
Humble beginnings(学習用)


Greetings~! I hope you are all keeping cool during (*1)these hot summer months. Today, at the behest of(*2) my loving(*3) girlfriend and many of my great Japanese friends, I have decided to tell the tale of my experiences(*4) in Japan. 

*1 During 〜の間: while(接続詞)と違い、前置詞なので、後ろには名詞しか取れないので注意
*2 behest of: 〜の頼みで
*3 loving: 愛する
*4experience: experienceは通常不可算名詞ですが、具体的に経験したこと、体験談などという場合は可算名詞


In these experiences, I will talk about my tales of wild interactions(*1) with new people, (*2)of difficulty and hardship in experiencing a wholly different workplace culture, and(*3) of general ups and downs of the motions of life in a strange land.

*1 interaction: 相互作用、ふれあい
*2 このofはtalesにかかります。tales of A, B, and Cの構造になっています。
*3 3つ以上のものをandでつなげるときは、後ろから2番目のものの前にandを置き、あとはカンマでつなげます。
e.g. Apple, orange, and peach


Please note(*1), this is not to be a criticism of life here, just an expression of my wholly unique(*2) experiences to myself. Everyone will have unique(*1) experiences both positive and negative. Such(*3) is the nature of life.

*1 note(v): (動詞)注意する、気づく(心のノートに書き留めるイメージ)
*2 unique: 独特の、唯一の(日本語のユニークとは違い、面白おかしいというようなニュアンスはありません。また、ポジティブな意味でも使われます)
*3 such(pron):(代名詞)そのようなもの


New life

January 23rd, 2016. Today was the day I arrived at Kansai international airport. It was in the evening and I was exhausted from my flight of over 9 hours, including(*1) a stopover. As(*2) I was hired overseas, I was to(*3) meet with my company group from which we would be escorted to the nearest Shinkansen station where we would make the trek(*4) to company Headquarters located south of Himeji.

*1 including:~を含んで
*2 As(conj): (接続詞)~なので
*3 be to do:  ~する予定である
*4 make the trek: ~旅をする


Stepping on to the amazing high-speed rail service for the first time,(*1) and seeing the brightly lit cities(*1), with buildings dotting the landscape with almost perfect symmetry, this new and colourful landscape awakened me from my half-asleep state with a surge of(*2) excitement. I was finally starting my new life.

*1 steppingからカンマまでは分詞構文が使われています。接続詞によって繋がれた二つの分の主語が同じとき、主語と接続詞を省略して動詞を分詞(ing,ed)の形に変えることがあります。(この場合、1番目の文の主語はIで2番目の文の主語がlandscapeなので、あてはまりませんが…。)
e.g. Working as a teacher, I am always thinking about my students.
Because I work as a teacher, I am always thinking about my students
*2 surge of: 感情などの高まり


It felt(*1) liberating(*2) having finally, for lack of better words, escaped my hometown (which I will talk about in a later post) and being in such a developed, high tech, and wealthy country of the future. (To my Japanese viewers, you must know that a westerners image of Japan is one of cutting edge(*3) technologies that we can’t find in our own country) 

*1 feel ~ing: ~と感じる feel like ~ing ~したいと思う と混同しないよう注意
*2 liberate: 解放する
*3 cutting edge: 最先端の


The honeymoon would be short-lived though, as I, and many in my training group, were to learn of the harsh(*1) reality of Japanese working culture and what is expected of us. But before that, I got to enjoy a weekend before my training would begin. 

*1 harsh: 気候や条件が厳しい


When I finally made it to*(1) my hotel, I was able to explore the surrounding area, however, my Japanese was only an introductory(*2) college level. When I had left my country I was a fresh college graduate(*3), ready to face the world, but when I had finally arrived in Japan, my confidence evaporated(*4) like the morning mist. 

*1 make it to: ~へ到着する
*2 introductory: 入門的な
*3 fresh graduate: 卒業したばかり
*4 evaporate: 蒸発する


It was ever so apparent when I tried to purchase(*1) a belt from the local UNIQLO. When approaching the clerk, I was suddenly frozen with fear, as my face grew bright red. At this point, I forgot how to communicate and frantically(*2) looked at the register display to see how much I needed to pay.

*1 try to: ~を試みる
try のあとにto doが来た場合は~を試みる(まだ動作が完了していない)
try to open (開けようと試みる)
try opening(開けてみる)
*2 frantically: 狂乱して、血迷って


Looking back now(*1)(*2), I see(*3) how silly I was(*4) to be nervous. Thankfully, the clerk was very kind and didn’t show frustration. This would not be the last of daily life blunders(*5) and embarrassing interactions, but as time went on, it would lessen as my confidence would grow.

* 1 ここでも分詞構文がつかわれています
*2 look back: 振り返る(Don't look back in angerと同じですね)
*3 see: ここでは"見る"ではなく、"分かる"の意味で使われています
*4 How adj SV: どんなに~か
*5 blunder: 失敗、しくじり


I will leave off here and continue next time with my first week of training, and my first in a series of cultural shocks related to working. If you kept reading this far, I am very thankful and hope you can enjoy my next entries.




私自身も留学の経験があるので、ユニクロでの体験談は、読んでいてとてもcringeworthyでした…。 みなさんも同様の経験がありますか?
