
New workplace and the boss

Hey guys~!


Today I continue where we left off. I was just leaving the company headquarters and headed towards my city, which was located somewhere between Himeji and Kobe. Finally, I thought. I had finally arrived at my new home. This would be where I will spend at least the next four years of my life, in hopes that I could either save up a lot of cash and go back home, or even better, stay in Japan and transition into something outside of English teaching. 


I had lofty goals. But I was very ambitious. As I disembarked from my train, I was greeted at the train station by my new boss and outgoing co-worker. They were very nice when they had greeted me. A bit too nice. You see, when you get a new job in Japan, the employer is very nice to you and treats you with all the respect in the world... Until you make a mistake. More on that later.


As my new manager greeted me, I was taken around the town, which was a really small town, and shown both my school, my apartment, and some grocery stores and banks I could visit. I was really shocked when I saw the size of my school. How could education be conducted in such a tiny building, I thought? Equally as shocking was the size of my company's assigned apartment. It was a tiny room overlooking a parking lot. I had to keep positive. This was where I was going to spend the next few years of my life, after all.


As for my coworkers, they seemed nice enough. Although, to my shock, they would soon leave or workplace for different jobs. I would quickly learn that at this job people don't stick around long. I was also fortunate enough to make a few good Japanese friends who would later help me in life when I made my great escape. A couple of them would prove to become life long friends and would prove invaluable in my quest to build a life in a new country.


Anyway, to sum everything up, this weekend wasn't particularly eventful, but peaceful enough. However, it would be the following week that the troubles would start to begin and I would be forced to chose between fight or flight, and have to make a really difficult decision to endure a really horrible workplace experience and go back, or to push through it in hopes of a better future.


Thank you for reading

