

Where do ideas come from?

In a behavioral experiment, a child sat facing a stranger (the experimenter). Two toys were placed between the child and stranger. However, a wall occluded one …

Are there people that help others simply for the sake of being altruistic?

Some of my favorite manga works are by Fujiko Fujio, a duo of artists who created Manga for many years together. Fujiko F Fujio worked with Abiko Motoo unt…

Do bees feel beuty to flowers?

Humans enrich themselves by creating works of art. The arts are a universal phenomenon, permeating all cultures. Many experts acknowledge that aesthetics vary a…

What happened depends on our perception

I feel like time is passing along a one-way path, always moving forward. The other day, I was at an airport and walked on a moving walkway. This walkway reminde…

The infinite is infinite.

In a behavioral experiment, infants were presented with a stage that was partially hidden by a wall. An experimenter then placed one puppet on a stage behind th…

Our imagination is the one place where causality is allowed to be violated.

Future is uncertain. For any event, "what will happen next" has multiple potential outcomes, and in some cases, they are mutually exclusive. Thus, there could …

With logical reasoning, the possibilities are endless.

Are infants young mathematicians? Logical reasoning paves the way to scientific advances. It is an open question as to how early in life children begin think l…

We see what we want to see

The more creative you are, the more often you perceive ordinary objects in places which is not special. Frequently, people perceive random patterns in the worl…

Not just a box: even an eyeless agent is perceived as having intentions.

Five-month-old infants were presented the following scenario: Three objects were presented: a simple green box, a dotted cone, and a striped cylinder. The gree…

Why do we hesitate to offer a seat?

Everyone has encountered the following situation: in a crowded train, you were lucky enough to find a seat. But a few stops later, you find a person who is look…

Is that true children under 4-year-old do not have theory of mind?

Historically, it was thought that young children first understand false belief at around 4–5 years of age, when they pass verbal tests such as the change-…

Surely you are unique.

I wonder why many people think of themselves as ordinary, typical, or common. Just because you may not lead a particularly exciting life, that does not mean tha…

¿Qué es la Teoría de la Mente?

La Teoría de la Mente ha sido definida como la habilidad para entender los estados mentales de nosotros mismos y otros y saber que los otros se comportan o act…

Podrías echar de menos algo especial ya tienes. La filosofía que una psicóloga aprendió en Shibuya

This is a translated version of following Notes.「You might miss something special in the everyday.」https://note.com/reirei1010/n/nff7fbccce489 Como soci…

The essence of science

Dr. Shinichi Mochizuki, a mathematician at Kyoto University, recently claimed proof of the ABC conjecture, an unsolved problem in number theory which was i…

The Art of Dance is Moving.

I really love to watch dance. When I visited London during Christmastime ten years ago, I watched the Nutcracker performed by the Royal Ballet. I will never forget how marvelous it was. The sugar


Where do ideas come from?

In a behavioral experiment, a child sat facing a stranger (the experimenter). Two toys were placed between the child and stranger. However, a wall occluded one toy from the experimenter’s view but not


Are there people that help others simply for the sake of being altruistic?

Some of my favorite manga works are by Fujiko Fujio, a duo of artists who created Manga for many years together. Fujiko F Fujio worked with Abiko Motoo until they published "Little Ghost Q-Taro."


Do bees feel beuty to flowers?

Humans enrich themselves by creating works of art.
The arts are a universal phenomenon, permeating all cultures. Many experts acknowledge that aesthetics vary across cultures and ages. In Western cult


What happened depends on our perception

I feel like time is passing along a one-way path, always moving forward. The other day, I was at an airport and walked on a moving walkway. This walkway reminded me that we are all passing through tim


The infinite is infinite.

In a behavioral experiment, infants were presented with a stage that was partially hidden by a wall. An experimenter then placed one puppet on a stage behind the wall. Another puppet was added to the

Our imagination is the one place where causality is allowed to be violated.

Our imagination is the one place where causality is allowed to be violated.

Future is uncertain.

For any event, "what will happen next" has multiple potential outcomes, and in some cases, they are mutually exclusive. Thus, there could be a situation that has two potential ou


With logical reasoning, the possibilities are endless.

Are infants young mathematicians?

Logical reasoning paves the way to scientific advances. It is an open question as to how early in life children begin think logically and use inference. The majority


We see what we want to see

The more creative you are, the more often you perceive ordinary objects in places which is not special.

Frequently, people perceive random patterns in the world as familiar objects. Nearly everyone h


Not just a box: even an eyeless agent is perceived as having intentions.

Five-month-old infants were presented the following scenario:

Three objects were presented: a simple green box, a dotted cone, and a striped cylinder. The green box was able to move on its own in a s


Why do we hesitate to offer a seat?

Everyone has encountered the following situation: in a crowded train, you were lucky enough to find a seat. But a few stops later, you find a person who is looking for an empty seat. You now have a di


Is that true children under 4-year-old do not have theory of mind?

Historically, it was thought that young children first understand false belief at around 4–5 years of age, when they pass verbal tests such as the change-of-location (Sally-Anne) and change-of-co

Surely you are unique.

Surely you are unique.

I wonder why many people think of themselves as ordinary, typical, or common. Just because you may not lead a particularly exciting life, that does not mean that you are not typical.

In some regions

¿Qué es la Teoría de la Mente?

¿Qué es la Teoría de la Mente?

La Teoría de la Mente ha sido definida como la habilidad para entender los estados mentales de nosotros mismos y otros y saber que los otros se comportan o actúan basados en sus deseos, emociones y cr

Podrías echar de menos algo especial ya tienes. La filosofía que una psicóloga aprendió en Shibuya

Podrías echar de menos algo especial ya tienes. La filosofía que una psicóloga aprendió en Shibuya

This is a translated version of following Notes.「You might miss something special in the everyday.」https://note.com/reirei1010/n/nff7fbccce489

Como sociedad, buscamos constantemente nuevas exper


The essence of science

Dr. Shinichi Mochizuki, a mathematician at Kyoto University, recently claimed proof of the ABC conjecture, an unsolved problem in number theory which was initially proposed independently by two m
