
J-Blogger / 廃墟 enthusiast . Sharing my thou…


J-Blogger / 廃墟 enthusiast . Sharing my thoughts and experiences of life in Japan~


  • 外国人からみた日本



  • 固定された記事

About this blog/このブログについて

Müllerのコメント こんにちは〜! Hi, everyone! My name is Müller and I am a German-Canadian living in Japan. I have decided to write a blog about my exciting experiences in Japan, both the ups and downs. こんにちは!ミュラーと申します。日本に住んでいるドイツ系カナダ人です。僕が日本で経験した良いこ

    • Forbidden use of Sick Days (使う事の許されない病休)Part2

      I was even given an inhaler at one point because the cough was so bad. Even after that didn't work, one doctor had the gall to tell me that I wasn't breathing on the inhaler properly, and was kind of implying that I was stupid. ある日、咳がひどいのでは

      • Forbidden use of Sick Days (使う事の許されない病休)Part1

        Hey guys. Yet another long absence since posting. I will really try to be more consistent from now on! みんな!また、間が開いてしまったね。これからは、もうちょっと連続して投稿できるように頑張るよ。 In the previous post, I spoke of my manager using abusive language and outright lying t

        • Enter The Dragon

          Hey again! こんにちは! After another long absence I have decided to continue writing my experiences. I recently moved to a house! It was time consuming and I fell off track with my blog, but I'm back again. すごく長い間が空いてしまったけど、またブログを書くことに決めました。実

        • 固定された記事

        About this blog/このブログについて


        • 外国人からみた日本


          New workplace and the boss

          Hey guys~! こんにちは~! Today I continue where we left off. I was just leaving the company headquarters and headed towards my city, which was located somewhere between Himeji and Kobe. Finally, I thought. I had finally arrived at my new home.

          New workplace and the boss

          Meeting with the Shogun and toxic working culture(学習用)

          Hey guys. Sorry for the late entry(*1). I have(*2) been enjoying some Obon vacation and haven't posted... Let's continue from where we left off(*3). *1 sorry for late ~: ~が遅れてごめんなさい。 *2 have:現在完了形と過去完了形の違いは、"視点が現在にあるのか過去にあるのか"です。現在から、過去のこと

          Meeting with the Shogun and toxic working culture(学習用)

          Meeting with the Shogun and toxic working culture

          Hey guys. Sorry for the late entry. I have been enjoying some Obon vacation and haven't posted... Let's continue from where we left off. みんな、こんにちは。更新が遅くなってごめんなさい。お盆休みを楽しんでいて、しばらく投稿していなかったんです、前回の続きから始めましょう。 After a week of grueling trainin

          Meeting with the Shogun and toxic working culture

          https://note.com/phoebe11/n/n3178bcfca918 Müllerの文章を日本語に訳している者です。前回に続き、英語のリスニング力を向上させる方法について別noteにまとめましたので、よかったら見てみてください☺️

          https://note.com/phoebe11/n/n3178bcfca918 Müllerの文章を日本語に訳している者です。前回に続き、英語のリスニング力を向上させる方法について別noteにまとめましたので、よかったら見てみてください☺️

          https://note.com/phoebe11 Müllerの文章を日本語に訳している者です。英語のスピーキング力を向上させる方法について別noteにまとめましたので、よかったら見てみてください☺️

          https://note.com/phoebe11 Müllerの文章を日本語に訳している者です。英語のスピーキング力を向上させる方法について別noteにまとめましたので、よかったら見てみてください☺️

          Training day(学習用)

          The weekend had passed, and it was now officially my third day of living in Japan. I had to wake up rather(*1) early on this cold winter morning and suit up(*2). I was very nervy(*3) in the night before and had gotten almost no sleep. Never

          Training day(学習用)

          Training day

          The weekend had passed, and it was now officially my third day of living in Japan. I had to wake up rather early on this cold winter morning and suit up. I was very nervy in the night before and had gotten almost no sleep. Nevertheless, I w

          Training day

          Humble beginnings(学習用)

          Intro::::: Greetings~! I hope you are all keeping cool during (*1)these hot summer months. Today, at the behest of(*2) my loving(*3) girlfriend and many of my great Japanese friends, I have decided to tell the tale of my experiences(*4) in

          Humble beginnings(学習用)

          Humble beginnings

          Intro::::: Greetings~! I hope you are all keeping cool during these hot summer months. Today, at the behest of my loving girlfriend and many of my great Japanese friends, I have decided to tell the tale of my experiences in Japan. こんにちは〜!

          Humble beginnings