
Takako at UC Berkeley –Dive into a broader world!広い世界へ飛び込め!-

Today I’m going to introduce Takako, who has studied abroad when she was both during high school student and undergrad. After reading this post, if you would like to know more about her experience, just check her blog on the website below. What did she learn from landscapes in the U.S. as a teenager, and how does she relate this experience to who she is now? Check it out!

1. 高校から海外へ 〜「日本代表」としての経験〜

(Hiro) それでは、留学された時期と場所について教えてください!
(Takako) 高校1年生と大学2年生の時に、それぞれ1年ずつの留学でした。高校の時はカリフォルニア州MontereyのCastrovilleという比較的田舎な町に、AFSという留学プログラムの一環で地元の公立高校に派遣されました。
大学生の時は、当時在籍していた慶應大学の単位互換制度を利用して、UC BerkeleyでPolitical Scienceを学びました。

(Hiro) First of all, where and how long have you studied abroad?
(Takako) I have studied abroad when I was a 12th grader and a sophomore for one year (each). When I was a high school student, I participated in the AFS study-abroad program and went to Castroville, Monterey in CA (a countryside).
As an undergrad, I studied Political Science at UC Berkeley using degree exchange program offered by Keio University.

(Hiro) 留学のキッカケはどのようなものがあったのですか?
(Takako) 潜在的には、父が頻繁に海外転勤をしていて子供の頃から海外にいたことが影響しているかもしれません。記憶に残っているのは、小学校の時に、家族がボランティアでAFSのホストファミリーでブラジル人を招いたことがあったんです。その時から、「自分もこの子みたいに海外に行くんだろうな」という感覚を何となく抱いていました。

(Hiro) What made you decide to study abroad?
(Takako) Potentially my motivation was affected by my experience of living abroad when I was a child as my father frequently worked abroad. But one particular event that may have had some influence in my decision is that my family volunteered to host Brazilian student as a host family under the AFS program when I was an elementary school student. I, at that time, imagined myself studying abroad through him.
My study at UC Berkeley was pretty much affected by my former experience in CA. Then I had a memorable experience; in a history class, our teacher asked us whether we agreed with atomic bomb as a resolution to end the World WarⅡ, and the classroom’s opinion was almost even. I was kind of shocked by the fact that there was a completely different opinion on the same historical event (taking in to account that in Japan most of the high schools teach the students that the bomb was a regrettable decision).

高校の卒業式、ホストファミリーと友達と High School Graduation Ceremony with my host family and friends

(Hiro) それぞれ留学する際に学校は選べたのでしょうか?
(Takako) 高校生の時は、国は選べますが学校は選べなかったんです。50人くらい毎年アメリカに行っていたのですが、国内の行き先は皆バラバラで。日本人は私しかいなかったので、日本国の代表みたいに扱われたのを覚えています。「アメリカのことどう思ってるの?」という率直な質問が飛んできたり。

(Hiro) Could you choose where you studied?
(Takako) Not when I went during high school, although I could choose which country to go. There were roughly 50 student who were delegated to the U.S. as part of this program, but every person was assigned to different areas and I was the only Japanese in the area that I was sent. So I was treated as if I were a representative of Japan, and I remember being asked questions such as “How do you think of the U.S.?” from my classmates.
As an undergrad, I did chose to study at UC Berkeley as this university had a joint degree program with Keio and I visited the campus and was impressed by the atmosphere. I passed the selection within my university, and then my tuition fee was sponsored, whereas living expenses were not covered (partially funded by scholarship).

(Hiro) 英語はどのように勉強されたのでしょうか?
(Takako) 耳では英語を小さい頃から聞いていましたが、本格的に勉強始めたのは皆と同じ中学校1年生からです。高校の時は1年間日本語を話せない環境にいたので、そこでサバイバル英語を身につけましたが、当時の実力はTOEFLで言えば 85点くらいだったと思います。
バークレーに留学するにはより高得点が求められていたので、高校3年生の終わりから大学1年生の夏まで、単語のインプットを中心に勉強を重ねました。Writingは毎日300 wordくらいの文章を書いて練習したり、自分の好きな小説とかを音読したりしました。予備校には、夏休みの2週間くらいで集中的に通いましたね。
(Hiro) 音読!それは新しいですね。確かに話さないと単語って自分のものにならないですもんね。

(Hiro) How did you try to improve your English?
(Takako) Although I was familiar to listening English since I was a kid, I started to learn it systematically when I was a junior high school student like everyone else. When I studied abroad for the first time, I did not have anyone to speak Japanese with at all so had to improve English to survive in an English environment, but my TOEFL score at that time was 85 or something.
As I need to improve my score to study at Berkeley, I continued to study from the end of high school to the first summer in college especially by focusing on learning the vocabulary. Also, I practiced writing 300-words-essay every day and read aloud stories which I liked, although I went to a prep school for only two weeks during the summer.
(Hiro) Reading aloud is not something that everyone does, but I suppose it’s a pretty good strategy as you can internalize new vocabulary.

