
AIイラストでどんどん覚える英熟語 初級編 1~180 【大学受験生必見】




イラストを利用した学習法: 本英単語帳では、各単語に対応するイラストを採用しています。視覚的な記憶を促進することで、単語の意味をより直感的かつ効率的に理解し、長期記憶に定着させることができます。全ての単語に対してリアルな画像を付与した初めての単語帳です。

簡潔さへの配慮: この単語帳は、単語の簡潔かつ明瞭な説明に重点を置いています。余分な情報を省き、学習者が単語の核心を迅速に把握できるように構成されています。このアプローチは、効率的な学習を支援し、時間を有効に活用することを目指しています。





1. A great/good deal (of ~)

Meaning: たくさんの~

English Definition: A large amount or quantity of something.

Example Sentence: She spent a great deal of time studying for the exam.
Japanese Translation: 彼女は試験のために多くの時間を費やしました。

Synonyms: a lot of, a large amount of, plenty of, numerous, a considerable amount of

2. By mistake

Meaning: 間違えて

English Definition: Accidentally; unintentionally.

Example Sentence: He sent the email to the wrong person by mistake.
Japanese Translation: 彼は間違えてメールを違う人に送ってしまいました。

Synonyms: accidentally, unintentionally, inadvertently, by accident, mistakenly

3. Each other

Meaning: お互い

English Definition: Used to indicate that two or more people do the same thing to, for, or with one another.

Example Sentence: The two friends helped each other with their homework.
Japanese Translation: その二人の友達はお互いに宿題を手伝いました。

Synonyms: one another, mutually, reciprocally

4. Result from ~

Meaning: ~に起因する

English Definition: To occur as a consequence or outcome of something.

Example Sentence: The traffic jam resulted from an accident on the highway.
Japanese Translation: 交通渋滞は高速道路での事故に起因しました。

Synonyms: arise from, stem from, originate from, be caused by, be due to

5. A as well as B

Meaning: AだけでなくBも

English Definition: Not only B but also A; used to emphasize that A is included in addition to B.

Example Sentence: She is good at singing as well as dancing.
Japanese Translation: 彼女はダンスだけでなく歌も上手です。

Synonyms: along with, in addition to, besides, also, and

6. Rely on/upon ~

Meaning: ~に頼る、~を当てにする

English Definition: To depend on someone or something for support, help, or to make sure something happens.

Example Sentence: He relies on his friends for emotional support.
Japanese Translation: 彼は感情的な支えとして友達に頼っています。

Synonyms: depend on, count on, trust in, lean on, bank on

7. Prefer A to B

Meaning: BよりもAを好む

English Definition: To like A more than B; to choose A rather than B.

Example Sentence: She prefers tea to coffee.
Japanese Translation: 彼女はコーヒーよりもお茶を好みます。

Synonyms: favor A over B, choose A over B, like A better than B, opt for A over B

8. Keep one's promise/word

Meaning: 約束を守る

English Definition: To do what one has promised to do; to fulfill a commitment.

Example Sentence: He always keeps his promises to his children.
Japanese Translation: 彼はいつも子供たちへの約束を守ります。

Synonyms: honor one's word, fulfill one's promise, abide by one's word, stick to one's promise, follow through on one's word

9. After all

Meaning: 結局、やはり

English Definition: Used to indicate that something is true despite what was previously expected or considered; to emphasize the reason or explanation.

Example Sentence: She decided to go to the party after all.
Japanese Translation: 彼女は結局パーティーに行くことにしました。

Synonyms: in the end, ultimately, finally, nevertheless, still

10. No doubt

Meaning: 間違いなく、確かに

English Definition: Used to indicate certainty or to express that something is definitely true or very likely to happen.

Example Sentence: There is no doubt that he will succeed in his career.
Japanese Translation: 彼がキャリアで成功することは間違いありません。

Synonyms: certainly, definitely, undoubtedly, without question, surely

11. Be willing to do

Meaning: ~するのをいとわない、~する気がある

English Definition: To be ready, eager, or prepared to do something.

Example Sentence: She is willing to help her neighbors with their chores.
Japanese Translation: 彼女は隣人の雑用を手伝うのをいといません。

Synonyms: ready to, prepared to, eager to, inclined to, agreeable to

12. Succeed in ~

Meaning: ~に成功する

English Definition: To achieve a desired aim or result in a specific task, activity, or area.

Example Sentence: He succeeded in solving the complex math problem.
Japanese Translation: 彼は複雑な数学の問題を解くことに成功しました。

Synonyms: accomplish, achieve, attain, triumph in, prevail in

13. Brush up (on) ~

Meaning: ~を磨き直す、~を復習する

English Definition: To improve your knowledge, skill, or memory of something you used to know but have not practiced for a while.

Example Sentence: She decided to brush up on her Spanish before traveling to Spain.
Japanese Translation: 彼女はスペインに旅行する前にスペイン語を復習することに決めました。

Synonyms: refresh, polish, improve, review, refine

14. All the time

Meaning: いつも、常に

English Definition: Continuously; very often or constantly.

Example Sentence: He thinks about her all the time.
Japanese Translation: 彼は彼女のことをいつも考えています。

Synonyms: constantly, always, continuously, perpetually, incessantly

15. So ~ that …

Meaning: とても~なので…

English Definition: Used to indicate the degree or extent of something, leading to a particular result or outcome.

Example Sentence: The movie was so funny that we couldn't stop laughing.
Japanese Translation: その映画はとても面白かったので、私たちは笑いが止まりませんでした。

Synonyms: to such a degree, extremely, highly, very

16. In general

Meaning: 一般的に、概して

English Definition: Usually; as a whole; in most cases.

Example Sentence: In general, people are kind and helpful.
Japanese Translation: 一般的に、人々は親切で助けになります。

Synonyms: generally, typically, commonly, overall, usually

17. Die of/from ~

Meaning: ~で死ぬ

English Definition: To lose one's life because of a specific cause or condition.

Example Sentence: He died of a heart attack last year.
Japanese Translation: 彼は昨年、心臓発作で亡くなりました。

Synonyms: pass away from, succumb to, perish due to, expire from

18. Make a difference

Meaning: 変化をもたらす、影響を与える

English Definition: To have a significant effect or impact on a situation or person.

Example Sentence: Volunteering at the shelter really makes a difference in people's lives.
Japanese Translation: シェルターでのボランティア活動は、人々の生活に本当に変化をもたらします。

Synonyms: have an impact, change things, influence, matter, affect

19. In any case/event

Meaning: いずれにせよ、どちらにしても

English Definition: Used to say that something will happen or be true regardless of other circumstances or conditions.

Example Sentence: We might be late, but in any case, we will definitely be there.
Japanese Translation: 遅れるかもしれませんが、どちらにしても必ず行きます。

Synonyms: regardless, anyhow, anyway, either way, at any rate

20. Look forward to ~

Meaning: ~を楽しみにする

English Definition: To anticipate something with excitement and pleasure.

Example Sentence: She is looking forward to her birthday party next week.
Japanese Translation: 彼女は来週の誕生日パーティーを楽しみにしています。

Synonyms: anticipate, await eagerly, be excited about, can't wait for, be enthusiastic about

21. Differ from ~

Meaning: ~と異なる

English Definition: To be unlike or distinct from something or someone.

