


北米の数千の選挙事務所」で使用されている「PollChief」ソフトウェアの開発元であるKonnech Inc.は、以前孔子学院のためにChineseBrief.comを構築したことがあります。

U.S. Election Software Company Previously Built Confucius Institute 'Communication Platform'

Konnech Inc., creator of the 'PollChief' software used by 'thousands of Election Offices across North America' previously built ChineseBrief.com for the Confucius Institute.











1.8 million Americans who volunteered to participate in local elections in their counties all had their personal info stored on a server in China, data which under Chinese Law belongs to the CCP. 

I'm not talking just about their names, pictures, addresses, names of their kids, etc. 

I mean down to the schematics and detailed maps of the buildings they worked in and more.

The CCP has an incredible amount of information stored about these election workers and their families that it has been using for more than a few years now in order to learn everything there is to know about how local elections are being run inside the United States.

Given that - despite over 40 years of deliberate propaganda to the contrary - the CCP is a hostile foreign regime, the things they could do with this amount of breathtaking detail is, to be polite, problematic. 

Many years ago the CCP realized it could never defeat the United States in a direct military conflict involving land/air/sea conventional forces. And so the regime in Beijing pursued an unconventional specialized warfare against the US that involved a massive level of infiltration and appropriation.

And paving the way for this infiltration and appropriation of key US national defense infrastructure was a political class all too eager to sell out their country in exchange for wealth and favors from China.




何が起こっていたのかというと、私たちは大規模にCCP の浸透/影響活動の標的になり、





If one could subsume and take over and corrupt the greater foreign power from within, there's no need for a massive bloody conventional war. 

For many years it was sold to the American people that we were 'changing' and 'softening' the CCP regime by engaging with it, trading with it, shipping key US national security infrastructure to China.

Well...surprise...that wasn't what was really happening. 

What was happening was we were being massively infiltrated and had become the targets of CCP infiltration/influence operations simply staggering in their scope and depth.

Far from influencing China, China was influencing us.

Gaining control of the US government at the federal [and many state/local levels as well] took decades of careful maneuvering and bribery, blackmail and iron-fisted arm twisting behind the scenes.

And the influence operations don't chiefly involve bribing formerly honest politicians to look the other way. They moved past that stage long ago.

By the 1990's they were handpicking the candidates for us all because they had become fully immersed within the US election systems at all levels by that point.

昨夜のTTVのドキュメント・ドロップに目を通しました。  現時点では決定的な証拠はないが、私が見ているものは驚くべきものであり、非常に厄介なものだ。



決定的な証拠は、中国共産党が選挙結果に影響を与えるために、この信じられないほどのレベルのアクセス権を使ったという記録が残っていることですが、私はまだそのようなものに出会っていません。  しかし、そのようなことをするためのドアは確かに大きく開いているように見えます。


※PCAP/Packet Capture(パケットキャプチャー)パケットキャプチャとは、ネットワークを流れるパケットを収集することを指します。パケットには、転送されるデータとともに通信の送信元や宛先、プロトコルなどの情報が含まれています。ネットワーク障害などのトラブルの調査をしたいネットワーク管理者や、セキュリティの問題をテストしたいセキュリティ技術者などに利用されています。

仮にそのようなものが実在したとして、The Pitに招かれたMAGA研究者が掘り起こし、この種の活動に対してどれだけ広く門戸が開かれているかを暴露した後に、それを取り下げるためにそれを保持しているのだろうか。

Been looking over TTV's document drop from last night.  I see no smoking gun at this point but what I'm seeing is amazing and very troubling.

Konnech is giving the CCP complete access to everything having to do with elections in over 20 US counties, down to the names of the kids of all of the election workers on record.

We won't let CCP run our 5G with their tech for obvious national security reasons, but how many companies out there like Konnech with their PollChief software are essentially giving the CCP a direct window into the US election systems?

A smoking gun would be a preserved record of the CCP using this incredible level of access to influence an election outcome, but I haven't come across anything like that yet.  But the door certainly LOOKS like it's wide open to that kind of thing.

Of course, a preserved record of foreign election interference is exactly what Mike Lindell spent most of last year claiming he had in the PCAPs. 

Assuming any of that stuff was real, would they be holding it back to drop it after the MAGA researchers invited to The Pit are done digging and exposing just how wide open the door is to this kind of activity?



中国が米国内で大規模な潜入・影響工作を行っていることは既に知られている。  今回の選挙関係者の中に、そのような影響工作のターゲットになった人はいたのだろうか。

Konnechは、なぜこのレベルのアクセスが中国共産党に許可されたのかを説明する必要があります。  このレベルのアクセスを許可する正当な理由があったのでしょうか?

As I said the other day, this massive breach of US national security infrastructure does not involve a few politicians or gov't officials in DC.

It involves the 1.8 million Americans who had their personal information handed to the CCP regime and stored on a server in Wuhan, China. Because they are election workers in their county. 

We already know that China has been engaged in a massive level of infiltration/influence operations inside the United States.  Did any of these election workers become targets of such influence operations? 

Konnech needs to explain why this level of access was allowed to the CCP.  Was there a good and valid reason for allowing this level of access?

中国の武漢にあるサーバーにアメリカの選挙システムに関する情報が大量にある|Yukkie🌟🌟🌟 @Yukkie44108949 #note https://note.com/nixspiritus/n/n5b4cc5c9cd41

あなたの心に翼あることばの一つ一つが届いて和らいで解き放たれていきますように。 サポートよろしくお願い致します✨