2. カリフォルニアでの生活 〜日常の感謝からアウトプットの量まで全てが驚き〜

(Hiro) では、それぞれのプログラムについて簡単に教えてください!
(Takako) 高校の時は2年生として行ったのですが、(学力が高かったとみなされたのか)3年生に入れさせてもらいました。4学年で1500人という大規模な高校で、他の学年の子達と一緒に授業を受けることもありました。自分は日本の高校と同様、英語(国語)、数学、社会、理科を中心に受けましたが、学校にあったカリキュラムとして印象に残っているのは職業科目ですかね。
大学の頃は、UC BerkeleyのPolitical Scienceを学んだのですが、2学期で各3~4科目を履修しました。自分のMajorが政治学、Minorがアメリカ地域文化研究だったのでその2つを軸に、日本政治、アメリカ政治、東アジア政治、また冷戦時代の核兵器をめぐる文化(核兵器についてどのような考え方をしているのか)について学ぶ授業なんかを受けました。

(Hiro) 大学の評価スタイルはどんな感じだったのでしょうか?
(Takako) 基本的に複数回のエッセー、それにペーパーテストがある科目もありましたね。プレゼンはあまりする機会がなかったです。どのクラスにもディスカッションのセッションがあって、1日200頁くらいのReadingを読んでそれについて議論するという形でした。

(Hiro) Then, please share what your program looked like!
(Takako) In a high school I was placed in 12th Grade although I was an age of 11th Grade at that time. There were roughly 1500 students for four grades and sometimes I had classed with other grades.I only took the normal classes such as English, Math, Social science and Science, but one of the most impressive curriculum that the school offered is was the career courses such as the preparation class for becoming a firefighter and auto-science classes.
Because school rules here were not that strict as in Japanese schools, so some student brought something to eat or drink and they sometimes even brought dogs! In addition, I took 3 to 4 courses per semester at Berkeley with a focus on Politics (my Major) and American Studies (my Minor), such as Japanese Politics, American Politics, East Asian Politics, and a course regarding peoples’ attitude toward nuclear weapons during the Cold War.

(Hiro) How were you graded?
(Takako) Mostly based on multiple essays, sometimes plus exams. I had few opportunities to make a presentation honestly. Each class had a discussion session, in which student were supposed to discuss based on readings (roughly 200 pages every day).

(Hiro) では、一日のざっくりとしたスケジュールを教えてください! How was your daily schedule?
(Takako) 大学時代のものですが、こんな感じです。 Below is my daily schedule at Berkeley.
7:30 起床 Wake up
8:30 寮の友達と食事 Have breakfast with friends
9:00~10:30 授業① Class 1
10:30~12:00 課題 Reading assignment
13:00~14:30 授業② Class 2
15:00~17:00 寮のバイト(Program Office、講演会とか文化交流会) Part-time job at the Program Office in my dormitory
17:00~21:00 食事、勉強 Dinner & study
21:00 勉強終了、友人とおしゃべりやスポーツ Chat with friends or play sports
23:00 就寝 Go to bed

(Hiro) ちなみに、寮は大学の近くにあったのですか?
(Takako) そうです、大学から歩いて行ける距離です。

(Hiro) Was your dormitory near the campus?
(Takako) Yes, within a walking distance.

(Hiro) 留学してから驚いたことなどはありますか?
(Takako) アメリカ人はなんでも言葉にすることに驚きました。ホストファミリーにお世話になっていた時に、家族の間でもご飯作ってくれた時に「ありがとう」としっかり言うんですね。言われないと突っ込まれるという。要は全て言語化しないといけないということです。

(Hiro) クラスサイズは比較的大きいと思うのですが、日本の教授と比べてアプローチはしやすかったですか?
(Takako) 確かに人数が多かったのですが、ハウスパーティを教授が開いてくれたりしたので、精神的な距離は近かったと思います。

(Hiro) What surprised you during your stay in the U.S.?
(Takako) Americans always express their opinions by words. For example, whenever their parents made meal for them, children are supposed to say “thank you” to them, and otherwise they might be scolded. Tacit agreement does not work in the states like in Japan.
With respect to study, the amount of assignments was overwhelming. We are expected to finish reading the assignment in advance, and the classes put more emphasis on output rather than input. Also we are evaluated by multiple essays rather than one-time exam, and got more feedbacks from the professors.