Example Sentence: His opinion differs from mine on this matter.
Japanese Translation: この件に関して、彼の意見は私のものと異なります。

Synonyms: vary from, be unlike, be distinct from, diverge from, contrast with

22. Aside from ~

Meaning: ~は別として、~以外に

English Definition: Except for; in addition to.

Example Sentence: Aside from the weather, the trip was perfect.
Japanese Translation: 天気は別として、旅行は完璧でした。

Synonyms: apart from, besides, except for, other than, in addition to

23. Think of ~

Meaning: ~を考える、~を思い浮かべる

English Definition: To have an idea or opinion about something; to imagine or remember something.

Example Sentence: When I think of summer, I always remember our beach vacations.
Japanese Translation: 夏を考えると、いつもビーチでの休暇を思い出します。

Synonyms: consider, reflect on, imagine, recall, remember

24. Figure out (~)

Meaning: ~を理解する、解決する

English Definition: To understand or solve something.

Example Sentence: She finally figured out how to fix the computer.
Japanese Translation: 彼女はついにコンピュータの修理方法を理解しました。

Synonyms: solve, understand, work out, decipher, determine

25. These days

Meaning: 最近は、近頃は

English Definition: At the present time; nowadays.

Example Sentence: People are more conscious of their health these days.
Japanese Translation: 最近、人々は自分の健康に対してより意識的です。

Synonyms: nowadays, currently, at present, recently, in modern times

26. At once

Meaning: すぐに、同時に

English Definition: Immediately; without delay; simultaneously.

Example Sentence: When the alarm went off, everyone left the building at once.
Japanese Translation: アラームが鳴ると、皆すぐに建物を出ました。

Synonyms: immediately, instantly, right away, promptly, simultaneously

27. In preparation

Meaning: 準備として、準備のために

English Definition: In the process of getting ready for something; to get ready for an upcoming event or action.

Example Sentence: They cleaned the house in preparation for the guests.
Japanese Translation: 彼らはゲストのために家を掃除しました。

Synonyms: getting ready, preparing, getting set, making arrangements, gearing up

28. In the end

Meaning: 最後には、結局

English Definition: Ultimately; finally; after everything has been considered or dealt with.

Example Sentence: In the end, they decided to move to a new city.
Japanese Translation: 結局、彼らは新しい街に引っ越すことにしました。

Synonyms: finally, ultimately, eventually, at last, after all

29. According to ~

Meaning: ~によると

English Definition: As stated or reported by someone or something.

Example Sentence: According to the weather forecast, it will rain tomorrow.
Japanese Translation: 天気予報によると、明日は雨が降るそうです。

Synonyms: as stated by, as reported by, in line with, based on, in accordance with

30. Regard A as B

Meaning: AをBとみなす

English Definition: To consider or think of A as being B.

Example Sentence: They regard him as a hero for his brave actions.
Japanese Translation: 彼らは彼の勇敢な行動を英雄とみなしています。

Synonyms: consider A to be B, view A as B, see A as B, think of A as B, deem A to be B

31. Be based on/upon ~

Meaning: ~に基づいている

English Definition: To use something as the foundation or starting point for something else.

Example Sentence: The movie is based on a true story.
Japanese Translation: その映画は実話に基づいています。

Synonyms: be founded on, be rooted in, derive from, originate from, be inspired by

32. Grow up

Meaning: 成長する、大人になる

English Definition: To develop from a child into an adult.

Example Sentence: She wants to be a doctor when she grows up.
Japanese Translation: 彼女は大人になったら医者になりたいです。

Synonyms: mature, develop, age, reach adulthood, come of age

33. As a result (of ~)

Meaning: (~の)結果として

English Definition: Because of something; due to the outcome of a particular event or situation.

Example Sentence: As a result of the heavy rain, the match was postponed.
Japanese Translation: 大雨の結果、試合は延期されました。

Synonyms: consequently, due to, because of, owing to, resulting from

34. Enjoy oneself

Meaning: 楽しむ

English Definition: To have a good time; to take pleasure in something.

Example Sentence: They enjoyed themselves at the amusement park.
Japanese Translation: 彼らは遊園地で楽しみました。

Synonyms: have fun, have a good time, take pleasure, delight in, revel in

35. Work on (~)

Meaning: ~に取り組む

English Definition: To spend time and effort trying to improve or complete something.

Example Sentence: He is working on his science project.
Japanese Translation: 彼は科学プロジェクトに取り組んでいます。

Synonyms: focus on, tackle, develop, address, improve

36. All over (~)

Meaning: ~の至る所に、~中に

English Definition: In every part of a place; throughout.

Example Sentence: There were flowers all over the garden.
Japanese Translation: 庭中に花が咲いていました。

Synonyms: everywhere, throughout, across, in every part of, all around

37. On the other hand

Meaning: 一方で

English Definition: Used to present a contrasting point of view or situation.

Example Sentence: He wanted to go hiking. On the other hand, she preferred to stay home and read.
Japanese Translation: 彼はハイキングに行きたかった。一方で、彼女は家にいて読書を好んだ。

Synonyms: however, alternatively, in contrast, conversely, but then again

38. Be afraid of ~

Meaning: ~を恐れる

English Definition: To feel fear or worry about something or someone.

Example Sentence: She is afraid of spiders.
Japanese Translation: 彼女はクモを恐れています。

Synonyms: fear, be scared of, be frightened of, dread, be terrified of

39. Prevent A from B

Meaning: AがBするのを防ぐ

English Definition: To stop A from doing B or to stop B from happening to A.

Example Sentence: The barrier prevents cars from entering the pedestrian zone.
Japanese Translation: バリアは車が歩行者専用ゾーンに入るのを防ぎます。

Synonyms: stop A from B, keep A from B, hinder A from B, prohibit A from B, restrain A from B

40. On duty

Meaning: 勤務中で、当番で

English Definition: Working at one's job, especially at times when one is scheduled to be working.

Example Sentence: The nurse is on duty tonight.
Japanese Translation: 看護師は今夜勤務中です。

Synonyms: working, at work, on the job, on shift, on the clock

41. Abound in/with ~

Meaning: ~に豊富である

English Definition: To be filled with or to have a large amount of something.

Example Sentence: The forest abounds with wildlife.
Japanese Translation: 森は野生動物で豊富です。

Synonyms: be full of, be rich in, be plentiful in, teem with, overflow with

42. Contribute to ~

Meaning: ~に貢献する、~に寄付する

English Definition: To give something, such as money, time, or effort, in order to help achieve or provide something.

Example Sentence: Volunteers contribute to the success of community events.
Japanese Translation: ボランティアは地域イベントの成功に貢献します。

Synonyms: donate to, help with, add to, support, aid

43. Find out ~

Meaning: ~を見つける、~を知る

English Definition: To discover or learn something, especially by getting information or by investigating.

Example Sentence: She found out the truth about the situation.
Japanese Translation: 彼女はその状況の真実を知りました。

Synonyms: discover, learn, uncover, determine, ascertain

44. In the long run

Meaning: 長い目で見れば、結局は

English Definition: Over a long period of time; eventually.

