

英語ガイドアドバイザーの Kazu(金田憲昭:かねだかづあき)です。

『英語を話せるようになりたいけど、長年のブランクがある・これまで何度も挫折してきた・何からやったらいいか分からない、こんなお悩みをお持ちの方が “海外の方をアテンドするために必要な英語力” を身につけるための “パーソナル学習サポート” をしています』
(わたし自身も Sake Guide -日本酒ガイド- として海外の方をアテンドする活動もしています)


In my twenties, basketball was my life.

I dedicated so much time and energy to streetball, working part-time jobs just to keep playing.

In case you don't know what streetball is, let me give you a brief explanation.

Streetball is a bit different from normal basketball.

While players on the court play to win in normal basketball, it's not necessarily about winning or losing in streetball.

The focus is on how much you can entertain the crowd with your skills and techniques.

Therefore, the rules are not as strictly regulated as in normal basketball.

In fact, you often witness moves that are illegal or seen as fouls in a normal basketball game.

Unlike a normal basketball game, Refs prioritize excitement over small fouls.

Then, how do you think I got so into streetball in the first place?

At the age of 21, one life-changing moment came when I happened to find a DVD called "AND1 Mixtape".
(21歳のとき、ある人生を変える瞬間が訪れました。それは、たまたまAND1ミクスティープという DVDを見つけた時です)

The AND1 basketball team, known as the AND1 Mixtape Tour, is famous for its high-energy streetball style and entertaining tricks.

Originating from the AND1 brand, the team gained popularity in the late 1990s and early 2000s with their mixtape videos showcasing flashy moves, crossovers, and slam dunks.
(AND1 という、ブランドから生まれたこのチームは、1990年代後半から2000年代初頭にかけて、派手な動きやクロスオーバー、スラムダンクを披露するミクスティープビデオで人気を集めました)

These videos featured talented streetball players, including legends like Hot Sauce, The Professor, and Skip to my Lou.

The AND1 Mixtape Tour traveled across the U.S., playing exhibition games that highlighted their unique skills and brought streetball culture to a wider audience.

They would often travel to Japan every year and every time they came I entered an audition called "Open Run", which presented one player a chance to play with, or against the team AND1.(I couldn't make it, though.)

Anyway, I was captivated and inspired by their amazing performances during games and moves featured on their DVDs.

Out of all the great moves, I was especially inspired by Hot Sauce’s moves.

Since I wasn’t physically gifted like LeBron James or Allen Iverson, I thought that mastering ball-handling skills like Hot Sauce’s would give me a chance to excel in the world of streetball.

Ever since, I had focused intensely on improving my ball-handling skills for nearly ten years.

One of the most memorable moments from those days is the time when I worked really hard on Hot Sauce’s signature move.

This move involves holding the ball in his right hand, spreading it to the side, then quickly moving it to the left and dropping it under his left leg.

It left a lasting impression because it was super cool and something I had never seen before.

This is one of the most impactful moments, and the move is the very first streetball move I earned.

I remember trying to copy his move so many times, just like trying to ride a bicycle as a kid.

I’m confident I’ll never forget the move because I put in so much time and effort to mastering it.

Today, I practiced the Hot Sauce move and enjoyed working on some other streetball moves as well.

The dedication I put into mastering these moves and the joy I feel in reliving them remains as strong as ever.

I was drenched with sweat, and afterward, I enjoyed drinking lots of beer.



She decided to dedicate her life to helping others.


He was inspired by the beautiful scenery to paint a landscape.


The speech left a deep impression on the audience.


She is mastering the art of Japanese calligraphy.


He kept the letter in a cherished place in his home.

That's all for today.
Thank you so much for visiting the page!
Hope you liked it:-)

〇 この記事を書いてるのはこんな人

その後29歳まで飲食店勤務とストリートバスケに奮闘。30歳目前で "英語を使って仕事をしよう"と決意し再勉強。2年でTOEIC900オーバー達成。そこから、

英語講師6年 / 日本語教師5年 / 日本酒の酒蔵で英語ガイド7年 / 海外の方へ日本酒発信活動・インバウンド観光客対象のオリジナル日本酒ツアー3年


英語学習に対して、長年のブランクがある・これまで何度も挫折してきた・何からやったらいいか分からない、こんな悩みを持つ方が “海外の方をアテンドできる英語力” を身につけるための “パーソナル学習サポート” をしている。

- 実績 -


〇日本酒飲み歩きツアー in English