(Hiro) Were your professors easier to approach than the ones in Japan?
(Takako) Although in a large-size classroom, the professors here I think were easier to approach. Some personally held home parties for us.

国際交流イベントの後、プログラムオフィスの皆と with the program office staff after an international networking event

3. 留学中の気付き 〜自分の軸を持つ重要性から政治問題への姿勢まで〜

(Hiro) 留学中に苦労したことなど、もしあれば教えてください。
(Takako) 高校生で留学した時に、自分と比べて、身体的にも精神的にも皆すごい大人に見えたのを覚えています。それと、自分の意見やビジョンをしっかり持ち、独立しているように感じました。

(Hiro) What was challenging to you?
(Takako) When I was a high school student, I felt immature both physically and mentally compared to my classmates. I had an impression that they had their own strong opinions and goals and looked much more independent than me.
As an undergrad, I had difficulty catching up with assignments for the first six months. After I realized that I had only to grasp main points rather than reading through all the sentences, things became much easier.

(Hiro) 印象に残っているエピソードはありますか?
(Takako) やはり世界の色んな人と交流できるのが留学の醍醐味だと思います。韓国人のクラスメートと飲みにいったときに、彼が酔っぱらって竹島問題について議論をしてきたことがあったんですね。

(Hiro) Any impressive episode?
(Takako) One of the biggest advantages of studying abroad is that you can interact with classmates from all over the world. One day I hung out with a Korean friend and he started to talk about the Senkaku island after drinking too much.
Next day he apologized to me very seriously, saying that “ I was so sorry to talk about such a topic while drinking”. Then it brought home to me how serious that topic was to him, although to most of the Japanese I think, is not such a relatable issue.

4. 皆さんへのメッセージ 〜「海外で生きていけた」ことの自信と、一歩引いて将来と向き合えた〜

(Hiro) では最後に、留学を考えている方へのメッセージをお願いします!
(Takako) (高校生や大学生といった)早くから留学に行くことのメリットとしては、自分の将来のビジョンについて真剣に考えるきっかけが出来たことです。それと、1人で行ったことによって、「アメリカで自分は生きていけた」という自信がついて、独立心のようなものがついてきました。

(Hiro) 具体的に当時の同級生と比べてご自身はどんな風に映りましたか?
(Takako) ずっと日本にいたら、「どの大学に行くか」ということしか考えないのがいわば自然になってきてしまうと思うんですよ。それが、アメリカに留学したことによって、「そもそもどの国で活動するか」、「どういう人と関わっていきたいのか」という所から考えるようになりました。選択肢の広さが違う、だからこそよく考えるということだと思います。

(Hiro) 現在は社会人3年目ということですが、今後はどのようなキャリアを描いておられるのでしょうか?
(Takako) 今はシンクタンクで働いているのですが、政府機関と共に仕事することもあって国際会議に出たりする機会にも恵まれています。当面は軸は日本に置きたいと思っているのですが、そのうち海外でも日本ででもMasterを取っておきたいなと思っていますね。

(Hiro) Lastly, please share your message to future students studying abroad!
(Takako) I was able to get an opportunity to seriously think about my future because I studied abroad at a relatively early age. Moreover, I felt more confident and independent after surviving in the U.S. for one year without using Japanese.
While my Japanese classmates were busy studying toward the university entrance exam, I stepped back a little bit and tried to see a broader picture of my future, which I think was a great advantage.

(Hiro) How do you compare yourself at that time with your Japanese classmates?
(Takako) If you only spend time in a Japanese high school, it is natural that you begin concentrating on only which university to go. However, I was able to start with such questions as “which country I will work in” or “what kind of people I would like to have a relationship with”.
The more choices you have, the more deeply you tend to think.

(Hiro) You have worked for three years, how do you envision your future career?
(Takako) I’m now working for a think-tank, and I have many opportunities to attend international conferences with governmental clients. I will probably continue to work in Japan, but I also plan to earn a master’s degree in Japan or abroad at some point.

はるばる結婚式にも来てくれた、大学留学時代の友達 My college classmates who kindly came to Japan to attend my wedding ceremony!

Thank you Takako for answering my questions via Skype after work! I was also impressed by her activeness and smartness although I have known her when she was a junior high school student. All the best to your current and future life!

Next time I will interview a friend of mine whose experience is completely different from the ones that I already introduced. Please be looking forward to it!

