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原題:Dollar Heroes
本編: 6667ワード、字幕数764、テロップ数10、小計774枚。
予告編: 字幕数12、テロップ数2、小計14枚。合計788枚。作業日数7日
3.Key words and phrases
stringent = 厳しい、厳重な
sanction = 制裁
nuclear weapons = 核兵器
trafficking = 不法取引、密売(human traffickingで人身売買)
toil = 苦役、苦労、骨折り
flee = 逃げる、避難する
brigade = 旅団、団体
regime = 政権、政府
exploit = 搾取する(got exploitedで搾取された)
wage = 賃金
treason = 反逆、裏切り
long for ~ = ~を切望する
legitimate = 合法的な、正規の
defect = 逃亡する、亡命する
commercial register = 商業登録
Labour Inspectorate = 労働監督局
welder = 溶接工
security officer = 保安部(の役人)
guise = 外見、見せかけ
complicity = 共謀、共犯
courier = 配達屋、運び屋、スパイ
immunity = 免責、(外交官)特権
Day 1 北朝鮮労働者の実態 ①ナレーション
North Korea, one of the poorest countries in the world. Average earnings here are only a dollar a month. Yet despite increasingly stringent* UN economic sanctions*, somehow it’s still getting enough foreign exchange to build nuclear weapons* and to finance the luxury lifestyle of its elite. How’s this happening? This film gets inside one of the largest and most secretive people trafficking* operations in the world. Investigation uncovers North Koreans toiling* in Russia, China and even in the European Union. Welcome to the hidden world of what North Koreans call “Dollar Heroes”. Investigation starts out here in Seoul, South Korea's capital. 30,000 people have managed to flee* North Korea. Many of them live here. Very few of them are willing to speak about North Korea’s overseas work brigades*. They’re afraid of what might happen to their relatives still in the north. (141 words)
北朝鮮は世界で最も貧しい国の1つだ。平均賃金は月にわずか1ドル。国連の厳しい経済制裁を受けていながら、豊富な外貨を得て核兵器を作り、一部のエリートたちを潤している。どういう仕組みなのか。世界で最も大規模で謎に包まれた不法行為の実態を取材した。調査によると、ロシアや中国だけでなくEU内でも行われている。隠された北朝鮮 “外貨獲得部隊” の実態を探る。調査は韓国の首都ソウルから始まった。これまでに3万人が脱北し、多くがここで暮らす。北朝鮮の海外労働者について語る者はいない。北に残る親戚が心配だからだ。
Day 2 北朝鮮労働者の実態 ②ある脱北者の話
Narrator: Park was a “Dollar Hero” in the 1980s. Sent to Siberia by the regime*, he was made to drive trucks in a timber camp - for seven years.
Park: People were not treated as humans there. We were treated like cows or horses. The intensity of the work was outrageous. They made us work 24 hours in two shifts. I felt real anger at the government.
N: The reason Park is willing to talk is because he managed to get his whole family out of North Korea. He fled in 2005. His son and his wife followed a few years later.
P: We got terribly exploited* by the country. We didn't even get a basic salary. They gave us only 7% of our wages*. The rest was wired to North Korea and exchanged for North Korean money. A few people said to the Russians "Pay the money directly to us." But they got arrested. They all disappeared into camps charged with treason*. Why did I decide to go? Because my family was poor. I wanted to end that. During the 7 years living in Russia, I got sick twice a year. I would cry so much that my blanket was soaked with tears. There was no heating. So I was lying in my bed longing for* some heat. And I saw lots of people die at work. (230 words)
ナレーター:パク氏は1980年代 "外貨獲得部隊” にいた。シベリアに送られ
反逆罪で収容所送りだ。なぜ行こうと思ったか? 貧しかったからだ。金を稼ぎたかった。7年ロシアにいて、年に2回は病気になった。毛布が濡れるくらい泣いたよ。暖房がなかったんだ。だからずっと横になってた。本当に寒かったよ。仕事中に死ぬ人もたくさん見た。
Day 3 北朝鮮労働者の実態 ③脱北した元外交官
Narrator: One man with insider knowledge was until recently a high-level North Korean official. The interview has to take place in a secret and secure location. Thae Yong Ho was North Korea’s deputy ambassador to London before he fled to Seoul in 2016. For the first time, Thae Yong Ho has agreed to speak about this most sensitive of issues how the regime gets much of its foreign exchange.
Thae Yong Ho: For 30 years, countless labourers have been working abroad,
sending hard earned money back to North Korea. If this money had been used for peaceful economic development, the economy would be at a much higher level. So where did all that money go? Of course it financed the private luxury of the Kim family, the nuclear programme and the army.
(130 words)
Day 4 強制労働の実態(ロシア)
North Korean laborer: There are some who make $50 a month for themselves, some who make $100, and some who make nothing. There are many who slip into the red and return home with debts. The fact that people earn so little is due to a mandatory fee. Some call it "Party Duty" Others call it "Revolutionary Duty". Those who can't pay it cannot stay here. 10 years ago it was about 15,000 roubles a month. By now it's twice as much. Right now I have to pay 30,000 roubles. But this year the amount will probably rise to 45-50,000 roubles a month.
Narrator: According to experts, this suggestion that the so-called “party duty” payment is increasing is almost certainly evidence that tougher UN sanctions are cutting North Korea’s legitimate* export earnings. This piles further pressure on the overseas work brigades to send back even more foreign currency. The nuclear programme is clearly increasingly dependent on their forced labour. 50,000 Roubles (900 US-Dollars) is one-and-a-half times the average monthly wage of a Russian worker. How can a Dollar Hero make that much money and more?