Example Sentence: Exercising regularly will benefit your health in the long run.
Japanese Translation: 定期的に運動することは、長い目で見れば健康に良いです。

Synonyms: eventually, in the end, over time, ultimately, in the long term

45. Take off (~)

Meaning: 離陸する、急に成功する、脱ぐ

English Definition: To leave the ground and begin to fly (for an aircraft); to suddenly become successful or popular; to remove clothing or accessories.

Example Sentence: The plane took off on time.
Japanese Translation: 飛行機は時間通りに離陸しました。

Synonyms: depart, ascend, become successful, remove, undress

46. Ask for ~

Meaning: ~を求める、~を頼む

English Definition: To request something.

Example Sentence: He asked for help with his homework.
Japanese Translation: 彼は宿題の手伝いを求めました。

Synonyms: request, seek, solicit, demand, inquire about

47. Fill out ~

Meaning: ~に記入する、~に書き込む

English Definition: To complete a form or document by providing necessary information.

Example Sentence: Please fill out this application form.
Japanese Translation: この申請書に記入してください。

Synonyms: complete, write in, enter information, fill in, provide details

48. Owing/Due to ~

Meaning: ~のために、~が原因で

English Definition: Because of something; as a result of something.

Example Sentence: The flight was delayed due to bad weather.
Japanese Translation: 悪天候のため、フライトが遅れました。

Synonyms: because of, as a result of, on account of, thanks to, resulting from

49. A number of ~

Meaning: いくつかの、多くの

English Definition: Several; a considerable quantity or amount of something.

Example Sentence: A number of students participated in the science fair.
Japanese Translation: 多くの生徒が科学フェアに参加しました。

Synonyms: several, many, numerous, various, multiple

50. As ~ as possible/one can

Meaning: できるだけ~

English Definition: To the greatest extent or degree that is achievable or feasible.

Example Sentence: Please submit your report as soon as possible.
Japanese Translation: できるだけ早くレポートを提出してください。

Synonyms: as much as possible, to the utmost, to the maximum extent, as far as one can

51. Associate A with B

Meaning: AをBと関連付ける

English Definition: To connect or link A with B in one’s mind.

Example Sentence: Many people associate summer with vacations and beaches.
Japanese Translation: 多くの人は夏を休暇やビーチと関連付けます。

Synonyms: link A with B, connect A with B, relate A to B, tie A to B, correlate A with B

52. Turn on (~)

Meaning: ~をつける

English Definition: To start the flow of electricity or to activate a device or appliance.

Example Sentence: She turned on the lights when it got dark.
Japanese Translation: 暗くなったとき、彼女は明かりをつけました。

Synonyms: switch on, activate, power up, start, ignite

53. Sooner or later

Meaning: 遅かれ早かれ、いつかは

English Definition: At some time in the future; eventually.

Example Sentence: Sooner or later, you will have to make a decision.
Japanese Translation: 遅かれ早かれ、あなたは決断を下さなければなりません。

Synonyms: eventually, in due course, in the end, ultimately, at some point

54. Be different from ~

Meaning: ~と異なる

English Definition: To not be the same as something or someone else.

Example Sentence: Her style is different from mine.
Japanese Translation: 彼女のスタイルは私のものとは異なります。

Synonyms: differ from, be unlike, contrast with, vary from, diverge from

55. Point out ~

Meaning: ~を指摘する、~を指し示す

English Definition: To mention something in order to give information about it or make it known.

Example Sentence: He pointed out the mistake in my report.
Japanese Translation: 彼は私のレポートの間違いを指摘しました。

Synonyms: indicate, highlight, mention, draw attention to, specify

56. At home

Meaning: 家で、自宅で

English Definition: In one’s own house or place of residence; feeling comfortable and relaxed.

Example Sentence: She likes to relax at home after a long day.
Japanese Translation: 彼女は長い一日の後に家でリラックスするのが好きです。

Synonyms: in one's residence, in one's house, at one's place, domestically, comfortably

57. Get together (~)

Meaning: 集まる、集まりを持つ

English Definition: To meet or gather with others, often for a social event or activity.

Example Sentence: We decided to get together for a family reunion.
Japanese Translation: 私たちは家族の再会のために集まることにしました。

Synonyms: meet, gather, assemble, congregate, come together

58. Thanks to ~

Meaning: ~のおかげで

English Definition: Because of; due to the help or influence of.

Example Sentence: Thanks to her hard work, she got the promotion.
Japanese Translation: 彼女の努力のおかげで、昇進しました。

Synonyms: because of, due to, owing to, as a result of, on account of

59. By hand

Meaning: 手で、手作業で

English Definition: Done manually, without the use of machinery or automation.

Example Sentence: She made the entire quilt by hand.
Japanese Translation: 彼女はキルト全体を手で作りました。

Synonyms: manually, handmade, handcrafted, without machinery, artisan

60. Make a mistake

Meaning: 間違いをする

English Definition: To do something incorrectly or to have an error in judgment.

Example Sentence: He made a mistake on the test and got a lower score.
Japanese Translation: 彼はテストで間違いをして、点数が低くなりました。

Synonyms: err, blunder, slip up, goof, miscalculate

61. Get rid of ~

Meaning: ~を取り除く、~を処分する

English Definition: To remove or dispose of something unwanted or unnecessary.

Example Sentence: She decided to get rid of the old furniture.
Japanese Translation: 彼女は古い家具を処分することにしました。

Synonyms: eliminate, discard, dispose of, remove, throw away

62. Make sure (~)

Meaning: 確実にする、確認する

English Definition: To ensure that something is done or is in the correct state.

Example Sentence: Please make sure the door is locked before you leave.
Japanese Translation: 出かける前にドアがロックされていることを確認してください。

Synonyms: ensure, confirm, verify, check, ascertain

63. At times

Meaning: 時々

English Definition: Occasionally; sometimes.

Example Sentence: The work can be stressful at times.
Japanese Translation: その仕事は時々ストレスになることがあります。

Synonyms: occasionally, sometimes, from time to time, now and then, once in a while

64. Be made of ~

Meaning: ~でできている

English Definition: To consist of particular materials or substances.

Example Sentence: This table is made of wood.
Japanese Translation: このテーブルは木でできています。

Synonyms: consist of, composed of, formed of, constructed from, crafted from

65. In public

Meaning: 公の場で、人前で

English Definition: In a place where other people can see or hear; openly and publicly.

Example Sentence: She was embarrassed to sing in public.
Japanese Translation: 彼女は人前で歌うのが恥ずかしかったです。

Synonyms: openly, publicly, before others, in front of people, in the open

66. Prepare for ~

Meaning: ~に備える、~の準備をする

English Definition: To make ready or get everything in order for something.

Example Sentence: They are preparing for the upcoming exam.
Japanese Translation: 彼らは来る試験の準備をしています。

Synonyms: get ready for, plan for, make arrangements for, gear up for, organize for

67. Make sense

Meaning: 理解できる、意味が通る

English Definition: To be logical, clear, and easy to understand.

Example Sentence: His explanation made sense to everyone.
Japanese Translation: 彼の説明はみんなに理解できました。

Synonyms: be logical, be reasonable, be clear, be comprehensible, be coherent

68. Help A with B

Meaning: AがBを手伝う

English Definition: To assist someone (A) in doing something (B).

