

英語ガイドアドバイザーの Kazu(金田憲昭:かねだかづあき)です。

『英語を話せるようになりたいけど、長年のブランクがある・これまで何度も挫折してきた・何からやったらいいか分からない、こんなお悩みをお持ちの方が “海外の方をアテンドするために必要な英語力” を身につけるための “パーソナル学習サポート” をしています』
(わたし自身も Sake Guide -日本酒ガイド- として海外の方をアテンドする活動もしています)

useless advice

Last night I went home around eleven thirty.

On my way home, I dropped by a local supermarket.

Because I had a big lunch at a beef bowl restaurant(I ate three big bowls of rice with two different types of beef dishes.), I wasn't that hungry.

I wanted dinner to be on the lighter side, so I bought only ramen noodles, tofu, beer and grapefruit flavored "chuhai".("chu" comes from "shochu", Japanese distilled beverage and "hai" means "highball". There is a variety of chuhai and most of them fruit flavored.)

Before I went to bed, there was something I had to do for the next day, so I was thinking of doing that while having a bowl of ramen and tofu over the beverages.

However, it didn't go as I planned.

Against my will, I fell asleep and before I knew it, it was 6 in the morning.

I couldn't grasp the situation right away, so I needed to think back on what I did after I came home.

The first thing I did was take off what I was wearing, threw them into a washing machine and started it out.

I had to wait for 30 minutes or so until the washing machine got its job done.(洗濯機が仕事を終えるまで、30分ほど待たなければなりませんでした)

I wanted to avoid a situation where I had to hang clothes in the middle of having dinner, so I had only two options.

The first option was do something different for another 30 minutes until my clothes get ready.

The second option was start having dinner right away and do the laundry after dinner.

I knew that if I had dinner before, I would feel too relaxed and end up not hanging clothes.

Actually, I had done that countless times before, so I took the first option.

I could have done something different, but somehow I lay down on my bed.(別のことをすることができたかもしれませんが、どういうわけか私はベッドに横になりました)

I remember thinking to myself like, "Don't close your eyes, or you'll fall asleep."
( 「目つぶったらあかん、じゃないと寝てまうで」と、自分に言い聞かせたのを覚えています)

Apparently, I was too tired to listen to the advice.


❶Distilled (蒸留した)

The distilled water is used in the laboratory for experiments.

❷Beverage (水以外の飲料水)

In the summer, I enjoy a cold beverage like lemonade or iced tea.

❸Hang (干す)

I need to hang the clothes to dry them in the sun.

❹Relaxed (リラックスした)

After a long day at work, I like to take a hot bath to feel relaxed.

❺Countless (数え切れないほどの)

She has received countless awards for her contributions to science.

❻Option (選択肢)

We have the option of going to the beach or hiking in the mountains this weekend.

❼Somehow (どういうわけか)

Somehow, the missing key ended up in the bottom of the bag.

❽Apparently (どうやら)

Apparently, the meeting has been postponed until next week.

❾Advice (助言)

She gave me some good advice on how to manage my time more effectively. (彼女は私に時間をより効果的に管理する方法について良いアドバイスをくれました)

❿Middle (真ん中)

She placed the vase in the middle of the table.

That's all for today.
Thank you so much for visiting the page!
Hope you liked it:-)

〇 この記事を書いてるのはこんな人

大学卒業後、営業職を1年目で挫折。その後29歳まで飲食店勤務とストリートバスケに奮闘。30歳目前で "英語を使って仕事をしよう"と決意し再勉強。2年でTOEIC900オーバー達成。

英語講師6年 / 日本語教師5年 / 日本酒の酒蔵で英語ガイド7年 / 海外の方へ日本酒発信活動・インバウンド観光客対象のオリジナル日本酒ツアー3年



- 実績 -