NK: People who're here for the second or third time know their way around and bribe the manager to let them take on other work. The workday is like this; You work from morning till the end of your shift. Then, in the evening,
you work on other construction sites for the Russians. And you work there till morning, all night long, because that's your real source of income.
(248 words)
Day 5 強制労働の実態(中国)
Narrator: China is North Korea’s close ally. Experts estimate that North Korea has more than 100,000 Dollar Heroes working here. Especially in the Dandong region on the border with North Korea, Chinese manufacturing companies are keen to employ North Koreans because Chinese wages are already too high to remain competitive. Inside North Korea, the applicants are lured into the work program by false promises. But why don’t they escape the horrible conditions once they’re abroad?
Prof. Breuker, Leiden University: Before North Korean labourers are selected to go abroad they must pass an ideological test which mainly consists of a family background check. You need to have a family, preferably two children who will remain in North Korea. So if you would defect*, if you would escape, your family would pay the price.
Narrator: This system of controlling people abroad has a long history.
(137 words)
Day 6 強制労働の実態(ポーランド)
Narrator: Szczecin in the Northwest of Poland, close to Germany, is the centre of the country’s shipbuilding industry. Polish shipyards are fighting to survive in a globalized market, where pressure on wages is relentless. At Szczecin’s commercial register*, certificates of registration for every company in the area are openly available. Could it be possible to find out which companies employ North Koreans? One company stands out, Redshield. Its chairman has a Korean name: Pak Jong Ho. According to other documents obtained via the Labour Inspectorate*, Redshield contracts welders* for the shipbuilding industry. They’re offered the minimum wage of 2,000 Zloty (around 600 Dollars) per months. From all the information gathered so far,
it’s clear that North Koreans are running their own, registered company in Sczeczin. They employ dozens of workers - and it all seems totally legal.
Thae Yong Ho: The fact that there is a certain number of workers abroad, specifically in Poland, means that there are also people who are responsible for monitoring and managing these workers. This includes security officers* as well as administrative personnel. That they can operate in Poland under the guise* of a company, means that the respective embassies of North Korea and Poland are of course involved and cooperate with each other.
Narrator: Right in the heart of Europe there’s clearly complicity* between the Polish and the North Korean governments - despite EU and UN sanctions. (230 words)
Day 7 違法な金の流れ
Narrator: There are no verified figures, but UN estimates suggest that North Korea’s Dollar Heroes earn more than one billion dollars per year. So how does this money find its way back to Pyongyang?
Thae: Here too, there are several possibilities. First of all, the money can be transferred via a Polish bank to a bank in China or Russia where North Korea has an account. There it can be picked up in cash and carried across the border. Or it can be withdrawn directly at a Polish bank in cash and brought to North Korea by courier*.
N: Remco Breuker has come to New York to meet an investigator who has inside knowledge about North Korea’s money flow. Cameras are not allowed in this meeting but the next morning he explains what he’s learned.
Breuker: What happens is that overseas the money is exchanged into American dollars, bills, cash money. And then a diplomat takes the money in a diplomatic pouch to Pyongyang through Beijing, usually. And this is important, because diplomats have diplomatic immunity*. He travels on a diplomatic passport which means he or she cannot be stopped at a national border, usually at least. It is a relatively safe way of transferring large sums of money back to Pyongyang.
ナレーター:ブロイカー氏は内部情報を得るためNYを訪れた。カメラ撮影は禁止。翌朝 分かったことを教えてくれた。
Day 8 北朝鮮の核開発を抑止できる手段は?
Thae: There is no doubt that the wages earned by workers abroad help families in North Korea to survive. But should we drop the sanctions for that? How else are we going to stop North Korea's steady progress in the field of nuclear technology and intercontinental missiles? I believe that the most recent, more severe sanctions should have come much sooner. But for too long, the world didn't worry enough about the problem of North Korean nuclear weapons and missiles.
Narrator: Unchecked by the international community, North Korea continues to send work brigades all over the world, about 150,000 Dollar Heroes in all. China has around 100,000, Russia around 40,000. And there’s evidence of North Koreans working in Africa, Cambodia, Malaysia, Mongolia,
Kuwait, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Oman and Myanmar as well as Poland. North Korean work brigades earn the regime upwards of one billion dollars a year and with a time limit of two years due to UN sanctions there are predictions that Kim Jong-un will be looking to increase both the number of forced labourers he sends overseas and to ratchet up the pressure on them to produce even more foreign exchange. And with the drive for ever-lower wages, the rest of the world is complicit in helping him fulfil his ambitions.
実施が遅すぎたくらいだ。世界は長年 気付けなかった。北朝鮮の核兵器や
今では15万人が海外で働いている。中国には10万人、ロシアには4万人。他にもアフリカやカンボジア マレーシア モンゴル クウェート カタール アラブ首長国連邦 オマーン ミャンマー そしてポーランドに散らばる。海外労働者は毎年政権に10億ドルももたらす。国連の制裁対象となるまであと2年。
『外貨の奴隷たち』 "Dollar Heroes"
映像字幕翻訳者: 浦田貴美枝
https://onl.la/Xngg8Ey (kindle版)
https://onl.bz/c3m3Fcd (kindle版)
https://x.gd/ySA4m (ペーパーバック版)
Blog: 『アラカンからのチャレンジ』
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