Example Sentence: She helped her brother with his homework.
Japanese Translation: 彼女は弟の宿題を手伝いました。

Synonyms: assist A in B, aid A in B, support A with B, give a hand to A with B, lend a hand to A with B

69. In the future

Meaning: 将来、未来に

English Definition: At a later time; in the time to come.

Example Sentence: I hope to travel the world in the future.
Japanese Translation: 将来、世界中を旅行したいです。

Synonyms: later on, someday, eventually, down the road, in time

70. Be curious about ~

Meaning: ~に興味を持つ、~を知りたがる

English Definition: To have a strong desire to know or learn something.

Example Sentence: She is curious about different cultures.
Japanese Translation: 彼女はさまざまな文化に興味を持っています。

Synonyms: interested in, inquisitive about, eager to know about, fascinated by, intrigued by

71. In time

Meaning: 時間内に、間に合って

English Definition: Before a deadline or within an appropriate time frame; eventually.

Example Sentence: She arrived just in time for the meeting.
Japanese Translation: 彼女は会議にちょうど間に合って到着しました。

Synonyms: on time, before the deadline, promptly, eventually, in due course

72. Be likely to do

Meaning: ~しそうである、~する可能性が高い

English Definition: To have a high probability of doing something.

Example Sentence: It is likely to rain tomorrow.
Japanese Translation: 明日は雨が降りそうです。

Synonyms: be probable, be expected to, be apt to, be inclined to, be prone to

73. Be responsible for ~

Meaning: ~に対して責任がある

English Definition: To have the duty of taking care of something or someone; to be in charge of something.

Example Sentence: She is responsible for managing the project.
Japanese Translation: 彼女はプロジェクト管理の責任者です。

Synonyms: be in charge of, be accountable for, oversee, handle, manage

74. Turn out (~)

Meaning: ~という結果になる、~を生産する

English Definition: To end up in a particular way; to produce or manufacture something.

Example Sentence: The event turned out to be a huge success.
Japanese Translation: イベントは大成功に終わりました。

Synonyms: result in, end up, prove to be, yield, produce

75. Care about ~

Meaning: ~を気にかける、~に関心を持つ

English Definition: To feel concern or interest about something or someone.

Example Sentence: She cares deeply about the environment.
Japanese Translation: 彼女は環境について深く気にかけています。

Synonyms: be concerned about, be interested in, value, prioritize, regard

76. Turn off (~)

Meaning: ~を消す、~を止める

English Definition: To stop the flow of electricity or to deactivate a device or appliance.

Example Sentence: Please turn off the lights when you leave the room.
Japanese Translation: 部屋を出るときは明かりを消してください。

Synonyms: switch off, deactivate, shut down, power off, extinguish

77. More or less

Meaning: だいたい、ほぼ

English Definition: Approximately; nearly; somewhat.

Example Sentence: The project is more or less completed.
Japanese Translation: プロジェクトはほぼ完了しています。

Synonyms: almost, nearly, approximately, roughly, about

78. Be married (to ~)

Meaning: (~と)結婚している

English Definition: To have a spouse; to be in a legally recognized relationship with someone.

Example Sentence: She is married to a kind and supportive partner.
Japanese Translation: 彼女は優しくて支えてくれるパートナーと結婚しています。

Synonyms: be wedded to, be united with, be joined in matrimony to, be espoused to

79. Get lost

Meaning: 道に迷う、迷子になる

English Definition: To become unable to find your way; to not know where you are or how to get to where you want to go.

Example Sentence: We got lost in the city and had to ask for directions.
Japanese Translation: 私たちは街で道に迷い、道を尋ねなければなりませんでした。

Synonyms: lose one's way, go astray, be disoriented, wander off, stray

80. Make up one's mind

Meaning: 決心する、決める

English Definition: To decide something after thinking about it.

Example Sentence: He finally made up his mind to accept the job offer.
Japanese Translation: 彼はついに仕事のオファーを受け入れることに決めました。

Synonyms: decide, choose, determine, resolve, come to a decision

81. Turn A into B

Meaning: AをBに変える

English Definition: To transform or change A into B.

Example Sentence: She turned an old dress into a fashionable new outfit.
Japanese Translation: 彼女は古いドレスをおしゃれな新しい服に変えました。

Synonyms: transform A into B, change A into B, convert A into B, make A into B, remodel A into B

82. So far

Meaning: 今のところ、これまでのところ

English Definition: Up to the present moment; until now.

Example Sentence: So far, everything is going according to plan.
Japanese Translation: 今のところ、すべては計画通りに進んでいます。

Synonyms: until now, up to now, to date, thus far, as yet

83. Used to do/be

Meaning: 以前は~したものだ、以前は~だった

English Definition: Refers to a past habit or state that no longer exists.

Example Sentence: She used to play the piano when she was a child.
Japanese Translation: 彼女は子供の頃、ピアノを弾いていました。

Synonyms: formerly did/be, once did/be, previously did/be, at one time did/be

84. And yet

Meaning: それにもかかわらず、しかし

English Definition: Despite that; nevertheless.

Example Sentence: He is very busy with work, and yet he always finds time for his family.
Japanese Translation: 彼は仕事でとても忙しいが、それにもかかわらず、いつも家族のための時間を見つけます。

Synonyms: nevertheless, however, even so, still, despite that

85. Take place

Meaning: 起こる、行われる

English Definition: To happen or occur, especially an event or process.

Example Sentence: The festival will take place next weekend.
Japanese Translation: 祭りは来週末に行われます。

Synonyms: happen, occur, be held, transpire, come about

86. Depend on/upon ~

Meaning: ~に頼る、~次第である

English Definition: To rely on someone or something; to be influenced or determined by something.

Example Sentence: Children depend on their parents for guidance.
Japanese Translation: 子供たちは指導を親に頼ります。

Synonyms: rely on, count on, trust in, hinge on, be contingent on

87. Calm down (~)

Meaning: 落ち着く、落ち着かせる

English Definition: To become or make someone less agitated or upset.

Example Sentence: She took a deep breath to calm down before speaking.
Japanese Translation: 彼女は話す前に落ち着くために深呼吸をしました。

Synonyms: relax, settle down, cool down, compose oneself, soothe

88. As a whole

Meaning: 全体として

English Definition: Considering all parts together; generally.

Example Sentence: The team performed well as a whole.
Japanese Translation: チーム全体としてはうまくやりました。

Synonyms: overall, collectively, generally, in its entirety, all together

89. On schedule

Meaning: 予定通りに

English Definition: Happening at the planned or expected time.

Example Sentence: The train arrived on schedule.
Japanese Translation: 電車は予定通りに到着しました。

Synonyms: on time, as planned, as expected, on track, according to plan

90. Lead to ~

Meaning: ~につながる、~を引き起こす

English Definition: To result in a particular outcome or cause something to happen.

Example Sentence: Regular exercise can lead to better health.
Japanese Translation: 定期的な運動は健康の向上につながる可能性があります。

Synonyms: result in, cause, bring about, contribute to, give rise to

91. Far from ~

Meaning: ~どころか、~からほど遠い

English Definition: Not at all; the opposite of a particular quality or state.

