
ペトリコールの共鳴 | Resounding Petrichor by Momomaro

🍑原作 | ももまろさん🍑

Resounding Petrichor
by Momomaro 

The Latter Part of Chapter 26

"What you say seems to be something mature, Kinkuma."

"I'm not mature. When I had a hard time in this house, I wondered if I would definitely get revenge on Aira out of indignation. So, I succeeded in secretly entering Aira's hiding place. However, I didn't know how to get revenge, which meant I made a failure at the mercy of my emotions."

"But, you helped the victims and me."

"Well, the result was that Aira and the others were lucky idiots. When I entered their hideout and heard that Tatsujun was enclosed in a locker in another room, I changed my mind. I realized that there were another way to help in the videos, movies, and stories I've seen before."

"What motivated you to help them?
Out of altruism?"

"I wanted to help and actually did it. If I dare say, it's a belief. I decided to believe in Haruka's story. She said, 'Wow, Kinkuma, you successfully learned how to use a PC. That's great.' I turned on the power and was able to use the mouse. Using a PC was easier than speaking a language. I just followed the basic patterns... remembering things like the power button, icons, and words by their shapes. All I can do was help people by using a PC. In movies, you find such  abilities as these. Rather than believing in something uncertain that might help me in trouble, I chose to believe in the ability that Haruka had found in me."

"I've never heard such a story before."

"Yeah, I've never told it to you before. Talking of perspective and calmness, the point is that I should firstly choose things that I can see with my own eyes and information that matches them. And when I don't know what to do, I must keep my head cool and keep myself away."

As I listened to Kinkuma's story, I realized that we were already tightly knit together.  Kinkuma is no longer a pet of mine but something meaning more than that. But, I couldn't explain what kind of relationship it was.





















