




語弊が無いように言えば、「女性が社会進出しても良い」し、「男性でも良い」。専業は主夫でも主婦でも良い。【主夫:Househusbandは1980年にジョンレノンが言い出した。ご存知の通りパートナーの小野洋子はウーマンリブの旗手でもあった・・・それから45年後、こんな世界になるとは想像できなかった。ジョンレノンの晩年の曲♪WOMANでは曲の冒頭で世界の半分の存在女性を讃えてる。(For the other half of the sky)】






Spending tax money to combat the declining birthrate is a waste.
Measures to combat the declining birthrate while touting women's advancement in society are "contradictory" and "useless"
conclusions drawn by those who have experienced dual-income, nuclear families, late marriages, and househusbands.

Unless we have a society where full-time housewives and househusbands can exist, the declining birthrate will not stop! This is even more true for nuclear families. When both spouses work, they have money but no time. They can afford to daycare or buy government services with money, but it's hard. It was hard.

Women's advancement in society is driving the declining birthrate? ! This is clear from statistics (the number of full-time housewives has decreased from the Showa era to recent years, and the birth rate has been decreasing/see Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare statistics). Despite this, they "pretend not to know" and spend tax money like water in the name of measures to combat the declining birthrate. To put it simply, "it's okay for women to advance in society" and "it's okay for men too." A full-time job can be a househusband or a housewife. [Househusband: John Lennon first coined the term in 1980. As you know, his partner Yoko Ono was also a flag bearer of women's liberation...I never imagined that 45 years later, the world would become like this. In the opening of John Lennon's song from his later years, ♪WOMAN, he praises women, who make up half of the world. (For the other half of the sky)】

Also, it's hard to not be able to spend the "most adorable time" with your child when you're raising them. Why? Because it's said that by the age of three, a child has done a lifetime's worth of filial piety. Personally, I never used a stroller and always carried my children in my arms or on my back. (The children are now old enough to leave their parents) That's why I wanted to raise them by my side, rather than struggling to raise them while both parents are working. The reality is harsh, there are no relatives nearby (nuclear family) and no one to take care of them temporarily, and "one horsepower" is not enough economically. (If you're talking about women's advancement into society as a labor force, please actively utilize the senior generation.) *In the Heisei era, if they didn't allow me to be late or leave work on time to pick up and drop off my child at the nursery school, I was prepared to carry my child on my back to work. After that, I came up with the "kindergarten taxi transportation system," and I was impressed that Nagareyama City is doing something similar to the idea.

The population is "certainly in the future" that will definitely decrease for the next 20 years, and we will be a society with a high death rate. Therefore, we need to build a society that can survive even with a population of 80 million, but there are no Diet members who will directly discuss this... I would like to see a model case created with a small start in a regional city. → Compact city concept. It would be excessive to abandon the regional areas (mountainous areas) and develop only the cities, as Spain did, but we should concentrate in clusters of about 300,000 people, and each one should have a satellite-like relationship. Around train stations (although many municipalities do not have train stations), single-person households, newlywed households (even if you say child-rearing support, children will quickly grow old and move on to the next stage → this is also something that politicians do not point out surprisingly / elementary school feels long, but middle and high school pass in the blink of an eye, and before you know it, they have left home. So let's stop making unnecessary investments. This can be expected considering the number of rooms in an apartment building), final residences, and clinics (an important element of infrastructure; the only railway line in Japan where JR canceled its closure is the municipal hospital and Kabe Line in Kabe, Hiroshima Prefecture), restaurants, and supermarkets, a small social society where even drivers can return their licenses will be created. There will be no need for secondary transportation or ride sharing to major locations. From "town development" to "nation building". To a society where people can feel rich.

※France is only prolific among Algerian immigrants (Zidane), and Germany is prolific among Turkish immigrants (Ozil). I wonder if it's a bit strange to say that the birth rate has increased without considering that. If you know soccer, you'll understand.

※By the way, I have experience being a "house husband" while raising children, commuting to work via nursery school in a baby carrier on a crowded bus, and serving as PTA president while working. Hiroshima City's support system was quite useful even 20 years ago, but they still made efforts to address the areas that were lacking. 7

※For example. 50 children are born every year in Shirako Town. The number of people moving in and out is roughly the same. However, the natural attrition (natural deaths) is 200 people. If there is a decrease of 150 people every year, there will be a decrease of 1,500 people in 10 years. That's why superficial measures to encourage people to move and settle and to combat the declining birthrate (especially the matching project) are useless.

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