Example Sentence: The movie was far from boring; it was actually very exciting.
Japanese Translation: その映画は退屈どころか、実際にはとても面白かったです。

Synonyms: not at all, anything but, by no means, the opposite of, not even close to

92. Complain about/of ~

Meaning: ~について不平を言う

English Definition: To express dissatisfaction or annoyance about something.

Example Sentence: He always complains about the weather.
Japanese Translation: 彼はいつも天気について不平を言います。

Synonyms: grumble about, whine about, moan about, protest about, gripe about

93. Be engaged in ~

Meaning: ~に従事している

English Definition: To be actively involved in a particular activity or pursuit.

Example Sentence: She is engaged in a research project at the university.
Japanese Translation: 彼女は大学で研究プロジェクトに従事しています。

Synonyms: involved in, occupied with, participating in, working on, engrossed in

94. Take care of ~

Meaning: ~の世話をする、~に注意を払う

English Definition: To look after someone or something; to be responsible for someone or something.

Example Sentence: He takes care of his younger sister every day after school.
Japanese Translation: 彼は毎日放課後に妹の世話をします。

Synonyms: look after, attend to, care for, watch over, be responsible for

95. By the way

Meaning: ところで

English Definition: Used to introduce a new topic or to add information to what has just been said.

Example Sentence: By the way, did you see the news last night?
Japanese Translation: ところで、昨夜のニュースを見ましたか?

Synonyms: incidentally, speaking of which, on a side note, apropos, while we're on the subject

96. At any rate

Meaning: とにかく、いずれにせよ

English Definition: Used to indicate that a statement is true or relevant despite what has been said before; regardless of circumstances.

Example Sentence: We might not win the game, but at any rate, we had a lot of fun playing.
Japanese Translation: 試合には勝てないかもしれませんが、とにかく、プレーしていてとても楽しかったです。

Synonyms: anyway, in any case, regardless, nonetheless, nevertheless

97. Dozens of ~

Meaning: 数十の~

English Definition: A large number of; many.

Example Sentence: There were dozens of people at the concert.
Japanese Translation: コンサートには数十人の人々がいました。

Synonyms: many, scores of, numerous, a multitude of, a large number of

98. On earth

Meaning: 一体全体

English Definition: Used for emphasis, often to express surprise or disbelief.

Example Sentence: How on earth did you solve that puzzle so quickly?
Japanese Translation: 一体全体、どうやってそんなに早くそのパズルを解いたの?

Synonyms: in the world, ever, in any way, possibly, by any chance

99. Get along

Meaning: 仲良くする、うまくやっていく

English Definition: To have a harmonious or friendly relationship with someone.

Example Sentence: They get along well despite their differences.
Japanese Translation: 彼らは違いがあるにもかかわらず、仲良くやっています。

Synonyms: be friendly, get on, be amicable, have a good relationship, cooperate

100. In reality

Meaning: 実際には

English Definition: Actually; in fact; as opposed to what is believed or expected.

Example Sentence: Many people think it's easy to be a teacher, but in reality, it requires a lot of hard work and patience.
Japanese Translation: 多くの人は教師になるのは簡単だと思っていますが、実際には多くの努力と忍耐が必要です。

Synonyms: actually, in fact, truly, in practice, as a matter of fact

101. Be well off

Meaning: 裕福である、経済的に恵まれている

English Definition: To be in a good financial situation; to have plenty of money and resources.

Example Sentence: They are well off and live in a beautiful house by the lake.
Japanese Translation: 彼らは裕福で、湖のそばの美しい家に住んでいます。

Synonyms: affluent, wealthy, prosperous, rich, financially secure

102. Bring about ~

Meaning: ~を引き起こす、~をもたらす

English Definition: To cause something to happen.

Example Sentence: The new policy will bring about significant changes in the education system.
Japanese Translation: 新しい政策は教育制度に大きな変化をもたらすでしょう。

Synonyms: cause, lead to, result in, generate, produce

103. Be about to do

Meaning: ~しようとしている、~する寸前である

English Definition: To be on the verge of doing something; to be just going to do something very soon.

Example Sentence: She was about to leave the house when the phone rang.
Japanese Translation: 彼女は家を出ようとした時に電話が鳴りました。

Synonyms: be on the point of, be ready to, be on the brink of, be poised to, be set to

104. In other words

Meaning: 言い換えれば

English Definition: Used to introduce a different, usually simpler or clearer way of saying something.

Example Sentence: The weather was terrible, in other words, it rained all day.
Japanese Translation: 天気はひどかった。言い換えれば、一日中雨が降っていた。

Synonyms: that is to say, to put it differently, put another way, simply put, rephrased

105. At random

Meaning: 無作為に、ランダムに

English Definition: Without a specific pattern, purpose, or objective.

Example Sentence: The winners were chosen at random.
Japanese Translation: 勝者は無作為に選ばれました。

Synonyms: arbitrarily, randomly, haphazardly, indiscriminately, without order

106. Wake up (~)

Meaning: 目を覚ます、~を起こす

English Definition: To stop sleeping and become conscious; to cause someone to stop sleeping.

Example Sentence: She wakes up early every morning.
Japanese Translation: 彼女は毎朝早く目を覚まします。

Synonyms: get up, arise, rouse, awaken, get out of bed

107. Have/take ~ off

Meaning: 休みを取る、~を休む

English Definition: To take a break or vacation from work or duties.

Example Sentence: He decided to take a day off to relax.
Japanese Translation: 彼はリラックスするために1日休みを取ることにしました。

Synonyms: take a break, take a holiday, take leave, be absent, have a day off

108. Keep doing

Meaning: ~し続ける

English Definition: To continue doing something.

Example Sentence: She keeps practicing the piano every day to improve.
Japanese Translation: 彼女は上達するために毎日ピアノの練習を続けています。

Synonyms: continue doing, persist in, go on with, carry on, maintain

109. Be composed of ~

Meaning: ~から成り立っている

English Definition: To be made up of or formed from several parts or elements.

Example Sentence: The committee is composed of members from different departments.
Japanese Translation: 委員会は異なる部門からのメンバーで構成されています。

Synonyms: consist of, be made up of, include, be formed of, comprise

110. Recover from ~

Meaning: ~から回復する

English Definition: To return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength after an illness, injury, or other setback.

Example Sentence: He is slowly recovering from the flu.
Japanese Translation: 彼はゆっくりとインフルエンザから回復しています。

Synonyms: heal from, get better from, bounce back from, recuperate from, regain health from

111. Consist of ~

Meaning: ~から成り立つ

English Definition: To be made up of or formed from several parts or elements.

Example Sentence: The class consists of 20 students.
Japanese Translation: クラスは20人の生徒から成り立っています。

Synonyms: be composed of, be made up of, include, comprise, be formed of

112. Amount to ~

Meaning: ~に達する、~に等しい

English Definition: To add up to a particular total; to be equal to or equivalent to something.

Example Sentence: His debts amount to over $10,000.
Japanese Translation: 彼の借金は1万ドルを超えます。

Synonyms: total, sum up to, come to, equal, reach

113. Look for ~

Meaning: ~を探す

English Definition: To search for something or someone.

