
見 ; 嘗てレムリアの大陸では Visio ; Once in the land of Lemuria

in the dank and dimly lit bad-lands of Lemuria,

there once lived children of the night,

around the waxing fire they dwelt, upon the soddy land they roamed.

so darkly phantom hang their sky,

and ghost fleshly fly their dream,

the sustenance for food and truth were

rotten barley, mushrooms and nightshades.

they wore orange skin of tigers for cloth,

and burn strangely engraved ivory tusks and shells for hearth.

their tents were made of snow-laden pelts of sea swines.

at night they gather and burn green dragon-herbs in place of incense.

and chant away time in golden rosary-coils of House Morae

when the Sun is close to rise, they speak like foaming madmen about bird-goblins and turtle-gods they met and slew before the night,

among the bushes, in the stream, or upon the bough of trees.

in the back-ground, the ever-watchful young guardsman with his prized hunting-knife and boar-shield,

look towards the shady black horizon,
where the solar Eye of Los met the ink dripped upon this line.