Example Sentence: She is looking for her lost keys.
Japanese Translation: 彼女は失くした鍵を探しています。

Synonyms: search for, seek, hunt for, try to find, quest for

114. All the way

Meaning: 最後まで、ずっと

English Definition: From start to finish; the entire distance.

Example Sentence: He walked all the way home.
Japanese Translation: 彼は家までずっと歩きました。

Synonyms: the whole way, the entire distance, from start to finish, completely, throughout

115. As if/though …

Meaning: まるで…のように

English Definition: Used to describe how something appears to be, often when it is not actually the case.

Example Sentence: She acted as if she had never met him before.
Japanese Translation: 彼女はまるで彼に会ったことがないかのように振る舞いました。

Synonyms: as though, like, as it would be if, in the manner of, as in

116. Plenty of ~

Meaning: たくさんの~

English Definition: A large amount or number of something.

Example Sentence: There are plenty of apples in the basket.
Japanese Translation: かごの中にはたくさんのリンゴがあります。

Synonyms: a lot of, many, a large number of, an abundance of, numerous

117. Ahead of ~

Meaning: ~の前に、~に先立って

English Definition: In front of or before someone or something in time or position.

Example Sentence: She finished the project ahead of the deadline.
Japanese Translation: 彼女は締め切りより前にプロジェクトを終わらせました。

Synonyms: before, in front of, prior to, preceding, leading

118. At (the) most

Meaning: せいぜい、多くても

English Definition: Not more than; to the greatest extent.

Example Sentence: The meeting will last an hour at most.
Japanese Translation: 会議はせいぜい1時間しか続かないでしょう。

Synonyms: no more than, at the maximum, up to, at best, not exceeding

119. Insist on/upon ~

Meaning: ~を主張する、~を強く求める

English Definition: To demand something forcefully, not accepting refusal.

Example Sentence: She insists on having a window seat every time she flies.
Japanese Translation: 彼女は飛行機に乗るたびに窓側の席を強く求めます。

Synonyms: demand, assert, require, press for, emphasize

120. Carry out ~

Meaning: ~を実行する、~を遂行する

English Definition: To perform or complete a task or activity.

Example Sentence: The scientists will carry out an experiment to test the new theory.
Japanese Translation: 科学者たちは新しい理論を検証するために実験を行います。

Synonyms: execute, perform, conduct, implement, accomplish

121. Not always ~

Meaning: 必ずしも~ではない

English Definition: Used to indicate that something is not true all the time or in every case.

Example Sentence: He is not always on time for meetings.
Japanese Translation: 彼は会議に必ずしも時間通りに来るわけではありません。

Synonyms: not necessarily, not every time, not in every case, not consistently, sometimes not

122. Put on ~

Meaning: ~を身につける、~を着る

English Definition: To dress oneself in clothing or accessories.

Example Sentence: She put on her coat before leaving the house.
Japanese Translation: 彼女は家を出る前にコートを着ました。

Synonyms: dress in, wear, slip on, don, get into

123. In a hurry

Meaning: 急いで、慌てて

English Definition: Quickly, often because of a lack of time.

Example Sentence: She left the house in a hurry and forgot her keys.
Japanese Translation: 彼女は急いで家を出たので、鍵を忘れました。

Synonyms: hastily, quickly, in haste, hurriedly, speedily

124. Be capable of ~

Meaning: ~する能力がある

English Definition: To have the ability or qualities needed to do something.

Example Sentence: She is capable of solving complex problems.
Japanese Translation: 彼女は複雑な問題を解決する能力があります。

Synonyms: be able to, be competent in, be skilled at, have the ability to, be proficient in

125. Do one's best

Meaning: 最善を尽くす

English Definition: To try as hard as possible to achieve something.

Example Sentence: He did his best to finish the project on time.
Japanese Translation: 彼はプロジェクトを時間通りに終わらせるために最善を尽くしました。

Synonyms: give one's all, put in maximum effort, strive, exert oneself, go all out

126. Pick out ~

Meaning: ~を選び出す、~を見つける

English Definition: To choose or select something from a group.

Example Sentence: She picked out a beautiful dress for the party.
Japanese Translation: 彼女はパーティーのために美しいドレスを選び出しました。

Synonyms: select, choose, identify, single out, opt for

127. At a time

Meaning: 一度に、同時に

English Definition: During one particular moment or period; simultaneously or successively.

Example Sentence: She can carry three plates at a time.
Japanese Translation: 彼女は一度に三枚の皿を運ぶことができます。

Synonyms: simultaneously, concurrently, at once, together, in one go

128. Fall in love with ~

Meaning: ~に恋をする

English Definition: To develop strong romantic feelings for someone.

Example Sentence: He fell in love with her at first sight.
Japanese Translation: 彼は彼女に一目惚れしました。

Synonyms: be enamored with, develop feelings for, be smitten with, become infatuated with, have a crush on

129. Be aware of ~

Meaning: ~に気づいている、~を認識している

English Definition: To know about something; to have knowledge or understanding of something.

Example Sentence: She is aware of the risks involved in the project.
Japanese Translation: 彼女はプロジェクトに関わるリスクを認識しています。

Synonyms: be conscious of, be mindful of, be informed about, recognize, realize

130. As soon as …

Meaning: ~するとすぐに

English Definition: Immediately after something happens; at the earliest possible moment.

Example Sentence: As soon as the meeting ended, she called her friend.
Japanese Translation: 会議が終わるとすぐに、彼女は友達に電話をかけました。

Synonyms: immediately after, the moment that, once, promptly when, instantly after

131. Refer to ~

Meaning: ~を指す、~に言及する

English Definition: To mention or speak about something; to direct someone’s attention to something.

Example Sentence: She often refers to her notes during the presentation.
Japanese Translation: 彼女はプレゼンテーション中によくノートを参照します。

Synonyms: mention, cite, allude to, look at, reference

132. Try on ~

Meaning: ~を試着する

English Definition: To put on a piece of clothing to see if it fits or looks good.

Example Sentence: She decided to try on the dress before buying it.
Japanese Translation: 彼女は買う前にそのドレスを試着することにしました。

Synonyms: fit, test, sample, check the fit, put on

133. Graduate from ~

Meaning: ~を卒業する

English Definition: To complete a course of study at a school, college, or university and receive a diploma or degree.

Example Sentence: He will graduate from university next year.
Japanese Translation: 彼は来年大学を卒業します。

Synonyms: complete, finish, receive a degree from, pass out from, finish schooling at

134. For one thing

Meaning: 一つには

English Definition: Used to introduce one of several reasons or points in an argument.

Example Sentence: I can't go out tonight. For one thing, I have to finish my homework.
Japanese Translation: 今夜は外出できません。一つには、宿題を終わらせなければならないからです。

Synonyms: firstly, for starters, to begin with, one reason is, in the first place

135. Search for ~

Meaning: ~を探す

English Definition: To look carefully for something or someone.

Example Sentence: They are searching for a new apartment.
Japanese Translation: 彼らは新しいアパートを探しています。

Synonyms: look for, seek, hunt for, try to find, scour for

136. Be absent from ~

Meaning: ~を欠席する、~に不在である

English Definition: To not be present at a place where one is expected to be.

Example Sentence: He was absent from school due to illness.
Japanese Translation: 彼は病気のため学校を欠席しました。

Synonyms: miss, not attend, be away from, be missing from, be off from

137. As usual

Meaning: いつものように、普段通り

English Definition: In the way that is typical or expected; habitually.

Example Sentence: She arrived early, as usual.
Japanese Translation: 彼女はいつものように早く到着しました。

Synonyms: as always, typically, habitually, ordinarily, normally

138. Play a role/part (in ~)

Meaning: ~で役割を果たす

English Definition: To have an effect or influence on something.

Example Sentence: Exercise plays a vital role in maintaining good health.
Japanese Translation: 運動は健康を維持する上で重要な役割を果たします。

Synonyms: contribute to, be involved in, participate in, have an impact on, be a factor in

139. Up to date

Meaning: 最新の、現代の

English Definition: Incorporating the latest information or technology; current and modern.

Example Sentence: The software is kept up to date with regular updates.
Japanese Translation: そのソフトウェアは定期的な更新によって最新の状態に保たれています。

Synonyms: current, modern, contemporary, state-of-the-art, updated

140. Remind A of/about B

Meaning: AにBを思い出させる、AにBを知らせる

English Definition: To help someone remember something or someone.

Example Sentence: She reminded him about the meeting tomorrow.
Japanese Translation: 彼女は彼に明日の会議を知らせました。

Synonyms: prompt, recall, notify, jog one's memory, alert

141. Hear from ~

Meaning: ~から便りをもらう、~から連絡を受ける

English Definition: To receive news or communication from someone.

Example Sentence: I was happy to hear from my old friend.
Japanese Translation: 昔の友達から便りをもらって嬉しかったです。

Synonyms: get a message from, receive communication from, be contacted by, get news from, be in touch with

142. In fact

Meaning: 実際には、実際のところ

English Definition: Used to emphasize the truth or reality of a statement, often contrasting with what might be expected or assumed.

Example Sentence: Many people think it's difficult, but in fact, it's quite simple.
Japanese Translation: 多くの人はそれが難しいと思っていますが、実際にはとても簡単です。

Synonyms: actually, indeed, as a matter of fact, in reality, truly

143. Apart from ~

Meaning: ~を除いて、~以外に

English Definition: Besides; except for.

Example Sentence: Apart from the weather, the trip was perfect.
Japanese Translation: 天気は別として、旅行は完璧でした。

Synonyms: except for, besides, aside from, other than, excluding

144. On time

Meaning: 時間通りに

English Definition: At the scheduled or expected time; punctually.

Example Sentence: She always arrives at work on time.
Japanese Translation: 彼女はいつも時間通りに仕事に到着します。

Synonyms: punctually, promptly, on the dot, as scheduled, at the right time

145. Something is wrong with ~

Meaning: ~に何か問題がある

English Definition: Used to indicate that there is a problem or malfunction with someone or something.

Example Sentence: Something is wrong with the car; it won't start.
Japanese Translation: 車に何か問題がある。エンジンがかからない。

Synonyms: there is a problem with, something is not right with, something is off with, there is an issue with, something is amiss with

146. For example/instance

Meaning: 例えば

English Definition: Used to introduce one or more examples that illustrate a point or concept.

Example Sentence: Many fruits are rich in vitamins; for example, oranges and strawberries.
Japanese Translation: 多くの果物はビタミンが豊富です。例えば、オレンジやイチゴです。

Synonyms: such as, like, including, to illustrate, as an example

147. Pay attention to ~

Meaning: ~に注意を払う

English Definition: To focus on something or someone; to listen or watch carefully.

Example Sentence: It's important to pay attention to the teacher during class.
Japanese Translation: 授業中は先生に注意を払うことが大切です。

Synonyms: focus on, listen to, watch carefully, be attentive to, heed

148. Between you and me

Meaning: ここだけの話、内緒の話だけど

English Definition: Used to indicate that what is about to be said is confidential or should not be shared with others.

Example Sentence: Between you and me, I don't think he is going to accept the offer.
Japanese Translation: ここだけの話だけど、彼はそのオファーを受け入れるとは思えない。

Synonyms: confidentially, in confidence, just between us, privately, off the record

149. Be satisfied with ~

Meaning: ~に満足している

English Definition: To be content or pleased with something.

Example Sentence: She is satisfied with her job and enjoys working there.
Japanese Translation: 彼女は自分の仕事に満足しており、そこで働くのを楽しんでいます。

Synonyms: be content with, be pleased with, be happy with, be gratified with, be fulfilled by

150. Suffer from ~

Meaning: ~に苦しむ

English Definition: To experience pain, distress, or hardship due to a particular condition or situation.

Example Sentence: He suffers from chronic back pain.
Japanese Translation: 彼は慢性的な背中の痛みに苦しんでいます。

Synonyms: endure, experience, be afflicted with, be plagued by, be troubled by

151. No longer ~

Meaning: もはや~ではない

English Definition: Used to indicate that something was true or existed in the past but does not anymore.

Example Sentence: She no longer works at the company.
Japanese Translation: 彼女はもはやその会社で働いていません。

Synonyms: not anymore, no more, not any longer, ceased to be, formerly

152. A piece of ~

Meaning: 一つの~、一片の~

English Definition: A single item or part of something.

Example Sentence: She took a piece of cake from the plate.
Japanese Translation: 彼女はお皿からケーキを一切れ取りました。

Synonyms: a part of, a portion of, a bit of, a slice of, an item of

153. In fashion

Meaning: 流行っている、ファッションで

English Definition: Popular and stylish at a particular time.

Example Sentence: Those shoes are very much in fashion this season.
Japanese Translation: その靴は今シーズンとても流行っています。

Synonyms: trendy, stylish, in style, fashionable, popular

154. Make progress

Meaning: 進展する、進歩する

English Definition: To move forward in one's work or activity; to improve or develop.

Example Sentence: She has made a lot of progress in learning English.
Japanese Translation: 彼女は英語の学習で大いに進歩しました。

Synonyms: advance, improve, develop, move forward, get better

155. At least

Meaning: 少なくとも

English Definition: Not less than; at the minimum.

Example Sentence: You should eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables every day.
Japanese Translation: 毎日少なくとも5皿の果物と野菜を食べるべきです。

Synonyms: at the minimum, no less than, at the very least, minimally, at the lowest

156. For a while

Meaning: しばらくの間

English Definition: For a short period of time.

Example Sentence: He sat down and rested for a while.
Japanese Translation: 彼はしばらく座って休みました。

Synonyms: for some time, temporarily, briefly, for a short time, for a moment

157. Give up ~

Meaning: ~を諦める、~をやめる

English Definition: To stop trying to do something; to quit or abandon an effort.

Example Sentence: He decided to give up smoking for his health.
Japanese Translation: 彼は健康のために禁煙することに決めました。

Synonyms: quit, abandon, relinquish, stop, surrender

158. Go through ~

Meaning: ~を経験する、~を通り抜ける

English Definition: To experience or endure something difficult or unpleasant.

Example Sentence: She had to go through a lot of challenges to achieve her dreams.
Japanese Translation: 彼女は夢を叶えるために多くの困難を経験しなければなりませんでした。

Synonyms: endure, experience, undergo, face, pass through

159. At all

Meaning: 全く、少しも

English Definition: Used for emphasis in negative sentences, questions, and conditional clauses to mean in any way or to any extent.

Example Sentence: He doesn't like vegetables at all.
Japanese Translation: 彼は野菜が全く好きではありません。

Synonyms: in any way, whatsoever, by any means, even slightly, to any degree

160. Pick up ~

Meaning: ~を拾う、~を迎えに行く

English Definition: To lift something or someone; to go somewhere to collect someone or something.

Example Sentence: She went to pick up her friend from the airport.
Japanese Translation: 彼女は友達を迎えに空港へ行きました。

Synonyms: collect, retrieve, lift, gather, fetch

161. In addition (to ~)

Meaning: ~に加えて

English Definition: Used to add extra information or another item to what has already been mentioned.

Example Sentence: In addition to her job, she volunteers at the local shelter.
Japanese Translation: 彼女は仕事に加えて、地元のシェルターでボランティアをしています。

Synonyms: besides, furthermore, moreover, also, as well as

162. By no means

Meaning: 決して~でない

English Definition: Not at all; in no way.

Example Sentence: By no means is he the best player on the team.
Japanese Translation: 彼は決してチームで一番の選手ではありません。

Synonyms: not at all, in no way, absolutely not, certainly not, under no circumstances

163. Focus on ~

Meaning: ~に集中する、~に焦点を当てる

English Definition: To direct attention or effort towards something specific.

Example Sentence: She needs to focus on her studies to improve her grades.
Japanese Translation: 彼女は成績を上げるために勉強に集中する必要があります。

Synonyms: concentrate on, pay attention to, devote attention to, zero in on, center on

164. A couple of ~

Meaning: 2、3の~

English Definition: A small number of; two or a few.

Example Sentence: I bought a couple of books at the store.
Japanese Translation: 私は店で2、3冊の本を買いました。

Synonyms: a few, several, a pair of, two or three, a handful of

165. At best

Meaning: よくても、せいぜい

English Definition: In the most optimistic view; even in the best scenario.

Example Sentence: The weather will be cloudy at best tomorrow.
Japanese Translation: 天気はよくても明日は曇りでしょう。

Synonyms: at the most, at most, under the best circumstances, at the very best, if everything goes well

166. Set up ~

Meaning: ~を設置する、~を準備する

English Definition: To arrange or organize something; to establish or erect something.

Example Sentence: They set up a tent in the campsite.
Japanese Translation: 彼らはキャンプ場にテントを設置しました。

Synonyms: arrange, organize, establish, install, erect

167. Had better do

Meaning: ~したほうがいい

English Definition: Used to advise or suggest that someone should do something, often implying a sense of urgency or necessity.

Example Sentence: You had better finish your homework before dinner.
Japanese Translation: 夕食前に宿題を終わらせたほうがいいよ。

Synonyms: should, ought to, need to, must, be advised to

168. Deal with ~

Meaning: ~に対処する、~を処理する

English Definition: To manage, handle, or take care of a situation, problem, or person.

Example Sentence: She has to deal with a lot of paperwork at her job.
Japanese Translation: 彼女は仕事でたくさんの書類を処理しなければなりません。

Synonyms: manage, handle, tackle, address, cope with

169. In spite of ~

Meaning: ~にもかかわらず

English Definition: Despite; used to indicate that something happens or is true even though there is something that might prevent it.

Example Sentence: In spite of the rain, they went for a walk.
Japanese Translation: 雨にもかかわらず、彼らは散歩に出かけました。

Synonyms: despite, regardless of, notwithstanding, even though, although

170. Concentrate on ~

Meaning: ~に集中する

English Definition: To focus all one's attention or effort on a particular task or activity.

Example Sentence: She needs to concentrate on her studies to pass the exam.
Japanese Translation: 彼女は試験に合格するために勉強に集中する必要があります。

Synonyms: focus on, pay attention to, zero in on, center on, direct attention to

171. Get on (~)

Meaning: ~に乗る、~に搭乗する

English Definition: To board a vehicle, such as a bus, train, or plane.

Example Sentence: He got on the bus to go to work.
Japanese Translation: 彼は仕事に行くためにバスに乗りました。

Synonyms: board, embark, step onto, hop on, enter

172. Major in ~

Meaning: ~を専攻する

English Definition: To specialize in a particular subject or field of study in college or university.

Example Sentence: She decided to major in biology at university.
Japanese Translation: 彼女は大学で生物学を専攻することに決めました。

Synonyms: specialize in, focus on, pursue a degree in, study, concentrate in

173. Inform A of/about B

Meaning: AにBについて知らせる

English Definition: To tell someone (A) about something (B).

Example Sentence: The manager informed the team about the new project.
Japanese Translation: マネージャーはチームに新しいプロジェクトについて知らせました。

Synonyms: notify, tell, brief, update, apprise

174. In detail

Meaning: 詳細に、詳しく

English Definition: Thoroughly and with careful attention to particulars.

Example Sentence: The professor explained the theory in detail.
Japanese Translation: 教授はその理論を詳細に説明しました。

Synonyms: thoroughly, comprehensively, meticulously, minutely, exhaustively

175. Believe in ~

Meaning: ~を信じる

English Definition: To have confidence in the existence, truth, or reliability of something or someone.

Example Sentence: She believes in hard work and perseverance.
Japanese Translation: 彼女は努力と忍耐を信じています。

Synonyms: trust in, have faith in, be confident in, rely on, accept

176. In search of ~

Meaning: ~を探して

English Definition: Looking for something or someone.

Example Sentence: They went hiking in search of the perfect spot to set up camp.
Japanese Translation: 彼らはキャンプに最適な場所を探してハイキングに出かけました。

Synonyms: seeking, hunting for, looking for, on the lookout for, pursuing

177. Not only A but (also) B

Meaning: AだけでなくBも

English Definition: Used to emphasize that two things are true, adding more weight to the second thing mentioned.

Example Sentence: She is not only a talented singer but also an excellent dancer.
Japanese Translation: 彼女は才能ある歌手であるだけでなく、優れたダンサーでもあります。

Synonyms: as well as, in addition to, besides, along with, and also

178. Be sure of/about ~

Meaning: ~を確信している

English Definition: To be confident in the truth, accuracy, or certainty of something.

Example Sentence: He is sure about his decision to move to a new city.
Japanese Translation: 彼は新しい都市に引っ越す決断を確信しています。

Synonyms: be certain of, be confident in, be convinced of, have no doubt about, trust in

179. ~ and so on/forth

Meaning: ~など

English Definition: Used to indicate that there are other similar things that could be mentioned.

Example Sentence: She enjoys reading books, watching movies, and so on.
Japanese Translation: 彼女は本を読んだり、映画を見たりなどが好きです。

Synonyms: etc., and the like, and other things, and similar activities, and so forth

180. Think over ~

Meaning: ~をよく考える

English Definition: To consider something carefully before making a decision.

Example Sentence: He decided to think over the job offer before accepting it.
Japanese Translation: 彼はその仕事のオファーを受け入れる前によく考えることにしました。

Synonyms: consider, contemplate, ponder, reflect on, deliberate

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